There are many species of birds that have been domesticated throughout history, some of them are more advisable than others depending on the availability and experience of each adopter.
For this reason, from our site we want to dedicate this article to see the most common species of domestic birds, knowing their main characteristics and peculiarities. In addition, we will tell which species can be kept and which, although popularly considered domestic, are protected, their possession being illegal.
General care of domestic birds
Whatever bird you're talking about, they all need to receive minimal care One of the most basic isfeeding , which varies depending on the species, since it is different for each bird. Some feed on seeds, others also on fruits or insects… Therefore, it is necessary to be very well informed to ensure that the diet provided is he althy and appropriate for each type of domestic bird.
It is also vital to consider the space in which the bird will live. In the case of domestic parrots, they are often placed in a standing structure, without being in a cage. When choosing the cage, it is important to take into account a series of recommendations in order to choose the most appropriate one so that the bird can move with some freedom. You will find more information in How should a parrot's cage be? In general, parrots need to move and be able to explore their environment, always being careful that there are no dangers near them that could result in accidents. Also, you have to be very careful if you have children or any other pet. In the same way, it is totally inadvisable to keep them in a cage from which they cannot leave all day.
Although cages are often the place where smaller birds, such as canaries or parakeets, live, it is advisable to take them out for at least a couple of hours a day to stimulate, pet or play with them. It is also recommended that they have elements in the cage with which to entertain themselves, such as swings or various toys, as boredom is very harmful. In addition, it is essential to bear in mind that the cage must be large enough for the animal to move freely, avoiding very small cages.
Types of domestic birds
There are countless species of birds all over our planet. However, in this article, we focus on the most common types of domestic birds. The different species of domestic birds can be catalogued according to different criteria, such as the phylogenetic family, that is, according to their genes, or according to of the size.
In this case, the differentiating criterion is fundamentally to group domestic birds according to whether they are species of birds that sing, or songbirds, such as the canary, and species that speak, as is the case of parrots.
Domestic birds that sing
Many bird species are especially famous and known for their song, either for its peculiar or beautiful vocalization. In the case of domestic birds, there are 5 species that are recognized as the best singers. These species are:
Presenting a reddish collar or tie, to which it owes its name, the robin presents a refined, sweet and elegant song. Therefore, it is very pleasant to listen to it. It is a bird that trusts humans and is given to interacting with them.

Without a doubt, it is one of the most common domestic bird species, with an unmistakable and intense yellow color, canaries are present in many homes around the world. Its song is spectacular, happy and changing depending on the animal's sex. In the case of males, the song is intense and more complex than that of females. These birds adapt very well to life at home, which is why they are usually recommended as pets.

The nightingale is an unstoppable singer, no matter if it's day or night, if it's dusk or dawn, it sings at all hours. Its song is sweet and soft, but very powerful The relationship that a nightingale establishes with its family is incredible, as parents teach their children the melodies that their own their parents taught them in their time, keeping incredibly ancient singing heritages.

Mandarin Diamond
The mandarin diamond is a very loving and cheerful little guy, they barely reach 10-12 centimeters in total size, but they have a personality sweeping. The most common is the gray mandarin diamond, but given the high level of breeding of these birds, more and more variants have emerged, such as the white mandarin diamond, a pristine white, the black-breasted or the red-breasted, among many others. Although it is not one of the 5 most popular songbirds, this is, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful and special.
The goldfinch has been one of the most common birds in homes for years, it is one of the easiest birds to distinguish, as it has a very particular color in its plumage. Specifically, this plumage is a deep red on the face, followed by white and brown on the body and yellow white and black on the wings. This makes them very striking, although it is currently a protected species, and is even prohibited in many countries, so keeping it at home is not recommended. In addition, their high sensitivity makes them sick very easily in captivity.
Taking House Birds
Just as there are songbirds, there are some species capable of reproducing human speech with greater or lesser precision, that is, they "speak". The most notable are:
Parrots are one of the most striking domestic birds, including macaws, with an immense and varied color. Also in this category are los yacos, who learn words and phrases at breakneck speed. During their more than 50 years of life, they learn an immense repertoire of sounds that they reproduce almost perfectly, including those of household appliances, cars, songs…

With a low and deep voice, parakeets can reproduce a wide repertoire of sounds, although only in the case of males, since that females do not speak. During their life, which lasts between 5 and 8 years, they can learn multiple words.

These birds stand out for their vocalizations, but in general it is a confused speech, much more difficult to understand than, for example, the of a domestic parrot. The case of the female nymph cockatoo stands out, for not presenting that imitation of sounds or speaking at all.
Illegal birds to keep at home
In addition to the birds mentioned, there are some birds whose possession is illegal, despite the fact that some people think otherwise. They are as follows:
Parrots are one of the most talkative birds, hence it is said that someone is a parrot when that person talks a lot. They are sociable and create strong bonds with their human family. However, in Spain there are certain limitations with some species of parrots, such as the Kramer's parrot, which has become an invasive species in our country. For this reason, their possession is strongly controlled, and it is illegal to acquire them as a pet, except for exceptions regulated by the authorities

So elaborate and beautiful is the song of these birds that they have come to be known as the “ Beethoven of birds ”. They have a fascinating song, varied in tone and intonation, but it is important to know that keeping them as a pet is illegal What you can do is attract them to your garden or terrace with some seeds to be able to enjoy its song.