Chicken liver is an ideal complement for our dog's diet, since it provides protein, vitamins, minerals and much more. However, there are many questions that haunt us when we get into the homemade diet for dogs, such as: "is chicken liver bad for dogs?", "how do you give chicken liver to dogs ?", "recipes with chicken liver for dogs", etc.
In this article on our site we are going to solve all the previous doubts and many more, so read on and discover how to prepare chicken liver for dogs.
Can dogs eat liver?
Yes, dogs can eat liver and, in fact, it is a very beneficial product for them. Organs in general are foods that offer dogs a high percentage of protein and are much cheaper products. The only drawback is being able to find them, since in many butcher shops it is necessary to order them in advance. Likewise, we recommend opting for those that are organic and fresh, discarding packaged products that, for the most part, are usually loaded with preservatives, additives and other substances that it is better to avoid.
Although dogs can eat beef, pork, lamb, turkey or chicken liver, the latter is more recommended because it contains a lower percentage of cholesterol than the rest.
Benefits of chicken liver for dogs
Now that we know that chicken liver is good for dogs, let's review the nutritional composition of 100 grams of product according to the Spanish Food Composition Database[1]:
- Energy: 137 kcal
- Protein: 22, 12 g
- Fat: 7, 14 g
- Water: 72 g
- Carbohydrates: 1, 2 g
- Calcium: 18 mg
- Iron: 7, 4 mg
- Sodium: 68 mg
- Potassium: 218 mg
- Magnesium: 13 mg
- Phosphorus: 240 mg
- Zinc: 3, 2 mg
- Vitamin C: 28 mg
- Vitamin A: 33 ug
- Vitamin D: 1, 3 ug
- Vitamin E: 0.4 mg
- Total Vitamin B: 19 mg
- Saturated fatty acids: 1, 790 g
- Cholesterol: 344 mg
The detailed nutritional composition translates into multiple benefits of chicken liver for dogs, the following being the most prominent:
Rich in vitamins and an excellent source of protein
The richness of vitamins contained in chicken liver, added to the high percentage of protein, make this food the perfect complement Add it to The diet allows you to increase the consumption of these substances that are so necessary to preserve the he alth of the dog.
Puppy Friendly
Precisely because of its amount of protein and vitamins, chicken liver is good for puppies, as it promotes the development of their musclesOf course, as we will see in the following sections, it is necessary to control the amount and provide a good supply of calcium as well.
Good for diabetic dogs
Chicken liver is a food that is fully compatible with a diet for diabetic dogs because it does not contain sugars In addition, it provides the animal with essential nutrients for your he alth. For more information, consult the article "Diets for dogs with diabetes".
Recommended to treat anemia
Thanks to its iron content, chicken liver is a good supplement to combat anemia in dogs. That yes, this does not mean that offering this organ the animal will improve from one day to another, since it is necessary to follow the instructions of the veterinarian in terms of diet and treatment.

Raw or cooked liver for dogs?
If we know the origin of the chicken liver and we know with absolute certainty that it is a completely parasite-free product, we can offer it raw. However, as it is generally difficult to know if the product is really clean, the best thing to do is to freeze the chicken liver When we know that we are going to prepare the recipe we will have to let it thaw and cook or semi-cook it to finish guaranteeing that the product is suitable for consumption. Thus, when asked "raw or cooked liver for dogs?" we see that the answer depends mainly on the quality of the product and that, when in doubt, it is better to cook it
How to prepare cooked chicken liver for dogs?
A very simple way to cook chicken liver for dogs is to in boiling water once thawed. If we want to cook it on the outside and leave it almost raw on the inside, a minute will be more than enough. To cook it completely we will need about three minutes.
When it is cooked or semi-cooked Let it cool down completely, Chop it small to prevent the animal from choking and make the process easier of chewing, and we will offer it with a splash of extra virgin olive oil, since it is another very beneficial food for dogs. Likewise, we can season it with spices such as rosemary, thyme or turmeric, and add a clove of minced garlic or half if the animal likes it for its antiparasitic properties. It is important to highlight that we cannot offer garlic very often, since, as indicated by the Animal Poison Control Center Pet Poison Helpline [2], this food has a level of intoxication from mild to moderate depending on the dose and each individual. For more information, see the article "Garlic and onion poisoning in dogs - Symptoms and recommended dose".
Amount of chicken liver for dogs
For every 10 kg of weight, canine nutritionist Gemma Knowles tells us in her book He althy Cooking for Your Dog [3] that the amount of meat should range between 120-150 grams per day, to which other foods such as vegetables or cereals must be added, depending on the diet followed by the animal. In this way, it is necessary to know the weight of the dog to establish the appropriate amount of liver.
Since a chicken liver usually weighs no more than 30 grams, we would need several to reach the total weight mentioned. Therefore, a good option is to mix a couple or three organs with other or other pieces of meat, such as heart, lungs, breast… In any case, chicken liver should not be given as a single food, rather should be offered as a supplement , an addition to the dog's diet.

How to give chicken liver to a dog?
We can offer pieces of chicken liver as a prize, since, as we have said, it is an organ that does not weighs more than 30 grams. Likewise, we can mix it with other meats as we have already recommended, with cooked rice and/or vegetables, or prepare some delicious cookies.
Remember that this is a food that should be a supplement to the diet, so it is not advisable to provide it every day. Veterinarians specializing in animal nutrition, such as Karen Shaw Becker, veterinary expert in nutrition, or Carlos Alberto Gutiérrez, veterinary expert in canine nutrition[4], report on the consequences of offering dogs foods with a high percentage of phosphorous and a low calcium content and emphasize the importance of maintaining an adequate balance between the intake of both minerals, this being the main reason why it is not recommended to give chicken liver to dogs every day as the only food. Not maintaining this balance can cause the body to extract calcium from its own bones, leading to serious he alth problems.
Now, if we have already given our dog a high amount of chicken liver, we should not be alarmed because there are many foods rich in calcium that we can offer to balance the balance, such as natural yogurt or the bones.
Chicken liver contraindications
In particular, chicken liver is not recommended for dogs with liver problems or with high cholesterol levels.
Chicken liver with rice for dogs
Chicken liver with rice is especially indicated for dogs withmild or moderate stomach problems, such as gastroenteritis. In severe cases, a trip to the vet is required to find the underlying cause and treat it.
- Brown rice preferably
- Chicken's liver
- 1 potato
- 1 carrot
The amount of the ingredients will depend on the weight of the dog and whether it has any stomach problems or is completely he althy. If you are he althy, we can add other meats such as chicken or turkey breast and offer a lower amount of rice than meat. If the animal has diarrhoea, for example, it should consume more fiber, so in this case there needs to be more rice.
Chicken liver with rice recipe for dogs
- Put water in a pot and heat. The ideal ratio for brown rice is three cups of water for every cup of rice.
- Meanwhile, peel the potato and cut it into equal pieces, rather small. We do the same with the carrot.
- When it starts to boil, add the rice, the potato and the carrot. We can add a bay leaf if we want, yes, we will have to remove it before offering the dish so that it does not eat it.
- Cook until the ingredients are ready, for approximately 15-20 minutes.
- About 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add the chicken liver.
- Before serving it is important to chop the meat if it has not been done before.
Dog liver biscuits
The homemade cookies are perfect to reward dogs or simply to give them a treat that they will really enjoy. And if they also contain meat as beneficial as chicken liver, much better!
- 3 chicken livers
- 1 cup whole wheat flour
- 1 egg
- 1 tablespoon plain yogurt (no sugar)
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
Dog Liver Biscuits Recipe
- Cook the livers, drain, let cool and grind.
- We add the egg, the oil and the yogurt and integrate.
- Add the flour and mix until you get a liver biscuit dough for dogs.
- Preheat the oven to 200 ºC.
- We roll out the cookie dough and cut it into the shape we like best.
- Place the liver biscuits for dogs on a tray lined with baking paper and Bake at 180 ºC for 10-15 minutes.
- Let them cool down and we can let them devour them.