Environmental enrichment for birds - Animal welfare in domestic birds

Environmental enrichment for birds - Animal welfare in domestic birds
Environmental enrichment for birds - Animal welfare in domestic birds
Bird Environmental Enrichment
Bird Environmental Enrichment

If you have recently adopted a bird or if you have begun to observe stereotypies in its daily life, you probably need to learn about bird enrichment, a form of stimulation to improve its well-being.

In this article on our site we will detail all the points that any bird lover should know for a better lifestyle for their pet, full of interaction and stimuli. Discover how to improve environmental enrichment for birds thus improving their quality of life, you can't miss it!

The importance of the environment in domestic birds

Birds, classified as pasteiforms, are a subgroup of animals that have the ability to fly. Evidently this physical quality is totally inhibited if we confine our bird in a room too small for him.

To start with the enrichment we must weigh and value the cage objectively. If our bird is not able to fully extend its wings and make a minimally long flight, we are not talking about a good environment.

How should the bird cage be?

On our site we mainly recommend the large and horizontal cages which allow a wider flight. Round cages are the least indicated since they produce insecurity and a feeling of exposure in the birds.

Aviaries and large structures are ideal if we really want our bird to feel as in its natural habitat (the objective of enrichment). On the other hand, it must be made of safe materials that cannot intoxicate you.

In addition, the cage must have the following elements without interfering or hindering the movements of the bird in the cage:

  • Feeder
  • Drinker
  • Cuttlefish bone
  • Toys
  • Innkeepers

On the other hand, to highlight about the innkeepers, the importance that these are natural, made from tree branches (currently available in any store). This allows the birds to wear down their nails, an impossible task with plastic perches.

Using toys can be entertaining for large birds, although swings and bells can be enjoyed by just about every type. However, avoid using mirrors in which they may feel confused or threatened.

Finally and to end the environment we will highlight the importance of the location of the cage. We will rule out places with excessive draft as it usually affects them easily and causes colds. A clean, dust-free environment will reduce the chance of respiratory problems.

On the other hand, remember that birds must be able to receive sunlight on a daily basis to synthesize vitamin D and calcium either outdoors or with the window open.

Environmental enrichment for birds - The importance of the environment in domestic birds
Environmental enrichment for birds - The importance of the environment in domestic birds

Physical exercise for the stimulation of domestic birds

As we have highlighted before, being able to fly and exercise the wings is essential for the happiness and well-being of birds.

If we have managed a papilla bird, we will probably enjoy an imprinted animal that we can let fly freely around our home. But if this is not the case, we should try to encourage him to exercise through a large cage and a favorable environment.

Bathing, a wonderful form of environmental enrichment for domestic birds in summer

Birds love being able to bathe and enjoy the water. For them it is a fun and relaxing activity that they carry out regularly in nature, usually in a group. In addition to providing them with a fun time, bathing also prevents them from mites and other external parasites.

In any store you can find small plastic containers dedicated exclusively to bathing our birds. Don't hesitate, especially in summer or on hot days, to position your bathtub for a soak.

Environmental enrichment for birds - Bathing, a great form of environmental enrichment for domestic birds in summer
Environmental enrichment for birds - Bathing, a great form of environmental enrichment for domestic birds in summer

Did you know that food also influences animal welfare?

A bird's diet must always be of quality and appropriate according to the specific nutritional needs of the species. Before going to a store and buying any type of seeds, find out about the actual feeding of the species in the wild. Each type of bird requires certain seeds and in a certain proportion.

Some birds, for example, are insectivorous at some stage of their life (robin, blackbird or lark) so they will need this extra that only insectivorous paste can provide. In the same way, many species benefit from eating certain types of green shoots, fruits and vegetables.

Environmental enrichment for birds - Did you know that food also influences animal welfare?
Environmental enrichment for birds - Did you know that food also influences animal welfare?

Music, an extra in environmental enrichment for birds

Birds are animals that are really sensitive to their sense of hearing, they adore the sounds that the environment provides and the music that their congeners emit. For them it is not just a way to communicate, it also relaxes them and makes them happy.

For this reason it is very important to offer your bird sound stimulation. The most suitable times of the day for this are: first thing in the morning, at noon and in the evening. It is in these three bands that they are most active and receptive.

You can search the Internet for songs of members of your own species, conventional music that you like and even sing yourself. See how he enjoys!

Socialization, essential for an optimal quality of life

Most birds are really social animals that live in large communities. For this reason, if you notice your bird apathetic and without an active response to all the enrichment elements that we have proposed, it may be due to social causes.

Learn about your bird's natural behavior with members of its own species and ask yourself whether or not it should have a companion by its side. Of course, remember that you must choose carefully the company of your bird. A wrong pair can bring you many puzzles.
