How to hatch a turtle egg? - Everything you need to know

How to hatch a turtle egg? - Everything you need to know
How to hatch a turtle egg? - Everything you need to know
How to hatch a turtle egg?
How to hatch a turtle egg?

Today there are many species of turtles that are in danger of extinction This is because the mortality rate of the turtle eggs is very high, as they bury their eggs and never have contact with their young again. In this way, the eggs are exposed to predators: animals, high tides and even humans.

This is why the reproduction process is so important, it is not only about conserving the life of the little animals that have just come out of the eggs, but it is also a matter of preserving the species. Do you want to know how to hatch turtle eggs? If you have found an egg and believe that the only way for it to survive is through captive incubation, continue reading this article on our site. Of course, under no circumstances should turtle nests be searched to extract the eggs on a whim, the process that we describe below should be carried out in very specific situations.

Is it possible to hatch turtle eggs?

Hatching turtle eggs is not impossible, but it is It is difficult to succeed If you get a turtle egg, it is best to take it to a organization in charge of the conservation of these species, since recognizing the gestation stage or if it has actually been hot enough for a baby to be born will be quite difficult. It will always be better for the incubation to take place in the natural habitat of the turtle, and these types of centers have fully equipped spaces for this task.

However, if you think the egg is in danger where you found it and you don't know of an organization to take it, you can make the incubation process yourself. In case the result is positive and the calf is born, you must return it to its natural habitat when it is ready.

Be very careful with the egg, try to touch it as little as possible and avoid turning it, as this can cause the embryo to detach, making gestation impossible. It is best to mark with a cross the original position in which you found the egg and place it in the same way in the incubator.

How to know if a turtle egg is fertilized?

Before talking about the fertilization of the egg, it is important to point out that, on occasions, we can find ourselves before an egg from another animal. Sea turtles bury their eggs in the sand on the beach, so if we find one in this place we can be sure that it is a turtle egg. Now, land turtles bury their eggs in the ground, but they are not the only ones that carry out this incubation process. For this reason, we once again emphasize the importance of going to a wildlife recovery center.

On the other hand, knowing what species of turtle the egg belongs to is not easy either, so we recommend looking for information about the species that inhabit the area where you found the egg to try to identify it.

Now yes, let's see how to know if a turtle egg is fertile To do this, the most effective thing to do is to test the candling, for which you will need a flashlight the same diameter as the egg. Once achieved, you will have to go to a place in your house that allows you to be in total darkness, turn on the flashlight, focus on the egg and, with your hands, surround the flashlight and the egg so that the light focuses only on the egg.. When you get it, you will see that you can see inside it and check if the turtle egg is fertilized or not. To do this, you must look at the dark spot inside, which corresponds to the embryo, and at the small veins that come out of it, which are the blood vessels. To know all the details of this process, don't miss the article "How to recognize a fertile egg".

The egg in the image is not a turtle, it is a sample of the process and what can be observed in a fertilized egg.

How to hatch a turtle egg? - How to know if a turtle egg is fertilized?
How to hatch a turtle egg? - How to know if a turtle egg is fertilized?

How to hatch the turtle egg?

When you have arrived home with the turtle egg and have verified that it is fertilized, it is time to provide the necessary conditions for its development. First of all, you will need an incubatorThere are special incubators on the market, but you can also build your own.

How to make a homemade turtle egg incubator?

To make the incubator at home you will need two plastic containers, one small and one larger, a thermostat, a thermometer, vermiculite, water and, of course, the turtle egg.

The process is very simple: fill the large container halfway with water and place the thermostat on it. In the small container, bury the egg in moist vermiculite and place the thermometer near the egg. Now you can place the egg inside the large container, support it with some wooden blocks so that the small container protrudes from the large one.

Now the most important thing is to watch the temperature of the environment in which the egg will develop. This will depend on the species, but in general it should be between 30 and 32 degrees Celsius. The temperature is very important, as it will determine the days of gestation and the sex of the offspring. In this sense, the higher the temperature, the more likely it is to be female; however, you must be careful, as high temperatures could kill the hatchling.

How long does it take for a turtle egg to hatch?

Gestational days will decrease as long as you keep the egg at the right temperature. Usually, it's about 70 to 80 days, but this could take longer, remember to maintain the ideal temperature and humidity for the egg. First of all, be patient.

Once the turtle begins to hatch, allow the process to be as natural as possible. Do not help her out, this must be done by the baby on its own. In this sense, do not worry, it has a small tooth with which it will break the shell and, a few days after fulfilling its function, it will fall out. Birth is a slow process, as it can take between 8 and 24 hoursDuring this time, the turtle will finish getting the last nutrients from the yolk sac.

When it is out, it is important not to remove the yolk sac, as these nutrients will help it survive for the next few hours.

How to hatch a turtle egg? - How to hatch the turtle egg?
How to hatch a turtle egg? - How to hatch the turtle egg?

Care for newborn turtles

When the hatchling has hatched, you must accompany it for at least a month. Transfer it to an aquaterrarium prepared with a water filter, heater, etc., as if it were for an adult turtle, since newborns are prone to infections. That yes, again, to adapt your space it is essential to try to know the species of the newborn turtle, so visit a specialist or a veterinarian for help.

Do not fill the tank to the top with water, the little turtle must be able to stick its head out and breathe. Place the water at a temperature no higher than 26 degrees and provide good lighting It should be in the sun, although not directly, so that it can synthesize the vitamin D necessary for create a strong shell, essential for when it returns to its habitat.

During the month that it will remain with you before being released, you must feed the turtle well with food for its species, you can find it in any pet supply store. Finally, if you haven't done it before, take the little animal to the vet so that he can tell you what species it is so that you can release it to a suitable place.
