My dog urinates very yellow - Meaning of urine color

My dog urinates very yellow - Meaning of urine color
My dog urinates very yellow - Meaning of urine color
My dog urinates very yellow, is it normal?
My dog urinates very yellow, is it normal?

Dog urine usually has a yellowish color and its elimination occurs several times a day, more in the case of males that are not sterilized, which use urine to mark their territory. Any modification of this pattern in our dog can indicate the presence of pathologies and it will be necessary for us to go to the vet.

In this article on our site we will explain why your dog urinates very yellow, brown, orange or red, analyzing the coloration of the dog urine and detailing each of its meanings.

Normal dog urine color

As we have already mentioned, the normal color of dog urine is light yellow, yellow or even amber When this color is altered, appearing darker or, on the contrary, transparent, it indicates a series of things that we must analyze to check if the animal's he alth status is being compromised. For example, if the dog urinates transparently or urinates a lot and is transparent, it probably means that it has increased its water intake, which may or may not be normal, depending on multiple factors such as the age of the dog, its level of activity, the characteristics of the weather etc If this is your case, do not hesitate to consult the following article: "Why does your dog drink a lot of water?".

If, on the other hand, the color of the dog's urine is dark, very yellow, orange, red or black, it is possible that the liver or kidneys suffer from some type of problem that should be detected and treat to prevent it from getting worse. However, these are not the only causes, so below we will review the reasons that can cause these color changes.

My dog urinates very yellow, is it normal? - Normal color of dog urine
My dog urinates very yellow, is it normal? - Normal color of dog urine

Very yellow urine in dogs

That our dog urinates very yellow indicates that this urine is concentrated If the dog has been unable to go out to empty his bladder for many hours It is normal for this concentration to occur, but if the coloration is repeated every time the animal urinates or we notice other symptoms, we should go to the vet.

If our dog urinates very yellow and doesn't want to eat, makes efforts to urinate and doesn't succeed or only passes drops, is sore, etc., we could be facing a urine infection o cystitisIn these cases, bacteria occupy the bladder and the urine will appear yellow, cloudy, and even bloody. The examination that the veterinarian performs on it, either by strip or culture, can confirm the diagnosis. Treatment will consist of prolonged administration of antibiotics. It is important to treat the problem early, otherwise the infection can travel up to the kidneys and damage them.

dehydration, which has multiple causes, is another reason for very yellow urine in dogs. It is important that our dog always has access to clean and fresh water and that we check that he drinks enough.

My dog urinates very yellow, is it normal? - Very yellow urine in dogs
My dog urinates very yellow, is it normal? - Very yellow urine in dogs

Red urine in dogs

We have said that in dogs that urinate very yellow due to a urine infection we can also find blood stains. When this bleeding is more abundant, we will notice that our dog urinates dark, reddish or pink. This phenomenon is called hematuria and may be due to bleeding as a result of damage to the urinary system. It requires veterinary attention, since it is necessary to determine the origin of the bleeding in order to establish a treatment.

A few drops of blood eliminated with the urine can refer us to a urine infection, as we have said, but also, in the case of males, to problems of prostate In female dogs, vaginal bleeding is sometimes confused with hematuria. Both may bleed if they have kidney disease or a bacterial disease, leptospirosis. For more information, do not hesitate to consult the following article: "Why does your dog urinate blood?".

My dog urinates very yellow, is it normal? - Red urine in dogs
My dog urinates very yellow, is it normal? - Red urine in dogs

Orange urine in dogs

This shade of urine in dogs may be due to hemolytic anemia In this process, rapid destruction of red blood cells occurs, which they break down, generating hemoglobin and bile, which is what gives the urine its orange color, although the hue can vary, so we can see that the dog urinates very yellow or very brown.

Hemolytic anemia can be diagnosed in a blood test. There are several causes that trigger it and one of the best known is babesiosis, a disease transmitted by ticks that can be fatal, so it requires rapid detection and treatment. Corticosteroids are used to try to stop the destruction of red blood cells.

My dog urinates very yellow, is it normal? - Orange urine in dogs
My dog urinates very yellow, is it normal? - Orange urine in dogs

Dark urine in dogs

Dark brown urine in dogs or a dog that urinates the color of Coca-Cola may be suffering from a kidney or liver problem In conditions renal we will observe symptoms such as an increase in water intake and in the elimination of urine, vomiting, etc. The dog can urinate very yellow and thick if there are also infections like the ones we have mentioned. In general, this type of urine also usually emits a strong odor. In liver failure the bile accumulates in the body and, when eliminated through the urine, turns it brown. The dog may show other signs that are initially nonspecific.

When, in addition to the staining of the urine, the mucous membranes appear yellowish, a phenomenon known as jaundice, accumulations appear of fluid in different parts of the body or hemorrhages, we can suspect various liver problems. All these disorders can be detected in blood tests and require veterinary treatment, always after trying to identify the cause that has started the kidney or liver failure.
