Is the ladder snake poisonous? - Discover how to act in case of a bite

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Is the ladder snake poisonous? - Discover how to act in case of a bite
Is the ladder snake poisonous? - Discover how to act in case of a bite
Is the ladder snake poisonous?
Is the ladder snake poisonous?

One of the questions we usually ask ourselves in relation to snakes is whether or not they are poisonous, a transcendental aspect because various species of this type of animal can become lethal to humans due to their that have toxic substances that are highly harmful. In this article on our site we want to present you with information related to this topic, specifically about the ladder snake, whose scientific name has changed over time because, although it is currently identified as Zamenis scalaris, it was previously reported as Rhinechis scalaris; it was also considered in the genus Elaphe.

We invite you to continue reading to find out if the ladder snake is poisonous or not.

Is the ladder snake dangerous?

The ladder snake has a wide distribution in Portugal and Spain, with a smaller range in France, and its presence is reported to be uncertain in Italy. Therefore, it is in the first two countries where we can mostly find it, although there are certain areas where it is not present, such as in most of the northern territory of Spain.

Generally, this snake tends to be slippery, that is, in the presence of humans it will try to escape quickly. However, if it feels threatened or even cornered, it will not hesitate to give warning signs, such as raising its neck and head, emitting hisses and finally launching itself to bite its attacker, because in these situations it is an animal that becomes quite aggressive.

On the other hand, this snake is also very aggressive when guarding its eggs, which it incubates and protects for two months or so over time. In this sense, the ladder snake can bite a person and, although its teeth do not produce a very intense bite in relation to pain, it is capable of causing a wound by piercing the skin of a victim. If someone inexperienced tries to grab this snake, it is almost certain that he will receive a bite because, as we have mentioned, he reacts aggressively to the presence of human beings.

Do you love these animals and want to know more about them? Don't miss this other article on How Snakes Reproduce.

Does the ladder snake have poison?

Although this snake can strike out and bite a person, the ladder snake does not have venom, so it does not it becomes a dangerous animal in this sense. However, under the pressure of being attacked or even if it is grabbed, the animal will expel through its cloacal glands a substance with a rather unpleasant fetid odor, but it lacks any level of toxicity for people.

The ladder snake is classified within the Colubridae family, where we find the types of snakes that are usually known as snakes, although this last term is not in formal taxonomic use. This group contains a wide variety of species that lack venom, although there are some exceptions that can even be lethal to humans. The ladder snake catches its prey with its teeth and usually swallows them alive or kills them by constriction, but in either case it devours them whole. This happens because, not having the possibility of inoculating any toxic substance that immobilizes the victim, it uses its teeth and body as lethal weapons.

Meet other Types of non-venomous snakes to learn how to identify them.

Is the ladder snake poisonous? - Does the ladder snake have poison?
Is the ladder snake poisonous? - Does the ladder snake have poison?

How to act in case of a ladder snake bite?

Now that we know that the ladder snake is not poisonous but it is dangerous, how should we act if we find one? Prevention is the first action that we must always take into account in the presence of a snake. We should never try to grab or handle it thinking that it is not poisonous, since only a specialized person can properly identify these animals and know if they actually have poison or not. In the event of a bite from a ladder snake, as we already know, there will be no risk of poisoning, however, its sharp teeth do manage to cause a wound, which, although it should not be serious, requires attention and care. watch out.

A bite from a ladder snake results in a wound that must be properly cleaned and disinfected, because these animals often carry bacteria in the mouth that they transfer when biting a victim. In this sense, if a situation of this type occurs, you can use a product to clean the wound, such as physiological saline, then it would have to be covered and immediately go to a he alth center for a doctor to examine it. Although it may seem that cleaning is enough because the ladder snake is not poisonous, it is always important to go to a professional to prevent the wound from becoming infected or in case some type of medication is necessary.

It is important to remember that snakes attack when they feel threatened or in danger, and seeking to manipulate them is an action that can generate stress, which is why some react aggressively and respond in this way. The bite and the poison, if any, are mechanisms used by these animals to hunt or defend themselves, not to cause harm for no reason. For this reason, we must leave the animals alone.
