Canine breeds not recognized by the FCI

Canine breeds not recognized by the FCI
Canine breeds not recognized by the FCI
Canine breeds not recognized by the FCI
Canine breeds not recognized by the FCI

The FCI is the world canine organization that homologates the pedigrees of dogs. But there are several dog breeds not recognized by the FCI, even though they meet all the requirements to be considered "pure" breeds from the phylogenetic point of view.

In this article on our site we explain what these breeds are and why they are not recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale.

Do not forget that the breed of the dog is not important unless you want to participate in canine morphology contests. Keep reading:

In many cases, breeds are not recognized by the FCI because they do not have a detailed written standard In other cases because they do not meet the requirements established by the FCI. And in other cases, simply because no person or canine organization has bothered to carry out the procedure for these breeds to be recognized by the FCI.

It is also possible that political aspects unrelated to canine organizations have prevented the international dissemination of a breed, limiting it to a very localized environment and making it difficult to include it in the FCI registries. Or that the controversial image of a breed has hindered its acceptance by canine organizations around the world, as is the case with the pitbull dog

In any case, it is important to bear in mind that there are dog breeds that are not recognized by the FCI but are recognized by other canine organizations such as the American Kennel Club(AKC), Canadian Kennel Club (CKC), United Kennel Club (UKC), Continental Kennel Club (CoKC) and other kennel organizations.

In addition to the kennel societies of the United States that have remained independent of the FCI, many kennel societies associated with the FCI recognize breeds that are not homologated by the FCI.

For example, the Royal Canine Society of Spain (RSCE) recognizes some Spanish breeds that are not recognized by the FCI. Although these breeds cannot compete in international FCI events, they do participate in local shows recognized by the RSCE.

There is a possibility that, as these breeds become more popular, procedures for their recognition by the FCI will be carried out. Some of the dog breeds not recognized by the FCI are:


This dog of Turkish origin is not recognized by any international club such as the FCI or the KCB but by local societies and by Cynological Federation of Turkey. It is a large and elegant dog, which distantly reminds us of a golden retriever or a Pyrenean mountain dog. This dog is really big and powerful. His character is shy and very faithful, reserved with strangers. He is also very protective.

Dog breeds not recognized by the FCI - Akbash
Dog breeds not recognized by the FCI - Akbash

Spanish Alano

The alano is a native Spanish dog and is of the Molossian type: short snout, short fur and thick skin. It is a large dog and although it is not recognized by the FCI it is recognized by the RSCE (Royal Spanish Canine Society). He is curious, noble and faithful.

Canine breeds not recognized by the FCI - Spanish Alano
Canine breeds not recognized by the FCI - Spanish Alano

Alapaha blue blood bulldog

This breed has the characteristics of bull dogs and is usually bicolor including blue, brown, red or white among others. It is very easy to educate and has an active, protective and obedient character. He is originally from Georgia, USA, and is recognized by some small associations

Canine breeds not recognized by the FCI - Alapaha blue blood bulldog
Canine breeds not recognized by the FCI - Alapaha blue blood bulldog


The word boerboel literally means " the farmer's dog" since it was formerly used to protect livestock. It is a large and powerful dog, molossoid type. He stands out for being a very loyal, affectionate and calm dog in his daily life.

Dog breeds not recognized by the FCI - Boerboel
Dog breeds not recognized by the FCI - Boerboel

American Bulldog

Of the three types of bulldog that exist, the American is the only one not recognized by canine societies. There are two subtypes the "scott" and the "johnson". It is a dog of great size, activity and energy, perfect for families accustomed to exercise and excursions. The American bulldog is not well known among the different breeds of dogs that exist, but it is undoubtedly a beautiful dog with a friendly character.

Dog breeds not recognized by the FCI - American Bulldog
Dog breeds not recognized by the FCI - American Bulldog


The kangal is a dog of Turkish origin and although it is not recognized by the FCI, it is by the KCB (Kennel Club British), an organization with weight worldwide. It is a large, muscular dog with a curious curled tail. He usually has a serious, tolerant and affable character, qualities that have made him very special in his home province: Sivas.

Dog breeds not recognized by the FCI - Kangal
Dog breeds not recognized by the FCI - Kangal

Alaskan Klee Kai

The Klee Kai has a unique appearance, very similar to the Alaskan Malamute as it is its direct relative. However it is a very small dog in comparison. It is a very intelligent, active and curious dog, perfect for people with an active lifestyle who love spending time with their pets.

Dog breeds not recognized by the FCI - Alaskan Klee Kai
Dog breeds not recognized by the FCI - Alaskan Klee Kai

Shikoku inu

The shikoku is one of the most beautiful Japanese dogs that exist. It is medium in size and is usually agile, active and loyal. We highlight its oriental-style physiognomy, which clearly reminds us of the popular shiba inu, although it is somewhat older.

Dog breeds not recognized by the FCI - Shikoku inu
Dog breeds not recognized by the FCI - Shikoku inu

American Pit Bull Terrier

The American Pit Bull Terrier is undoubtedly one of the most popular dogs of this century. His fame does not correspond at all to the reality of this beautiful and intelligent dog. Formerly it was used as a nanny dog for its patience with children and its protective nature

Many people believe that it is an aggressive dog, but the truth is that it is a dog like any other. The main difference is that some people train it with bad intentions.
