Is the lemur in danger of extinction? - THREATS and conservation plans

Is the lemur in danger of extinction? - THREATS and conservation plans
Is the lemur in danger of extinction? - THREATS and conservation plans
Is the lemur in danger of extinction?
Is the lemur in danger of extinction?

Lemurs are primates for which there has been a controversial classification, resulting in the identification of an important variety of species whose number has varied with the progress of research. These animals are endemic to Madagascar and there are many species that are currently in danger of extinction.

In this article on our site we want to answer the question " Is the lemur in danger of extinction?", both to inform about its state of conservation to help raise awareness about the importance of caring for the planet.

Are lemurs endangered?

To this question we can answer that yes, there are species of lemurs that are in danger of extinction Next, let's meet some of those that they are classified by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as critically endangered, endangered and vulnerable.

Critically Endangered Lemurs:

  • Sibree's dwarf lemur (Cheirogaleus sibreei)
  • Madame Berthe's mouse lemur (Microcebus berthae)
  • Manitatra mouse lemur (Microcebus manitatra)
  • Marohita mouse lemur (Microcebus marohita)
  • Grey-headed Lemur (Eulemur cinereiceps)
  • Blue-eyed black lemur (Eulemur flavifrons)
  • Alaotra's caned lemur (Hapalemur alaotrensis)
  • Golden bamboo lemur (Hapalemur aureus)
  • Greater Bamboo Lemur (Prolemur simus)
  • Red ruffed lemur (Varecia rubra)
  • Black-and-white ruffed lemur (Varecia variegate)
  • Ahmanson's sporting lemur (Lepilemur ahmansonorum)
  • Dutch sporting lemur (Lepilemur hollandorum)
  • James's sporting lemur (Lepilemur jamesorum)
  • Mittermeier's sporting lemur (Lepilemur mittermeieri)
  • Red-tailed sporting lemur (Lepilemur ruficaudatus)
  • Sahamalaza sporting lemur (Lepilemur sahamalazensis)
  • Northern sporting lemur (Lepilemur septentrionalis)
  • Nosy be sporting lemur (Lepilemur tymerlachsoni)
  • Bemahara woolly lemur (Avahi cleesei)

Endangered Lemurs:

  • hairy-eared dwarf lemur (Allocebus trichotis)
  • Bongolava mouse lemur (Microcebus bongolavensis)
  • Collared brown lemur (Eulemur collaris)
  • Black lemur (Eulemur macaco)
  • Ankarana sporting lemur (Lepilemur ankaranensis)

Lemurs in a vulnerable state:

  • Crossley's dwarf lemur (Cheirogaleus crossleyi)
  • Peters mouse lemur (Microcebus myoxinus)
  • White-fronted Lemur (Eulemur albifrons)
  • Reddish-brown lemur (Eulemur rufus)
  • Seal's sporting lemur (Lepilemur seali)
Is the lemur in danger of extinction? - Are lemurs in danger of extinction?
Is the lemur in danger of extinction? - Are lemurs in danger of extinction?

Why is the lemur endangered?

As we have seen, there are a large number of lemur species in danger of extinction, and this is due to various causes, although they all have one aspect in common: they are caused by humans Below, we show the main threats to the lemur:

Habitat destruction

The massive felling of trees for charcoal production is one reason that puts lemurs at risk. It must be taken into account that, in general, these are animals with arboreal habits, so that, by drastically eliminating the vegetal cover where they develop, they are irreversibly affected.

In addition, there are other reasons why there is significant degradation of Madagascar's forests:

  • On the one hand, the fires that destroy these life reserves.
  • On the other hand, logging that is also carried out for the development of certain agricultural crops or with the intention ofraising cattle.

In either case the effect is the same, loss of vegetation and, therefore, the drastic transformation of the lemurs' habitat. Find out in this other post where the lemur lives.


Other of the threats that these animals suffer and, therefore, cause lemurs to be in danger of extinction, has to do with hunting, since some species are consumed as food and others are marketed as pets.

Some species have less resistance to this type of activity, since they have suffered a significant decimation of their population, either due to lack of food, natural disasters, etc. In this way, by having low population rates, they become more vulnerable to adverse effects such as hunting or habitat destruction. An example of this is the grey-headed lemur species (Eulemur cinereiceps), which suffered a significant drop in population in 1997 due to a cyclone, which accentuated the aforementioned anthropogenic effects. Thus, if a species already has a small population for no reason, it is much more susceptible to extinction if its habitat is destroyed or it is hunted en masse.

Climate change

Climate change is also having a significant impact on some species, such as the greater bamboo lemur (Prolemur simus). This species of lemur is not only affected in its distribution by climatic variations, but also the availability of food is altered because the modification of the climate affects in the extension of the periods of drought, which ends up reducing the shoots of bamboo (Cathariostachys madagascariensis) that are the main food of the species in question.

Lemur conservation plans

There are some conservation plans for the various species of lemurs that are in danger of extinction. In general, they have to do with the particular situation of each one, although, as we have mentioned, the causes of the problems suffered by these animals are common. Let's take a look at the current plans below:

  • On the one hand, several lemurs have been included in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), which aims to protect endangered species through treaties involving various countries. Thus, for example, all lemurs that are located in appendix I of CITES are prohibited from hunting or capture and are under special management. Some cases that are included are: Sibree's dwarf lemur (Cheirogaleus sibreei), Madame Berthe's mouse lemur (Microcebus berthae), grey-headed lemur (Eulemur cinereiceps) and blue-eyed black lemur (Eulemur flavifrons), among others.
  • Other actions for lemur conservation are related to the establishment of protected areas in places where these animals live. In this sense, certain forest spaces are declared as reserves, which can be private. Education projects have also been proposed and developed to raise awareness through work with children and young people, as is the case of Madame Berthe's mouse lemur species (Microcebus berthae), considered a flagship in some places in Madagascar.
  • Some specific conservation programs have also been, for example, that of the greater bamboo lemur species (Prolemur simus), to which the project “ Saving Prolemur simus” was created, which had the participation of a foundation together with the community.
  • On the other hand, specialists in general recommend continuing to carry out studies to continue with the taxonomic advance in the cases that are necessary, and we have an example in the species black and white ruffed lemur (Varecia variegate), about whom it is necessary to clarify aspects related to the identification of subspecies.

What to do to prevent the lemur from becoming extinct?

Despite the actions mentioned, the list of lemur species in danger of extinction remains long, indicating that the efforts made are not enough. Faced with situations as complex as these, the will and government action is a priority to stop the advance of risk suffered by these animals. The massification of educational programs is also essential, since involving the communities that live in these areas, without a doubt, generates followers who actively participate in the conservation of the various species of lemurs.

Unfortunately, there are many more animal species that are seriously threatened. In this other article you will find the Animals in greatest danger of extinction in the world and, in this other, more actions to Protect animals in danger of extinction.
