My border collie ignores me

My border collie ignores me
My border collie ignores me
My border collie ignores me
My border collie ignores me

The border collie is undoubtedly an exceptional dog that ranks among the most intelligent dogs in the world. Perhaps for this reason, the border collie has been chosen in countless homes for being an excellent companion for life.

Notwithstanding this animal requires specific care, otherwise we face a common problem: that the border collie ignores us.

In this article on our site we will show you some characteristics of the border collie and review details of its character. This guides us to the possible solutions of the different behavioral problems, such as the lack of response to the orders of its owner. Read on and discover the tips we suggest:

What are the characteristics of the Border Collie?

The border collie is a breed with a long tradition as a herding dog herd driver. Their selection has always been for their psychic attitudes rather than for their morphology. In general, he is an obedient dog, always attentive to his owners and with great energy.

The great activity that this dog can develop can be inconvenient for its owners, since it must be taken into account that not giving this dog enough time to be able to "burn" the energy it has can give lead to behavioral problems, such as stereotyping, destructive behavior and lack of obedience when going out for a walk.

Offering a total of 90 minutes of walks combined with active exercise is essential for this highly intelligent and beautiful breed. The great advantage that these dogs have is the great submission they show to their masters and therefore the good response they usually show to training. So it is the ideal dog for those people who like to enjoy life outdoors.

My border collie ignores me - What are the characteristics of the Border Collie?
My border collie ignores me - What are the characteristics of the Border Collie?

How can I train a border collie?

Before answering this question, it would be necessary to ask if the border collie is a suitable dog for the way of life that we have. Educating a border collie is not something very different from another dog, as long as the characteristics of this breed are accepted:

Provide a correct period of socialization. For this, it is recommended to adopt the dog at 6 or 8 weeks of age. From the moment he lives with his owners, until the 12th week he will try to get in touch with everything that will surround him throughout his life: people, animals, objects, noises… Establisha hierarchy in the family is also essential, making it clear what your place is. To do this, he will get used to offering and taking away his toys, to be able to touch his food. This type of behavior will prevent our dog from developing resource protection.

Get him used to being home alone from puppyhood. It will be done progressively, first for a short time. The animal has to adapt to the schedules of its owners but for this it will also be essential to set a schedule for it. Routine is very beneficial for the animal.

Start very early to immediately reward the behavior to be repeated (for example rewarding him when he relieves himself in the street) and ignore the behavior to be extinguished, such as peeing at home. Avoiding using punishment as a form of education is essential.

The basic obedience commands can begin to be practiced from 6 months of age, in short sessions, such as 5 or 10 minutesYou always have to say the same word and the same gesture and have him do the behavior, rewarding him immediately. For example, to give the paw the following will be done: paw, extend your hand towards the dog. Then we will catch his leg and give him the prize. This sequence can be repeated for all kinds of commands, such as sit, lie down, etc.

Provide you with the exercise you need (at least an hour and a half daily). A puppy has to go out on average six times a day. An adult 3 times. The border collie is a particularly active breed, so a session of at least one hour of intense exercise is always recommended. The rest of the departures can be from 15 to 20 minutes.

My border collie ignores me - How can I train a border collie?
My border collie ignores me - How can I train a border collie?

What can I do if she doesn't listen to me?

In this situation, it will be necessary to analyze what the causes may be The most frequent are usually lack of exercise, which makes that the animal needs to burn energy and runs without control or a hierarchy that is not clear to the dog (rare, because it is a very submissive animal). Another error that is often eaten is running after the animal to catch it, which is usually interpreted by the dog as a game or as a dominance of it over the owner.

Patience will be the virtue to cultivate in this situation along with positive reinforcement, rewarding the dog when it complies with the owner's instructions. When he is going to be rewarded for the action of approaching, a word is said or a gesture is made that will always be used.

The next step is to say the word or gesture, wait for him to come and reward him. This will be applied by the whole family, because if the different members of the family do not act in the same way, they will proceed to confuse the dog.

If none of this works with your border collie, don't forget that you have at your disposal figures that can help you, such as canine educators. The professional will advise you and offer guidelines so that your communication is more pleasant and positive, helping you to achieve your goals: that they pay attention to you.
