Symptoms of a female dog's first heat

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Symptoms of a female dog's first heat
Symptoms of a female dog's first heat
Symptoms of a female dog's first heat
Symptoms of a female dog's first heat

When a bitch experiences her first heat, her body is considered to have already reached sexual maturity, which does not necessarily imply that the pet is ready to procreate, as breeding during the first heat is often a rash decision.

There are various characteristics that accompany a bitch's heat but one of the most important is sexual receptivity, that is, when the bitch is in heat she will accept being mounted by a male and it is essential to control this factor to avoid an unwanted pregnancy

But how to know that our pet is at that moment in which she is sexually receptive and also for the first time? In this AnimalWised article we help you by showing you the symptoms of a female dog's first heat.

When should I expect my dog's first heat?

Throughout living with a female dog, the owner will be able to understand without much effort all the processes and cycles inherent to heat in female dogs, however, if the female dog has not been in heat before, Knowing approximately when heat will occur can help the human family more easily notice this moment.

Not all bitches have their first heat at the same time and this will mainly depend on the size of the bitch:

  • Small bitches have their first heat between 6 and 12 months.
  • If the breed is medium or large, the first heat tends to appear between 7 and 13 months.
  • For giant breed bitches, the first heat can be delayed up to 24 months, although it may appear after 16.
Symptoms of a female dog's first heat - When should I expect my female dog's first heat?
Symptoms of a female dog's first heat - When should I expect my female dog's first heat?

Why does a female dog experience various symptoms at her first heat?

The heat of the bitch is included in the estrous cycle, a cycle mainly dominated by two hormones: estrogen and progesterone.

The variation in the concentrations of these hormones is responsible for the dog experiencing various changes, not only physically but also At the behavioral level, although it is very important that you know that these manifestations are part of a physiological and natural process, and are not harmful to your pet.

Generally the heat occurs twice a year, although it would also be considered normal for a bitch to have only one annual heat. The duration of heat ranges between 2 and 4 weeks and the different changes that occur can be observed during this period.

Symptoms of a female dog's first heat

During the first heat of a female dog, the following symptoms will be observed mainly:

  • Ovulation occurs and the bitch's objective is to reproduce, so she will be receptive to any male who wants to mount her
  • Shows greater interest in male dogs during walks
  • The behavior changes and the dog is more affectionate and playful, she can claim more attention from her human family in various ways
  • The bitch's vulva becomes inflamed and takes on a darker color, this symptom is generally accompanied by Insistent licking in this area
  • The bitch may lose some of her appetite and eat much less during her heat
  • It is normal for small vaginal bleeding
Symptoms of a dog's first heat - Symptoms of a dog's first heat
Symptoms of a dog's first heat - Symptoms of a dog's first heat

When the dog's heat can be pathological

How to know that the dog's first heat is developing in a completely he althy way? Just as the symptoms shown above are normal, the ones listed below may indicate that something is wrong:

  • White vulvar discharge
  • Yellowish vulvar discharge
  • Greenish vulvar discharge
  • Fever
  • Vomiting
  • Breast swelling
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Obsessive behavior
  • Continuous crying
  • Noticeable increase in water intake

If you observe these symptoms during your dog's first heat it is important that you go to the vet as soon as possible, in this way the presence of any anomaly can be ruled out or confirmed and treated in time if necessary.
