The Diptera (order Diptera) are a group of flying insects made up of flies, mosquitoes and horseflies, among others. The members of this group are characterized by having a very short life cycle, around 30 days, as explained in this article: "Life cycle of flies". Focusing on flies, there are well-known representatives such as the fruit fly, the typical fly that settles on fruits and vegetables, or the house fly, which is the most common in our homes. Some types of flies feed on pollen and nectar, others on fruits and flowers, and some are hematophagous, that is, they consume animal blood.
The Diptera group is very diverse, as it has more than 100,000 species distributed throughout the world that fulfill various favorable ecological roles such as pollination or collaborating with the decomposition of organic matter, while other species have sanitary importance as vectors of diseases. However, in this article on our site we will talk about the most common types of flies, where they live and their ecological habits.
Dung fly (Scathophaga stercoraria)
Belongs to the family Scathophagidae, is also commonly known as yellow dung fly and is distributed in regions of the northern hemisphere, especially North America and Europe, where they are abundant in areas where there is greater agricultural activity.
It is a small fly that measures about 1 cm. The male is slightly larger than the female and is also almost golden yellow. Its name is due to the fact that to reproduce and lay its eggs it is located on the feces of large mammals such as horses, cows, wild boars or deer, among others. It has a very important role in nature, since it helps the natural decomposition of animal waste.
Tsetse fly Glossina morsitans morsitans
This species belongs to the Glossinidae family, which is why it is part of the group known as tsetse flies, and inhabits very dry areas of the African savannah, more precisely in Sub-Saharan Africa. During the wettest season it occupies sites in the savannah, however, in the dry season it moves to wooded areas, where there is shade and greater humidity.
It is about 1.5 cm long and both the male and female are exclusively hematophagous, that is, they feed on blood, so their mouthparts are specialized for this diet and, therefore, they are a type of biting flies. They can live up to 5 or 6 months in the case of females, while males live between 3 and 4 months. Blood is obtained from both mammals and reptiles, birds and other vertebrates. This type of fly is a vector of Trypanosoma brucei, a parasite that causes African trypanosomiasis, popularly known as sleeping sickness.

Stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans)
Also known as biting fly, this species is found in the family Muscidae and, although it is distributed almost all over the world, its origin is in Asia and Europe. The stable fly is very similar to the house fly, it measures around 8 mm and is also associated with humans and with livestock activity, since it is very common in stables and pens, hence its name.
It is of sanitary importance for cattle and other farmyard animals, since both the male and the female feed on the blood of humans and animals and can be vectors of various parasites and bacteria, including are trypanosomes and the bacteria that causes anthrax (Bacillus anthracis), as well as other diseases such as brucellosis, horse sickness, anemia, among others.

Horseflies (family Tabanidae)
Horseflies are like flies but larger, which is why they are often considered large types of flies. They comprise a group made up of more than 1 000 species of the genus Tabanus, within the family Tabanidae. They are dipterans that can measure more than 2 cm long and are known because some species, in addition to being large, have brown or orange colors.
These are species that are active during the day and, although they can bite humans, it is common to see them in places with cattle, and can cause very painful bites with serious weight loss, since the Females are hematophagous, that is, they feed on blood, while males consume nectar and pollen. The pain of their sting is due to the fact that their mouthparts are adapted to cut the skin like scissors, so they act like small blades. In the image we see the bovine horsefly.
Discover more Animals that feed on blood in this other article.

Attic fly (Pollenia rudis)
This species of fly belongs to the Polleniidae family and is distributed in North America and Europe It is about 1 cm long and its name is due to the fact that during the coldest months, in autumn and winter, it hibernates in places such as attics or attics. It is lazier and slower than other types of flies and it is common for it to gather near windows or in warm places, since it is very sensitive to changes in pressure and temperature, so it seeks refuge at low temperatures, while when it is hot and there is sun, it goes to open and wooded places.
In the larval stage it feeds on earthworms, while the adult attic fly is herbivorous and consumes everything from sap to flowers or fruits.

Moscardones or blowflies (family Calliphoridae)
Within the types of flies we also find blowflies, blowflies, blowflies or blowflies, since they are called in many ways. They are a group of more than 1 000 species of flies of the family Calliphoridae and are cosmopolitan, that is, they are distributed almost everywhere in the world, especially in tropical and temperate zones They are about 12 or 13 mm long and are known for their brilliant colors ranging from metallic blues to greens.
They are associated with putrefactive and decomposing substances, which is why many species are used in forensic medicine, since their stages of development serve to determine the time of death. Due to these habits, are necrophagous, that is, they feed on decomposing tissues, and some even become important pollinators of plant species that attract them with strong smells.
In the image we see the green blowfly Lucilia caesar.

Housefly (Musca domestica)
Without a doubt, among the types of flies that exist, the best known is this one. This species belongs to the Muscidae family and is one of the most common flies that we can find in the homes in almost the entire world. It measures between 5 and 8 mm long and it is common to see it on food during the day, which is when it is most active, while at night it rests near food.
They can become transmitters of diseases to humans, since when they land on food they can deposit their infected faeces. It can act as a vector for parasites, bacteria that cause diseases such as salmonellosis, anthrax or cholera, among others, and is considered a bigger pest than mosquitoes.
If these insects usually bother you or your animals and you fear that they may transmit some disease, discover How to drive away flies without harming them.

Drain flies (family Psychodidae)
Also known as moisture flies or moths, they are another type of fly made up of various species that inhabit almost the entire world, except in very cold regions. These are small-sized species that do not measure up to 1 cm. Its body is flattened and covered with villi, hence the name "moth". It is very common in places such as bathrooms, drains, sewers and sewage channels, always with a lot of humidity, where it looks for its food from organic remains. It is almost always perched, since it is quite passive and its flight is slow.
These small flies do not pose a risk to humans, although other members of the Psychodidae family can be disease vectors, as is the case with members of the Phlebotominae subfamily, which transmits leishmaniasis.

Fruit or vinegar fly (Drosophila melanogaster)
A member of the Drosophilidae family, the fruit fly is also one of the best-known species in the world. Its name is due to the fact that it feeds and reproduces in fermenting fruits. It is a species of no more than 3 mm long, with characteristic red eyes and a yellowish body with part of the dark abdomen. Due to its short life cycle and genetic characteristics, this type of fly has been used for years in scientific research, especially in fields such as developmental biology and genetics. For this reason, it is considered a model organism, that is, it is used to study and understand many simple processes of development in other different organisms.

Flesh fly (Sarcophaga carnaria)
This species belongs to the Sarcophagidae family and is distributed in central and northern Europe, although its presence in other zones. It is much larger than other species of flies, as it can measure up to 1.5 cm in length, and it is striking for the color of its body, which is metallic grey. Its name is due to its eating habits, since this fly settles on decomposing meat, where it reproduces and the larvae develop, being more frequent in the summer time.
Its flight is fast and with a very strong buzz and it is considered a very important vector of some diseases and bacteria, because, in general, they are one of the first to approach when there is rotten meat and / or droppings. It is very common in places such as slaughterhouses, garbage dumps and anywhere where decomposing organic matter accumulates.

Other types of flies
Although the above are the most common or popular types of flies, they are not the only ones, since we must remember that this group is made up of thousands of species. Here are some more types of flies:
- Wood borer fly (Pantophthalmus spp.)
- Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata)
- Lesser house fly (Fannia canicularis)
- Sand fly (Phlebotomus spp.)
- Horn fly (Haematobia irritans)
- Drone fly (Eristalis tenax)
- Crane fly (Tipula paludosa)
- Flower fly (Syrphus ribesi i)
- Tiger fly (Eristalinus taeniops)
- Flying fly (Volucella pellucens)
- Thick-legged hoverfly (Syritta pipiens)
- Yellow fly (Laphria flava)
- Yellow bumblebee fly (Bombylius major)
- Stiletto fly (Neoitamus cyanurus)
- Hoverfly (Merodon equestris)