Caring for a yellow-eared slider

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Caring for a yellow-eared slider
Caring for a yellow-eared slider
Caring for a yellow-eared slider
Caring for a yellow-eared slider

When we talk about the yellow-eared turtle we refer to a specific species whose name is Trachemys scripta scripta. Its popular name is due to its appearance, as it is a turtle that has a dark color but has yellow lines on its tail, legs and face.

Throughout its life it will experience a growth that can end with a shell that reaches 40 centimeters in length, with females generally being larger than males, therefore, we must take into account this factor before taking in an animal with these characteristics. It is possible to keep this turtle in captivity, however, this is a great responsibility, which is why in this article on our site we talk about the optimal care for a yellow-eared slider

Yellow-eared slider habitat

To know how to properly care for a yellow-eared slider, it is first necessary to understand what is their habitat when they are in the wild.

The yellow-eared slider is essentially a freshwater turtle that enjoys staying in slow-moving rivers, lakes, ponds, swamps, or rafts, adapting to practically any aquatic environment; They can even slightly tolerate s alt water, although it is not ideal. Obviously, they also enjoy exposure to the sun, standing on the sandbanks or on any structure that allows it.

As we will see below, the conditions of the natural habitat of these turtles allow them to adapt without any problem to the climate of Spain, and when we talk about those species from Central America, they also adapt well to the climatic conditions offered by these areas.

Caring for a yellow-eared slider - The habitat of the yellow-eared slider
Caring for a yellow-eared slider - The habitat of the yellow-eared slider

What does a yellow-eared slider need to live in captivity?

To welcome a turtle of these characteristics in our home, it is essential to have a fairly large aquarium, with a minimum capacity of 290 liters, and whose minimum depth is 40-60 cm so that the turtle can swim.

On the other hand, the water temperature is important and must be maintained throughout the year between 25 and 35 ºC, although in winter it should be below 20 degrees to facilitate the hibernation of the yellow-eared slider. The exception is found in hatchlings under one year of age, which will not hibernate yet. In this case, the aquarium must be kept during the winter at a temperature not lower than 24 ºC. Equally important is the pH of the water, which should be between 5 and 8, never below 5.

The ideal is to keep them outside the home all year round, since, as we mentioned, they adapt perfectly to our climate. In addition, with a suitable aquarium, with rocks and surfaces of different levels that simulate their natural habitat, a good diet and sufficient exposure to the sun, they grow properly. and no he alth problems. In this sense, it is important to provide the turtle with ramps that allow it to access the water and the land area without any difficulty. Likewise, the terrestrial part can be made up of plants and small trees, although it is advisable to leave an area without any vegetation so that the turtle can sunbathe.

Regarding the enrichment of the water in the pond or aquarium, we can incorporate both floating plants, such as water lilies, as well as other background plants, such as some type of algae. However, the turtle will most likely end up devouring them. Regarding the sand, it is not advisable to add fertilized soil for plants or gravel in the bottom, the ideal is to opt for common soil or sand.

How often do you change the yellow-eared slider's water?

If we have a filter and a vacuum cleaner, the water can last for two to three months. If we do not have these tools, we will be forced to change the turtle's water every three days, since they tend to urinate and defecate in abundance.

The confinement in small aquariums, completely closed and without freedom of movement or exposure to the sun is totally contraindicated when it comes to optimal care for the yellow-eared slider. With this, the animal will develop he alth problems that may even end its life.

Caring for a yellow-eared slider - What does a yellow-eared slider need to live in captivity?
Caring for a yellow-eared slider - What does a yellow-eared slider need to live in captivity?

Yellow-eared slider feeding

Food is going to be a fundamental part of the care that this tortoise should receive, whose diet in the wild is omnivorous, made up of both plant and animal elements.

The basis of the yellow-eared slider's diet can be a specific feed, however it must be supplemented with foods of animal origin such as snails, insects, slugs, fish, tadpoles, or even meat and fish, such as tuna, salmon, beef liver, cod, chicken, turkey, or pork. Not introducing these foods into their diet can lead to a deficiency of vitamins and proteins, since commercial feed and dried prawns do not cover all their nutritional needs. Live foods should be incorporated into the aquarium so that they alone come to hunt them. The cold cuts, on the other hand, can be crushed and made as a kind of porridge with them.

On the other hand, yellow-eared sliders must maintain a vegetable supply in their diet and, for this, it is best to include aquatic plantsin the pond, which will help purify the water and the turtle can go to them when it wants to eat them. To maintain this vegetable supply, they can also be offered some type of fruit and vegetables , such as Swiss chard, peas, bananas, melons or watermelons. We do not recommend offering lettuce, since they have difficulty digesting it.

It is important to mention that yellow-eared sliders need to receive an extra supply of calcium To do this, we can opt for foods rich in calcium, such as those already mentioned, or purchase special calcium supplements for turtles. Why is calcium so important? Very simple, because it helps to strengthen both the shell and the bones of these animals.
