The 12 most endangered animals in Guatemala

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The 12 most endangered animals in Guatemala
The 12 most endangered animals in Guatemala
The 12 most endangered animals in Guatemala
The 12 most endangered animals in Guatemala

Guatemala is a small country of only 42,042 kilometers that has a great diversity of fauna and flora Wooded and jungle areas abound, which has allowed the development of wildlife. However, like most of the countries in the region, Guatemala has a large number of animal species that are in danger of disappearing, either due to climate change or human activity.

Do you want to know the 12 animals in danger of extinction in Guatemala? Then you can't miss this article. Ahead!

1. Margay or tiger cat

The tigrillo (Leopardus wiedii) is a night cat that lives in the depths of the jungles. It climbs trees with ease thanks to its strong limbs, which also allow it to hunt its prey. Its fur is short, fine and has a large number of leopard-like rosettes, which serve as camouflage when stalking, as they blend in with the bushes.

The ocelot is in danger of extinction due to poaching for the consumption of its meat and the use of its skins for creating various items.

The 12 most endangered animals in Guatemala - 1. Tigrillo or tiger cat
The 12 most endangered animals in Guatemala - 1. Tigrillo or tiger cat

two. Guatemalan Black Howler Monkey

The Guatemalan black howler monkey (Alouatta pigra) is found not only in Guatemala, but also in Mexico and Belize. It prefers to live in the jungles, where it feeds on flowers, fruits and leaves of all kinds. It is characterized by weighing up to 12 kilos, presenting black fur and a prehensile tail.

The species is in danger of extinction in Guatemala and the rest of the countries it inhabits due to the destruction of its habitat and poaching.

The 12 most endangered animals in Guatemala - 2. Guatemalan Black Howler Monkey
The 12 most endangered animals in Guatemala - 2. Guatemalan Black Howler Monkey

3. Crocodile moreletti

The moreletti crocodile (Crocodylus moreletii) is a reptile that measures up to 4 meters longin adulthood, although at birth it does not exceed 30 centimeters in length. Its skin is greenish with lines all over its body, and it also has a flattened, triangular head with a strong jaw full of teeth.

This species is in danger of extinction in Guatemala and Mexico, the countries where it lives, due to poaching for the consumption of its meat and the manufacture of various products with its skin. Currently, there are various organizations that are responsible for protecting and preserving the moreletti crocodile.

The 12 most endangered animals in Guatemala - 3. Crocodile moreletti
The 12 most endangered animals in Guatemala - 3. Crocodile moreletti

4. Guatemalan Spiny Frog

The spiny frog (Plectrohyla guatemalensis) is an amphibian that is distributed in some areas of Guatemala, Mexico and Honduras. It measures only 52 millimeters and is dull green to reddish brown in color, with black spots all over its body.

The species is disappearing due to the destruction of its habitat and the effect of different diseases caused by fungi that affect amphibians.

The 12 most endangered animals in Guatemala - 4. Guatemalan Spiny Frog
The 12 most endangered animals in Guatemala - 4. Guatemalan Spiny Frog

5. Guatemalan Salamander

The Guatemalan salamander (Dendrotriton rabbi) is a species that can currently only be found in a small area of the country, which is why it is considered critically endangered. extinction It lives in humid forests and has a dark and bright coloration throughout its body.

Its main threat is the destruction of its habitat.

The 12 most endangered animals in Guatemala - 5. Guatemalan salamander
The 12 most endangered animals in Guatemala - 5. Guatemalan salamander

6. Anteater

The anteater, or Myrmecophaga tridactyla, is a mammal with a long, narrow snout, similar to a tube, with a coloration of fur that can vary between grayish and brown tones with white or black lines or spots. Its hair is long in areas such as its legs and tail.

The species feeds on termites and ants that it traps directly in their nests thanks to the enormous claws it has on its front legs, together with a tongue that measures 60 centimeters. It lives in savannahs, jungles and forests where there are large numbers of ant or termite mounds. Consult the following article to learn more about its diet: "Aardvark feeding".

It is another of the most endangered animals in Guatemala due to the alteration of its natural habitat and thedifficulty reproducing In addition, it is a victim of hunting for the consumption of its meat and to sell it to zoos around the world.

The 12 most endangered animals in Guatemala - 6. Anteater
The 12 most endangered animals in Guatemala - 6. Anteater

7. Ocellated Turkey

The ocellated turkey (Meleagris ocellata) is a bird very similar to the peacock, however, it differs from it by a protuberance that protrudes from its head. Its plumage is a combination of beautiful shades, including brown, blue and white, as well as green and black tones. His head is light blue with red spots near his eyes, while orange stands out on his bump.

It lives in tropical forests and is a flying bird, but it rarely takes off from the ground, it only does so when it's time to rest, when it chooses the top of the trees to get away from predators.

It is threatened by indiscriminate hunting and the destruction of its habitat.

The 12 most endangered animals in Guatemala - 7. Ocellated Turkey
The 12 most endangered animals in Guatemala - 7. Ocellated Turkey

8. Quetzal

The quetzal, or Pharomachrus mocinno, is the national bird of Guatemala and, unfortunately, is in danger of extinction due to the destruction of their habitat, product of indiscriminate logging to urbanize and create spaces for crops.

This bird has bright green plumage mixed with various colors such as blue, purple, red, and yellow, giving it a unique style and beautiful appearance. In ancient times, the quetzal was a symbol of light and goodness, it was even considered the god of the air.

The 12 most endangered animals in Guatemala - 8. Quetzal
The 12 most endangered animals in Guatemala - 8. Quetzal

9. Spider monkey

The spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi) is a primate that is characterized by its great agility in moving through tree branches. It has a coat that can vary from light brown to deep black. It has no thumbs, so only has 4 fingers

Like most primates, the spider monkey feeds on some plants and fruits, the latter being the essential element of its diet. They are very social animals and usually live in groups of up to 20 members.

It is another of the animals in danger of extinction in Guatemala due to illegal trafficking and hunting poaching for the consumption of their meat.

The 12 most endangered animals in Guatemala - 9. Spider monkey
The 12 most endangered animals in Guatemala - 9. Spider monkey

10. Tapir

The tapir, or Tapirus bairdi, is a mammal that lives in tropical forests It has an appearance similar to that of a pig, with a long snout and a nose similar to a trunk. In addition, its limbs are short, like its tail, and it has 3 hooves on its hind legs and 4 on its front ones. It feeds on leaves, branches, flowers and fruits.

The species mates after 3 years of age and its gestation period lasts approximately 13 months. As if that were not enough, they live between 25 and 30 years.

It is in danger of extinction in Guatemala due to illegal trade and huntingfor the consumption of your meat. In addition, it is also affected by the destruction of its natural habitat as a result of pollution and the expansion of housing estates.

The 12 most endangered animals in Guatemala - 10. Tapir
The 12 most endangered animals in Guatemala - 10. Tapir

eleven. Salamander of the Cuchumatanes

The Cuchumatanes salamander (Bradytriton silus) is a small amphibian with a flat head and an elongated body covered by slimy skin. Unlike other amphibians, it does not have scales.

It feeds on small insects and crustaceans when it is young, but when it grows it eats larger insects that it catches thanks to the small teeth found in its jaw. Salamanders cannot stand high temperatures, so if the environment is very hot they seek refuge.

It is critically endangered due to destruction of its habitat and deforestation.

The 12 most endangered animals in Guatemala - 11. Cuchumatanes salamander
The 12 most endangered animals in Guatemala - 11. Cuchumatanes salamander

12. Motagua Iguana

The Motagua iguana (Ctenosaura palearis) is Endemic to the Guatemalan valley of Motagua It prefers to live in dry forests, where it feeds on insects, fruits, leaves and flowers. It presents a greenish-black coloration on the back and cream on the lower part of the body.

It is another of the most endangered animals in Guatemala due to illegal hunting and habitat destruction.
