In Spain there are many species that are seriously threatened due to different factors, but the most important include human activity, whether due to the use of herbicides, the expansion of invasive species or the transformation of natural environments, among others. Galicia is a community where there are several species threatened with extinction and only a few have conservation and recovery plans, the future of the others being very uncertain.
If you want to know which are the animals in danger of extinction in Galicia, we invite you to read this article on our site, where you We talked about the most endangered animal species in this Spanish community.
Harlequin butterfly (Zerynthia rumina)
This Lepidoptera of the Papilionidae family is found in Europe, where it is present in the Iberian Peninsula, in France and in Africa. It is common in areas with rocky outcrops and forest clearings, always with the presence of a plant of the genus Aristolochia, from which it feeds and provides shelter from predators and their toxicity.
It is a medium-sized butterfly, with a wingspan of 5 cm and whose coloration and design is what makes it so peculiar and unmistakable. It has a yellow background and small black and red spots that also serve as a warning. Its main threats are the transformation of its habitat, reforestation in open areas of the forests where the aristolochia are found, the use of insecticides and the presence of goats that also feed on this plant.
Meet more endangered animals in Europe in this other article.

White-legged crab (Austropotamobius pallipes)
Also known as the European crab, it is a crustacean of the Astacidae family that is distributed in the Balkan and Iberian peninsulas, reaching as far as the British Isles. It occupies areas of shallow rivers and lakes with a rocky bottom where they take refuge from predators. The crayfish is reddish-olive in color and about 11 cm long, with its hard shell protecting it from minor attacks. Their populations have been declining alarmingly since the 20th century, mainly due to the introduction of American crab species (Procambarus clarkii and Pacifastacus leniusculus, among others) that compete with the European crab for space and food, but their main threat was that these American species brought with them a fungus (Aphanomyces astaci) that caused the death of almost the entire population of European crabs due to the disease aphanonomycosis. In addition, the contamination of the water bodies where this species lives has also caused its disappearance in some areas, its presence being a very important bioindicator of water quality.

Freshwater pearl oyster (Margaritifera margaritifera)
This bivalve of the Margaritiferidae family is distributed throughout Europe, Russia and part of North America and is typical of clean, clear waters. Until the 20th century, this species was exploited by the jewelry industry for the production of pearls, which meant a great decrease in its populations and, therefore, became one of the animals in danger of extinction in Galicia and other parts of the world.
This is a very particular and special species, since its life cycle depends on the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and the common trout (Salmo trutta) due to the fact that its larvae develop between the gills of these fish species exclusively. One of the most remarkable characteristics of this species is its prolonged longevity, since individuals from populations that inhabit cooler areas can live more than 100 years. Due to its ecological requirements, the water pollution causes its displacement and is another of the main reasons for its drastic decrease. In addition, their slow development and their filtering capacity mean that they often accumulate toxic substances that cause their death, as well as the introduction of exotic species as in the case of the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) which is not suitable for the development of pearl oyster larvae.

European Terrapin (Emys orbicularis)
This tortoise belongs to the Emydidae family and is distributed throughout almost all of Europe, reaching as far as North Africa. It commonly inhabits all types of bodies of water, although it prefers shallow waters with abundant vegetation, as it provides shelter and protection. It is a fairly small species, which on average usually reaches 20 cm in length, however, there are individuals that exceed 30 cm in some regions. Its shell is of greenish and brown tones, with yellow radial spots, this design being very varied. It has a very slow growth, reaching sexual maturity around 20 years, in the case of females.
This species, like many other turtles, suffers high losses of eggs or hatchlings, as they can reach lose more than 90% of the bet. These are predated by foxes, wild boars and badgers. In addition, it is part of the list of animals in danger of extinction in Galicia also due to the destruction of their habitat and pollution due to toxic discharges in the waters, construction of buildings in or near areas where they breed and competition for habitat and food with introduced exotic species. Currently, it has a conservation plan to prevent its extinction.

Iberian skink (Chalcides bedriagai)
This lizard of the Scincidae family is found in almost the entire Iberian Peninsula, being endemic to this region, with the exception of the north. It is found in various types of habitats, but it is more common in coastal and sandy areas, thickets and also in forest areas with clearings and rocky areas that provide them with shelter. It is a kind of small lizard, which reaches approximately 8 to 9 cm in length and its body is elongated and cylindrical, with a triangular head and a rounded snout. It has a greenish coloration with a lighter and yellowish belly.
This is a very delicate species and sensitive to changes in its environment, since the regression of its populations in some areas This is due to this, with the populations present on the islands being the most affected and threatened by human presence. Due to its very restricted distribution and as it is a rare species with very particular ecological requirements, its presence is threatened by any type of alteration of the environment where they live, all this linked to the pressure of tourism that exists in many areas where is present.

Brown Bear (Ursus arctos arctos)
The European brown bear is present throughout Europe, from Russia and Scandinavia to the Iberian Peninsula. It inhabits natural and mature forests and tundra depending on the region of its distribution. Its prolonged longevity is very characteristic, being able to reach more than 25 years. It is characterized by having a brownish-brown coloration, but this can vary and, in fact, the coat of Spanish specimens is usually lighter. Its length can reach about 2.5 meters in males, with females being a little smaller.
Being a large mammal, it needs large expanses of land and with almost no human presence, which has led to problems with humans throughout history. Its main threats are illegal hunting, accidental death by installed traps and the transformation of its habitatIn addition, because their populations are currently very small, genetic diversity is another serious problem that prevents this species from thriving. For all these reasons, the brown bear is another of the animals in danger of extinction in Galicia and throughout the country. Discover the most endangered animals in Spain in this other article.

Reed Bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus)
This bird belongs to the Emberizidae family and occupies wetlands and other bodies of water in almost all of Europe and Asia with the presence of marshy vegetation. It reaches about 16 cm in length and has a plumage with brown and gray tones on the ventral part, attracting the attention of the male during the reproductive season, since its nuptial plumage turns black on the head and part of the chest, in addition to showing a white collar not present in the female.
This species is threatened by the degradation of its habitat, the drying up of many wetlands and the loss of reedbeds has led to this bird disappears from certain areas. On the other hand, the pressure from agricultural intensification causes their food sources to disappear, be it insects or the vegetation on which they feed. It is one of the few animals in danger of extinction in Galicia that has a conservation plan to prevent its total disappearance.

European Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus)
This bird is part of the Charadriidae family, inhabits floodable and swampy areas with vegetation. It has a striking plumage among other wading and waterfowl, with greenish and bluish tones, with a black chest and white ventral part and a plume of black feathers that comes out of the upper part of the head. It is a medium-sized bird that reaches about 30 cm in length. It can always be seen in large groups depending on the time of year, since it is a gregarious species.
Because of the transformation of its habitat, this species has adapted to changes in land use, often modified for cultivated areas, where they sometimes breed and breed. This situation increasingly represents a threat to the lapwing, in addition to the drying up of the bodies of water where it lives, the channeling of lagoons and rivers. On the other hand, the agricultural and livestock activity and predation by dogs, rats and crows have also caused this species to be in danger of extinction in Galicia.

Bug Little Bustard (Tetrax tetrax)
This bird belongs to the Otidae family and its distribution covers the western Palearctic region, where it inhabits steppe areas, grasslands and agricultural areas of cereal plantations. It is a gregarious bird with a slender appearance and long legs, similar to other bustards. It measures approximately 45 cm in length. Its plumage is brown to gold, typical of cryptic species, and during the breeding season the male has black feathers with white details on the neck.
This species, like many others that live associated with this type of environment, suffers the constant transformations of the landscape due to agricultural intensification, since they depend on these areas for their reproduction and breeding. The continuous transformation of these lands for different plantations, the increase in livestock, the disappearance of fallow land, in addition to the use of pesticides that also affects their food sources, added to predation and illegal hunting , are together the causes of the decline of the populations of the little bustard in Galicia.

Snipe (Gallinago gallinago)
We end the list of animals in danger of extinction in Galicia with the common snipe. It is a species of bird of the Scolopacidae family, widely distributed in the world, found in America, Europe, Asia and Africa, where it occupies interior wetland areas with dense vegetation, as well as rice crops and pastures. The common snipe is medium-sized, since it reaches approximately 27 cm. It has a long beak, typical of wading birds, a plumage with brown and brown tones with a white belly.
It is a very specific species in terms of its habitat, since it is very sensitive to changes in water. It always looks for areas of soil rich in organic matter that makes it easier for it to search for food. Because of its ecological requirements, this species is primarily threatened by land modification and destruction of the environments where it lives. This caused their populations to decline alarmingly, since the number of breeding pairs was affected, disappearing completely in some regions of Galicia, where one of the most important nuclei existed.