In this article on our site we are going to talk about a drug that is used, in general, when our dog has a disorder that affects its digestive system. Cimetidine is a drug that we can have in our home medicine cabinet, but we should not give it to our dog if it has not been expressly prescribed by your veterinarian, since he is the only one who can decide if it is the right medicine and in what dose it should be manage it.
Below, we explain how cimetidine works for dogs, in which situations the veterinarian can prescribe it and what side effects it can cause.
What is cimetidine?
Cimetidine is one of the H2-blocking drugs H2 are histamine receptors that are located on cells that make up the wall of the stomach. Histamine binds to them and it is this binding that stimulates the secretion of acid in the stomach. Cimetidine is similar in appearance to histamine, so it can lock onto its receptors. In this way, by preventing histamine from occupying that place, it blocks them. This is how it manages to reduce acid secretion, also lowering the acidity of the pH and also achieving an antiemetic effect, that is, it will help control vomiting.
It is one of the drugs of this type that has been used the longest, in fact, in human medicine it was the first to be used for the treatment of gastroduodenal ulcers. It is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, although absorption can be affected by the presence of food, a circumstance that delays it. It is metabolized in the liver and excreted in the urine.
However, you should know that in this group of drugs there are others with a more powerful effect, such as ranitidine, famotidine or nitazidine. Cimetidine for dogs is available as tablets, oral suspension, or injection.
What is cimetidine for dogs used for?
The scope of action of cimetidine is located at the digestive level. Thus, its use in dogs stands out with:
- Gastritis, which is inflammation of the stomach. It can have multiple causes, including stress. Another one is kidney disease, a case in which it is called uremic gastritis. For this reason, it is possible to include cimetidine as one of the drugs that, although they do not cure kidney disease, do help relieve symptoms.
- Gastroduodenal ulcer, both for treatment and prevention. Dogs are very sensitive to the appearance of ulcers due to the consumption of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs, but in these cases the use of cimetidine or any drug of its group is controversial and other options are preferred.
- Esophagitis due to gastric reflux, with the aim of limiting the damage to which the esophagus is subjected.
- Mast cell tumors, which are a type of cells that contain histamine, in fact, they can release this substance in large quantities.
- It can also be used in certain chronic dermatological pathologies, seeking an immunomodulatory action.
Dog Cimetidine Dosage
Cimetidine can be given to dogs orally10 mg per kg of weight every 6-8 hours. It is offered before meals, since it must be remembered that food interferes with its absorption. In addition, cimetidine can also be injected intravenous , intramuscularly, which may cause discomfort to the dog, or subcutaneously. Depending on the option chosen, the dose will be different, since when it is injected it is said to be 5 mg per kg every 12 hours.
This is the general dosage, but it can be modified according to the circumstances of each dog. For this reason, in all cases, the veterinarian is the only professional who can decide on the most appropriate administration schedule. Likewise, he will have to choose the duration of the treatment and review the evolution of the animal
Contraindications of cimetidine for dogs
Logically, cimetidine cannot be given to dogs that have shown any hypersensitivity reaction to this substance before or we suspect that they may be allergic to it. On the other hand, it must be given with caution in dogs with liver or kidney problems Finally, given that it can interact with other medications, in fact, quite a few are known to these interactions, if our dog consumes any that the veterinarian does not know, we must notify him.
Side Effects of Cimetidine for Dogs
Cimetidine is considered a very safe drug, as long as it is administered according to the veterinarian's instructions and even if the dose, by mistake, is higher than recommended. Still, like all medicines, it can have side effects, usually minor or mild. For example, thrombocytopenia, which is a decrease in the number of platelets, may be detected. In any case, if after giving our dog cimetidine we notice any adverse effect, we must notify the veterinarian immediately.