My guinea pig does not move and trembles - Most common causes

My guinea pig does not move and trembles - Most common causes
My guinea pig does not move and trembles - Most common causes
My guinea pig is not moving and trembling
My guinea pig is not moving and trembling

Guinea pigs, Cavia porcellus, are animals well known to animal lovers, although they have not yet reached the popularity enjoyed by dogs or even cats. For this reason, caregivers facing the maintenance of a guinea pig, especially if they are doing it for the first time, are going to ask themselves many questions.

In this article on our site we are going to offer information about the he alth of our guinea pigs, specifically, we will answer the question about why a guinea pig does not move and trembles. If you live with guinea pigs, you are interested in reading on!

Is my guinea pig sick?

Guinea pigs are relatively easy animals to care for, but they require attention since any disorder, if not properly treated, can even end their lives in a very short time time Therefore, in addition to providing adequate care regarding food, environment, exercise, hygiene or affection, we must observe and know their habits to detect if there is any change that could indicate that it is diminishing your he alth.

Symptoms of a sick guinea pig

Next we will show you the most frequent symptoms of a sick guinea pig:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Immobility
  • Eye discharge
  • Runny nose
  • Skin or hair problems
  • Diarrhea
  • Drag the hind legs
  • Trembles
  • Presence of blood in the anus
  • Etc.

In the event of any of the aforementioned symptoms, we must go to the vet urgently, preferably to a clinic with professional experts in guinea pigs, it is say, an exotic animal clinic. If we see that our guinea pig does not move and trembles, we could be facing a anemia In the next section we will explain what it consists of.

My guinea pig is not moving and trembles - Is my guinea pig sick?
My guinea pig is not moving and trembles - Is my guinea pig sick?

Anemia in Guinea Pigs

Anemia is the decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood. It can manifest itself in the following signs:

  • Lack of shine in the hair, which will appear dull, as if lifeless.
  • Lethargy or immobility, it will be evident that our guinea pig has decreased its activity. We will see her for a long time still, without paying attention to the stimuli that we offer her.
  • There may also be a loss of appetite. Our guinea pig will not even want to eat its favorite foods, although we must know that there are guinea pigs with anemia that continue to eat normally.
  • Paleness of mucous membranes, which will show a whitish or pinkish tone. We can look carefully at the inside of the eye to check the color. You can also see this paleness in the gums.
  • In acute cases tremors will occur.

Therefore, if our guinea pig does not move and trembles, we can suspect that we are facing anemia. Of course, it requires veterinary attention.

Causes of anemia

Our guinea pig may suffer from anemia due to a poor diet but this may also be due to aproblem intestinal absorption , so that there are difficulties in taking advantage of the vitamins and minerals that the guinea pig ingests with the diet. In addition, it is necessary to know that there are anemias as a consequence of other alterations.

For example, if our guinea pig suffers from scurvy, a disease consisting of a lack of vitamin C, it is easy to have hemorrhages and it will be this loss of blood that is causing the anemia. It will be our veterinarian who, starting from a guinea pig that does not move and trembles, establishes the diagnosis and prescribes the appropriate treatment.

How to avoid anemia in guinea pigs?

Obviously, if our guinea pig does not move and trembles due to anemia due to a failure in intestinal absorption, it will not depend on our care but, on the contrary, the anemia has its origin in a poor diet, we must correct this to recover and maintain their he alth.

The recommended diet for a he althy adult guinea pig consists of the following items:

  • Hay, which should make up the majority of your diet, approximately 75%.
  • I think specially formulated for guinea pigs, which reaches 20% of their daily food.
  • Vegetables rich in vitamin C, such as spinach, cabbage, beetroot, chicory or parsley. It should make up 5% of your diet.
  • Fruits and cereals should only be given as a reward, that is, occasionally.
  • In some cases in which the diet does not cover the needs of vitamin C (remember that its lack can cause scurvy) it may be convenient supplemental, according to the guidelines indicated by our veterinarian.

Guinea pigs under 6 months of age, as well as those that are pregnant, may need to adjust this standard diet to suit their increased needs for certain nutrients, such as their own vitamin C or calcium. By consulting with our veterinarian we will always be able to keep our guinea pig well fed.

My guinea pig does not move and trembles - How to avoid anemia in guinea pigs?
My guinea pig does not move and trembles - How to avoid anemia in guinea pigs?

Causes of non-pathological tremors in guinea pigs

Sometimes we can see that our guinea pig does not move and trembles when we hold it These animals are very expressive in terms of body communication and verbal, adopting different postures, movements and emitting different screeches. If when picking up our guinea pig it trembles, it may mean that she is afraid or angry and it is her way of telling us to let her go, which is sometimes accompanied by a purr-like sound.

This same purr, in other circumstances, may be indicative of well-being. The guinea pig also displays all this communication in its relationship with other guinea pigs. In these cases, as we can see, we are not facing any pathology. As we live with our guinea pig, we will more easily recognize all its signs. It is recommended that we handle it very calm and quiet at first, as they are animals that can be easily frightened. With patience we will surely achieve a harmonious coexistence.
