The 8 most dangerous reptiles in the world - List with images

The 8 most dangerous reptiles in the world - List with images
The 8 most dangerous reptiles in the world - List with images
The 8 most dangerous reptiles in the world
The 8 most dangerous reptiles in the world

All animals attract attention for certain reasons, be it their physical appearance, their behavior or their rarity. However, reptiles tend to arouse particular interest due to the great diversity of species that make up this class of the animal kingdom. While some reptiles are adopted as pets and endeared to children, such as turtles, some species arouse great fear due to their strength, their venom and/or their danger, such as crocodiles and snakes, for example.

Of course, we must understand that no animal is cruel or bad by nature, as we still hear on certain occasions. They simply possess certain hunting and defense mechanisms and abilities that can make them potentially lethal to humans and other animals that threaten their well-being or invade their territory.

1. King cobra (Ophiophagus hannah)

The king cobra ranks first in any ranking of the world's most poisonous snakes. Its venom is one of the most powerful and complex known today, having a rapid cardiotoxic and neurotoxic action. By injecting their venom into the body of their prey, their toxins are capable of directly affecting the heart and the nervous system.

King cobras are native to Southeast Asia, India, and southern China. Its thin body can exceed 5 meters in length, which is why they are also considered the largest poisonous snakes. To distinguish them from other species, it is enough to observe the shape and the large size of their heads, which are unique in the snake world.

The 8 most dangerous reptiles in the world - 1. King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah)
The 8 most dangerous reptiles in the world - 1. King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah)

two. Taipan Snakes

Taipán snakes (or simply taipans) constitute a large genus of snakes originating in Oceania These species could fight for first place on our list of the world's most dangerous reptiles with the king cobra. Its venom is one of the most toxic known today, being up to 400 times more lethal than the venom of a rattlesnake, for example.

The species known as Inland Taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus), native to Australia, is particularly fearsome due to the lethality of its poison. It is estimated that one bite could cause the death of up to 100 people.

The 8 most dangerous reptiles in the world - 2. Taipan Snakes
The 8 most dangerous reptiles in the world - 2. Taipan Snakes

3. Russell's Viper (Daboia russelii)

Probably, the Russell's viper, also known as the chain viper, is the species of snake that has been involved in the greatest number of accidents with human beings. Not only because of its extremely toxic venom, but also because of its aggressive nature Therefore, we could not fail to mention it among the most dangerous reptiles in the world.

They are native to India, Taiwan, South China and Southeast Asia. Despite its small size (they usually measure between 1 and 1.5 meters), this viper is noted for its strength, agility and robustness Some characteristics that allow it to be distinguished are its large nostrils, the bent snout, the triangular and flattened head, and the very prominent nasal scale.

The 8 most dangerous reptiles in the world - 3. Russell's viper (Daboia russelii)
The 8 most dangerous reptiles in the world - 3. Russell's viper (Daboia russelii)

4. Black mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis)

The black mamba is the most poisonous snake on the African continent, where it originates from, and also one of the most poisonous animals in the world. Their peculiar name is due to the fact that the inner portion of their mouth is completely black, which gives them a very peculiar appearance. Its body usually exhibits shades of gray or olive green.

This is a large snake, usually between 2.5 and 4 meters long, and remarkably agile. Although their nature is restless and quite reactive, Black mambas tend to be more elusive and will only attack when they feel threatened. In these cases, its powerful venom will affect the heart and nervous system, making an attack fatal if its victim does not receive prompt attention.

The 8 most dangerous reptiles in the world - 4. Black Mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis)
The 8 most dangerous reptiles in the world - 4. Black Mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis)

5. S altwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus)

The s altwater crocodile, also known as the s altwater crocodile, is the largest reptile known today Adult males can measure up to 7 meters in length, weighing up to 1500 kilos. While the females measure between 2 and 3.5 meters, with an average body weight of 500 kilos.

Its population lives mainly in the swampy areas of Australia, Indochina, Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia, New Guinea, India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. However, as they are excellent swimmers, they can enter open waters and even temporarily migrate to the coasts of French Polynesia and the Solomon Islands.

In their habitat, these crocodiles are apex predators with the most powerful biteamong the reptiles and one of the most powerful in the animal kingdom. They generally behave as opportunistic hunters, waiting for prey to come near the water and then attacking. Due to their reactive and territorial nature, s altwater crocodiles annually carry out numerous attacks on human beings, constituting one of the most dangerous reptiles in the world.

The 8 most dangerous reptiles in the world - 5. S altwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus)
The 8 most dangerous reptiles in the world - 5. S altwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus)

6. Caiman or black crocodile (Melanosuchus niger)

The black caiman, also known as Jacaré-açú or Yacaré Azú, is the only species of melanosuco that has not become extinct. It is one of the largest crocodiles in the world, with a body that can reach 6 meters in length and exhibits the characteristic black coloration of this species.

These huge caimans are native to South America and mainly inhabit the fresh waters of the Amazon. Along with jaguars and anacondas, they are considered the top predators of their ecosystems. Their diet ranges from small mammals, birds and fish to large animals such as monkeys, capybaras and wild boars.

In addition to being an excellent swimmer, the black caiman is also very intelligent and skillful when it comes to attacking its prey, being a relentless hunter with very powerful jawsFor this reason, they are among the most dangerous reptiles in the world and the most feared animals in the Amazon.

The 8 most dangerous reptiles in the world - 6. Cayman or black crocodile (Melanosuchus niger)
The 8 most dangerous reptiles in the world - 6. Cayman or black crocodile (Melanosuchus niger)

7. Komodo Dragon (Varanus komodoensis)

The famous and feared Komodo Dragon is a giant reptile, which can measure up to 3 meters in length and weigh up to 90 kilos. It is the largest lizard species known today, being endemic to the volcanic islands of Indonesia.

Komodo dragons are top predators and are at the top of the food chain in their natural habitat. Its hunting technique consists of immobilizing its prey with the toxins present in its saliva and then using its powerful and sharp teeth to feed. That is to say: it does not use its poison directly to kill the prey, but to incapacitate it, preventing it from escaping from its attack.

In reality, the Komodo dragon's saliva contains poisonous bacteria that, when entering the body of its prey, have an anticoagulant and hypotensive actionThese toxins cause the prey to suffer a rapid drop in blood pressure and blood loss. This combination sends her into a state of shock that makes any attempt at defense or escape impossible.

Does this mean that the Komodo dragon is dangerous to humans? Not necessarily… Komodo dragon attacks are relatively rare, considering the habitat of these animals and considering that humans are not part of their natural food chain. However, when threatened or sensing an invader in its environment, this giant reptile will be able to attack to guarantee its survival.

The 8 most dangerous reptiles in the world - 7. Komodo Dragon (Varanus komodoensis)
The 8 most dangerous reptiles in the world - 7. Komodo Dragon (Varanus komodoensis)

8. Alligator Snapping Turtle (Macrochelys temminckii)

Few people would think of a turtle as one of the most dangerous reptiles in the world, especially if we compare them with poisonous snakes or giant crocodiles. However, alligator turtles, also known as aligator turtles, have an imposing presence, a powerful biteand a somewhat ferocious character (although they are less aggressive than snapping turtles). Its natural habitat is in and around the Mississippi River (USA).

Unlike most turtles, which tend to inspire tranquility, alligator snapping turtles are not very attractive in appearance. Its most striking physical characteristics are: the sharp frontal beak, the large and robust head, the carapace with pointed designs, the scaly skin, and the long tail that can become the same size as the animal's body.

Another curiosity about the alligator turtles is the intelligent technique they apply to attract their prey and reaffirm themselves as an aquatic apex predator The alligator turtles They use their vermiform red tongue to simulate the movements of worms, while they wait for the fish to come closer, attracted by this illusion. They then use their powerful bite to capture and feed on them. Speaking of bites, it is estimated that an alligator turtle could rip off the hand of an adult person, and that is why we do not leave it out of our list of reptiles more dangerous in the world.
