Domestic birds are constantly subject to diseases that can spread rapidly if they live in colonies. For this reason it is convenient to correctly vaccinate of birds against the most common diseases in domestic birds.
On the other hand, the hygiene of the facilities will be essential to combat diseases and parasites. A strict veterinary control is absolutely necessary to stop any outbreak of the disease.
In this article on our site we will point out the main most common diseases in domestic birds, keep reading and find out!
Infectious Bronchitis
infectious bronchitis is caused by a coronavirus that only affects hens and chickens. Respiratory disorders (gasps, rales), runny nose and watery eyes are the main symptoms. It spreads through the air and completes its cycle in 10-15 days.
This common disease in domestic birds can be prevented by vaccination. Then it's hard to tackle.

Avian cholera
Avian cholera is a highly contagious disease that attacks various species of birds. A bacterium (Pasteurella multocida) is the cause of this disease.
The sudden death of apparently he althy birds is characteristic of this serious disease. Another symptom is that the birds stop eating and drinking. The pathology is transmitted through contact between sick and he althy birds. The outbreak appears between 4 and 9 days after contracting the disease.
Disinfection of facilities and equipment is absolutely necessary. As well as treatment with sulfa and bacterins. Carcasses must be removed immediately to prevent other birds from pecking at them and becoming infected.
Infectious coryza
infectious coryza is caused by a bacterium called Haemophilus gallinarum. The symptoms are sneezing and discharge from the eyes and sinuses, which solidifies and can cause loss of the bird's eyes. The disease is transmitted through airborne dust, or contact between diseased and he althy birds. The use of antibiotics in the water is recommended.
Avian encephalomyelitis
Avian encephalomyelitis is caused by a picornavirus. It mainly attacks young birds (1 to 3 weeks old) and is also one of the most common diseases in domestic birds.
Rapid body tremors, unsteady gait and progressive paralysis are the most obvious symptoms. There is no cure and the sacrifice of infected specimens is recommended. The eggs of vaccinated specimens immunize the offspring, hence the importance of prevention through vaccines. On the other hand, infected feces and eggs are the main vector of contagion.

bursitis is a disease caused by a birnavirus. Breathing noise, ruffled feathers, diarrhea, tremors and decay are the main symptoms. Mortality does not usually exceed 10%.
It is a very contagious common disease in domestic birds that is transmitted by direct contact. There is no known cure, but vaccinated birds are immune and pass on their immunity through their eggs.
Avian Influenza
Avian Influenza is caused by a virus of the Orthomyxovridae family. This serious and contagious disease produces the following symptoms: ruffled feathers, swollen combs and barbels, and edema of the eyes. Mortality is approaching 100%.
Migratory birds are believed to be the main vector of infection. Likewise, there are vaccines that reduce the mortality of the disease and help prevent it. With the disease already contracted, treatment with amadantine hydrochloride in water is beneficial.
Marek's disease
Marek's disease, another of the most common pathologies in domestic birds, is caused by a herpes virus. A progressive paralysis in legs and wings is a clear symptom. Tumors also occur in the liver, ovaries, lungs, eyes, and other organs. Mortality is 50% in unvaccinated birds. The disease is transmitted by dust attached to follicular scales of the infested bird.
Chicks should be vaccinated on the first day of life. Facilities must be disinfected very carefully if they have been in contact with sick birds.

New Castle
New Castle disease is caused by a highly contagious paramyxovirus. A hoarse chirping, coughing, wheezing, rales, and breathing difficulties are followed by bizarre head movement (hiding head between paws or shoulders), and an abnormal backward walk.
The sneezing of birds and their droppings are the vector of contagion. There is no effective treatment against this common disease in birds. A cyclical vaccine is the only remedy to immunize domestic birds.
Chicken pox
Fowlpox is caused by the Borreliota avium virus. This ailment has two ways of manifesting itself: wet and dry. The wet causes ulcers in the mucosa of the throat, tongue and mouth. The dry one produces scabs and pimples on the face, comb and chins.
The transmission vector is mosquitoes and living with infected animals. Only vaccines can immunize birds, as there is no effective treatment.