Is the KANGAROO in Danger of Extinction? - Here the answer

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Is the KANGAROO in Danger of Extinction? - Here the answer
Is the KANGAROO in Danger of Extinction? - Here the answer
Is the kangaroo endangered?
Is the kangaroo endangered?

The kangaroo is popular for its way of moving by jumping and the abdominal sac where its young rest, since these curious characteristics make it a striking and unique species in the world. In its natural habitat, the kangaroo faces threats that could put it on endangered animal lists, but is it on them?

Do you want to know if the kangaroo is in danger of extinction? Then you can't miss this article on our site. Keep reading!

Characteristics and curiosities of the kangaroo

Kangaroo is the name given to the various species that make up the subfamily of macropodines All these species are characterized by their large hind legs, which allow them to jump with agility, a long tail that they use as a tripod to advance and a small head. In addition, kangaroos are herbivorous animals, they feed on leaves and roots.

They are social animals and nocturnal, they live in groups of several individuals and look for their food at sunset. The average lifespan of a kangaroo is estimated to be 18 years. Now, where do kangaroos live? Kangaroos live in one of the most remote areas of the world, as they are endemic to Australia and nearby islands.

Kangaroo Types

In Oceania there are around 50 species of kangaroos, all endemic to the area, this being another of the curiosities of kangaroos that few know. Next, we will talk about the most representative ones.

Red kangaroo

The red kangaroo (Macropus rufus) owes its name to the color of its fur, brown with reddish tones. It is the largest of all types of kangaroos, as it measures 1.7 meters in length and weighs up to 95 kilos. In addition, it has the ability to jump 3 meters high and travels at a speed of more than 40 kilometers per hour. It is currently the national animal of Australia.

Western Gray Kangaroo

This type of kangaroo, the Macropus fuliginosus, owes its name to the gray or silver color of its fur. The species is smaller than the red kangaroo, measuring 1.4 meters and weighing up to 55 kilos. It inhabits southern parts of Australia, be it wooded areas or open moorland.

Antelope Kangaroo

The antelope kangaroo (Macropus antilopinus) inhabits the grasslands and forests of northern Australia. As an essential characteristic, this species presents sexual dimorphism, since the males have a reddish color, similar to the red kangaroo, while the fur of the females is similar to the of the western gray kangaroo.

Giant Kangaroo

The Macropus giganteus is an impressive type of kangaroo, as it is 2 meters long and weighs up to 70 kilos. With this size it reaches 60 kilometers per hour. Outside of Australia it is less well known than the red kangaroo, but it is found in the more fertile areas of the country.

These are just some of the types of kangaroos, do you think they are among the endangered animals? If so, what would be the kangaroo's threats?

Is the kangaroo endangered? - Kinds of Kangaroo
Is the kangaroo endangered? - Kinds of Kangaroo

How many kangaroos are left in the world?

The truth is that the kangaroo is NOT in danger of extinction, despite the erroneous information that often circulates on the Internet. On the contrary, in Australia they have even been considered a plague, since it is estimated that there are 3 kangaroos for each person.

According to the Australian Government in its Population Estimates for Kangaroos in Commercial Harvest Areas, carried out by the Department of Environment and Energy, in 2010 the total population of kangaroos was 25,158,026 copies, while just one year later this number grew to 34,303,677. Today, it is estimated that there are more than 50 million kangaroos in the Australian region. In addition to this, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists the red kangaroo and the western gray kangaroo as species of "Least Concern", which shows that the risk they have of disappearing is really low. As for the antelope kangaroo and the giant kangaroo, they also maintain that category according to said organization.

This means that when you know how many kangaroos there are in the world, there seems to be nothing to worry about, so if you're wondering why the kangaroo is in danger of extinction, you know this is misinformation, because this animal is not endangered. If you want to know the list of most endangered animals, then we recommend you consult this article with "The most endangered animals in the world".

Kangaroo Threats

Although the kangaroo is considered a species with a stable population, we must not forget the aggressive effect that human action can have when it comes to eliminating species in a short time. We offer you this list of possible threats of the kangaroo:

Habitat loss

Although only a small part of the kangaroo types are affected by habitat loss, this is an important factor. Logging is the most frequent form in which it manifests itself, as it is carried out to carry out agricultural work on the land.

In addition, the building of houses in wild areas is also an element that could put this species at risk in the future.

Climate change

The effect of climate change is manifested in the low rainfall that occurs in the kangaroo's habitat. This exacerbates droughts and increases the likelihood of wildfires, reducing the areas available for wildlife.

Animals introduced into the habitat

Kangaroos have natural predators, but the presence of other animals introduced by humans makes them more likely to be attacked. Animals such as dingoes, foxes, dogs and even cattle have become a threat to these marsupials.

Vehicle traffic

In Australia priority is given to signaling areas where traffic accidents are likely to occur due to the presence of kangaroos. Collisions most often occur when the marsupials are startled by the noise of engines or headlights, causing them to be run over.


Kangaroo hunting is permitted in Australia under certain conditions. It is done with the purpose of consuming its meat inside or outside the country, but this, in the future, could be an important factor towards the extinction of the species.
