16 EXOTIC CAT BREEDS - Breeds you didn't know

16 EXOTIC CAT BREEDS - Breeds you didn't know
16 EXOTIC CAT BREEDS - Breeds you didn't know
Exotic Cat Breeds
Exotic Cat Breeds

There is a wide variety of cat breeds with unique physical and behavioral characteristics. All of them are recognized by different federations, such as the FIFe, the TICA, the WCF or the CFA. However, what are the breeds of exotic domestic cats? What makes them different from the others? In this article on our site we will share with you 16 exotic cat breeds with their names and photographs. Do you want to know them? They will surely surprise you, keep reading!

Modern Siamese or Thai

We begin the list of exotic cat breeds with the Siamese cat although, as you will see, in its "modern" or "thai" versionUnlike the traditional Siamese cat, which shows a much more compact and rounded body, the modern Siamese cat has been artificially selected to show a much more slender appearance and a triangular faceIt has now become one of the most popular exotic breeds.

Exotic Cat Breeds - Modern or Thai Siamese
Exotic Cat Breeds - Modern or Thai Siamese


The sphynx cat, also known as " egyptian cat" was developed in the late 1970s and has reached great popularity due to its apparent lack of hair. However, the truth is that this domestic feline, which has recessive coat genes does have a thin and very short coat, although it is practically imperceptible. Due to this peculiarity, the shpynx cat requires special care in terms of hygiene, protection and feeding. But it is also susceptible to different he alth problems.

Exotic cat breeds - Shpynx
Exotic cat breeds - Shpynx


The savannah cat is probably the exotic cat par excellence, the result of crossing a wild feline called serval (Leptailurus serval) and various breeds of domestic cats, something that has generated much controversy. However, this breed is also famous for its exorbitant price and because its entry into certain countries, such as Australia, is prohibited due to the risk of impact on native fauna. It is also considered one of the rarest cat breeds in the world.

Exotic Cat Breeds - Savannah
Exotic Cat Breeds - Savannah

Scottish fold

The fourth of the exotic cat breeds that we are going to introduce you to is the schottish fold, famous for being the " lop-eared cat "of tender appearance and sweet character. It is originally from Scotland and is the result of crossing a Swedish female cat with a British shorthair, which may explain the similarity of features it shares and that stand out at first glance, such as its small and folded earstogether with its round and robust appearance.

However, this highly desirable trait for breeders has very negative effects on the breed, such as the inability to fully display the cats' body language, as their ears are static. But in addition, the British Veterinary Association requested not to reproduce more cats of this breed due to their serious he alth problems, since this genetic mutation that affects cartilage and that allows the ears to fold in turn favors the development of arthritis in cats, a very painful chronic inflammatory disease[1]

Exotic cat breeds - Scottish fold
Exotic cat breeds - Scottish fold


The sokoke cat stands out as one of the exotic cat breeds due to its coat, similar to the tree bark Originally from Kenya, This feline continues to live closely with some native tribes, such as the Giriama, although it became popular thanks to J. Slater and Gloria Modrup, two breeders of English origin. These felines display highly developed muscles and tufts on their ears, giving them a unique and wild appearance.

Exotic cat breeds - Sokoke
Exotic cat breeds - Sokoke


Also known as " sacred cat of Burma" and appreciated by Buddhist monks, the Burmese cat is born from the crossing of Siamese cats and Persian cats, thus receiving the best attributes of both: a long and silky coat accompanied by the characteristic pattern. These felines stand out for their docile and calm personality, as well as for the bond they create with their guardians. In fact, they are considered one of the most affectionate cat breeds.

Exotic cat breeds - Burmese
Exotic cat breeds - Burmese

Oriental Shorthair

Continuing with the list of exotic cat breeds, it is the turn of the oriental shorthair cat, which shares origins with the Siamese cat. It is endemic to Thailand, and is also the national cat breed Another important aspect of the Oriental cat short-haired is its antiquity, since there are records from the Middle Ages that mention it. For all these reasons, this feline breed is truly appreciated and stands out among all the oriental cat breeds.

Exotic cat breeds - Oriental Shorthair
Exotic cat breeds - Oriental Shorthair


The chausie cat is the product of crossing a wild feline known as " jungle cat" (Felis chaus) with domestic cats. Of Egyptian origin, these felines reach a considerable size, reaching between 6, 5 and 9 kilograms, so they are among the giant cat breeds. They show a stylized figure and brindle coat, as well as an active, intelligent and independent character.

Exotic cat breeds - Chausie
Exotic cat breeds - Chausie

Bengal Cat

Another of the exotic cat breeds that could not be missing from our list is the Bengal cat, also known as the Bengal cat. Many people wonder if the Bengal cat is a wild cat, however, despite the fact that once again we find a mix of a wild cat, this breed is considered totally domestic. It stands out for its soft and brindle coat, as well as for its size, especially large.

Exotic cat breeds - Bengal Cat
Exotic cat breeds - Bengal Cat


The tortoiseshell cat is not a defined breed, on the contrary, it is distinguished by its thousand and one brown colors that have been attributed to it their ancestors. However, it was essential to include this cat in the article on exotic cat breeds to remember that, especially felines without a breed, they tend to show a unique appearance Therefore you We encourage you to go to any animal shelter and find out.

Do you want to know more about the tortoiseshell cat? We leave you with his story…

Legend has it that several centuries ago the Sun begged the Moon to cover him for a while. He asked for an alibi to be absent from heaven for a while and be free.

The Moon, lazy, agreed. One day in June, when the sun shone brightest, she approached him and covered him little by little, thus granting her wish. The Sun, which had been observing the earth for millions of years, did not hesitate and in order to feel totally free and go unnoticed, it became the most discreet, fastest and most beautiful being on earth: a black cat.

After a while the Moon felt tired and without warning the Sun slowly moved away. When he realized this, he tried to return quickly to the sky and fled so quickly that he left a part of himself on the ground: hundreds of sunbeams that were trapped in the black cat, turning it into a blanket of red, yellow and orange tones.

They say that, in addition to the solar origin, magical properties are attributed to those who give them shelter, as well as good luck and positive energy.

Exotic Cat Breeds - Tortoiseshell
Exotic Cat Breeds - Tortoiseshell

Egyptian Mau

Within exotic cat breeds we cannot forget the Egyptian Mau, a cat breed that originated in Egypt. They are some very affectionate cats, but if we don't pay them enough attention they can get angry Maybe does not stand out among all the types of exotic cats that exist, but its origin and history is most interesting.

There are representations in murals from Ancient Egypt of the Egyptian mau cat and the entire American breed descends from only three cats that were imported to America. ´What most characterizes this exotic cat are the dark spots on its fur in contrast to the light color of the background.

If you want to know more about the Egyptian Mau, don't hesitate to consult the following complete file that we suggest about this exotic cat breed.

Exotic Cat Breeds - Egyptian Mau
Exotic Cat Breeds - Egyptian Mau

Exotic Shorthair Cat

As its name suggests, the exotic cat is one of the most exotic cat breeds. It resembles the Persian cat because its complexion is practically the same, but the exotic cat stands out because it has short fur and has a peculiar face.

It should be noted that caring for its coat is very simple and, in fact, generates fewer allergies than other coats because it does not fall out so often. If only we made a top 5 rarest and most exotic cat breeds, the exotic shorthair cat would be in it.

Exotic cat breeds - Exotic shorthair cat
Exotic cat breeds - Exotic shorthair cat


The next exotic cat we are going to introduce is the lykoi. We could say that we are facing one of the most recent exotic cat breeds, since it was not until 2010 when this cat began to be seen. What stands out the most of the lykoi cat is its fur, since although it is short-haired, in some areas it can grow long.

It is also known as "the wolf cat" and was born in the United States of America due to a natural mutation of the domestic shorthair cat. In addition, it should be noted that there are only of specimens of this exotic cat in the world.

Exotic cat breeds - Lykoi
Exotic cat breeds - Lykoi

Devon rex

The devon rex was born in the 60s in the United States. In fact, it is a cross of a wild cat that lived near Devon town, hence its name. This exotic cat is one of those considered hypoallergenic cats, since it has curly fur.

It was not until 1972 that a standard was established for this exotic cat breed. Also, what stands out about these cats are their huge almond-shaped eyes in contrast to their long and thin limbsIt should also be noted that they are very affectionate exotic cats.

Exotic cat breeds - Devon rex
Exotic cat breeds - Devon rex

Japanese Bobtail

The next exotic cat is the Japanese bobtail, which is noted for its short tail. This breed of cat was originally used traditionally in Japan as a rodent controller, but due to its beauty it became a domestic cat.

In fact, Japanese roy alty allowed privileges to these exotic cats and, legend has it, that one of Japan's great emperors he forbade their breeding so that they could only belong to the royal family.

Exotic Cat Breeds - Japanese Bobtail
Exotic Cat Breeds - Japanese Bobtail


Within the most exotic cat breeds we could not forget LaPerm. These are some cats that when they are born they do so without hair, but after a few months it develops. In addition to their physique, they stand out for their intelligence and docile character

They are exotic cats that love to know what is going on around them and to snoop around. Finally, it should be noted that the list in this article is based on domestic exotic cats, so the LaPerm cat likes to be around people.
