TRAMADOL for Dogs - Dosage, Uses and Side Effects

TRAMADOL for Dogs - Dosage, Uses and Side Effects
TRAMADOL for Dogs - Dosage, Uses and Side Effects
Tramadol for Dogs - Dosage, Uses and Side Effects
Tramadol for Dogs - Dosage, Uses and Side Effects

Tramadol is an opioid analgesic which, as such, is used to relieve painIn this article on our site we will talk about tramadol for dogs, how it is used, what it is used for and what its possible side effects are. Whenever we talk about drugs, we insist on the most important thing, which is that only a veterinary professional is qualified to prescribe the appropriate treatment for our dog. If we choose to medicate him on our own, we run the risk of seriously poisoning him.

Keep reading to find out what is tramadol used for in dogs and what dosage is appropriate.

What is tramadol good for in dogs?

Tramadol or tramadol hydrochloride for dogs is a synthetic opiate that acts against pain and also has antitussive effect It is a product that is always dispensed by prescription and is used in both veterinary and human medicine. Tralieve is the name of tramadol registered for veterinary use.

Analgesics are medicines used to treat pain. In the market we will find a wide variety of drugs with this function, so it is crucial that it is our veterinarian who, depending on the characteristics of the dog and the pain it suffers, decides which will be the most appropriate. An example of its use would be tramadol for dogs with osteoarthritis with the aim of reducing the pain that this condition produces. In the following article we explain in depth everything related to osteoarthritis in dogs, the recommended treatment, the symptoms and the causes: "Osteoarthritis in dogs - Symptoms and treatment".

Presentations of tramadol for dogs

This drug is marketed in different presentations, which facilitates its administration and dosage. In general, for larger dogs it will be easier to opt for tramadol tablets, since it is relatively easy to get them to ingest them, since this drug can be administered alone or with food.

For smaller dogs, on the other hand, it may be more comfortable to dose if we use the tramadol drops for dogs In other times, especially when the animal cannot eat or in more serious circumstances, the veterinarian may resort to injectable tramadol

Tramadol for dogs - Dosage, uses and side effects - Presentations of tramadol for dogs
Tramadol for dogs - Dosage, uses and side effects - Presentations of tramadol for dogs

Tramadol for dogs: dosage

How much tramadol can be given to a dog? The Dose of Tramadol for Dogs can only be prescribed by a veterinarian. The amount of drug to be administered depends on various factors such as the condition and size of the dog, the effect to be achieved or the administration pattern. It is important to respect the instructions of the veterinarian because an excessive dose could be harmful to the animal.

Tramadol for dogs: side effects

Like any medication, tramadol may be responsible for the appearance of adverse side effects after its administration, although, in general, it is a product that seems to be well tolerated by dogs. If this is the case, we must immediately inform the veterinarian in case it is necessary to modify the treatment, suppress it or change the drug. The symptoms associated with tramadol affect, above all, the nervous system, since this is where the active ingredient produces its effect. The signs to take into account are the following:

  • Sedation
  • Agitation
  • Anxiety
  • Tremors
  • Lack of appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea

In the event that the administered dose is too high, it would cause intoxication with respiratory impairment, convulsions, heart failure and deathThis is an emergency, so immediate veterinary attention is required to start support treatment and administer drugs to control the symptoms that have occurred.

Tramadol for dogs - Dosage, uses and side effects - Tramadol for dogs: side effects
Tramadol for dogs - Dosage, uses and side effects - Tramadol for dogs: side effects

Contraindications of tramadol in dogs

As with any drug, it is totally contraindicated to administer tramadol in dogs that have shown any type of hypersensitivity to this drug Likewise, it is not a suitable drug for pregnant or lactating dogs, nor for dogs with the following characteristics:

  • Tramadol or tralieve is not recommended in epileptic dogs, since it could increase the number of seizures. For these cases, we recommend reviewing this article with all the related information: "Epilepsy in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment".
  • Tramadol is also not recommended for use in dogs with severe respiratory problems.
  • Cautions must also be taken when administering this drug if the dog suffers from any kidney or liver disease, if it is very weak or is very old. So, if you are wondering if you can use tramadol for dogs with kidney failure, the answer is no, although the last word will be with the specialist handling the case.

Tramadol Interactions for Dogs

Occasionally, our veterinarian will consider it pertinent to use more than one drug to treat the same clinical picture. The drug combinations can only be prescribed by this professional. Medicating on our own could make the active ingredients, when interacting, lose their effect or even cause it to be harmful. An example of a combination is meloxicam and tramadol for recently operated dogs, since it has been proven that it is a synergy that relieves pain in these situations [1]

We must be careful with the association of paracetamol with tramadol for dogs, since it is a combination used in humans that can be problematic for them because they are more sensitive to this drug, which could result in intoxication.

For more details about the use of these drugs in dogs, check out these articles:

  • Meloxicam for dogs - Dosage, what it is for and side effects
  • Can dogs take paracetamol?
