Dog Trainers in Alcorcón - TOP RATED

Dog Trainers in Alcorcón - TOP RATED
Dog Trainers in Alcorcón - TOP RATED
Dog trainers in Alcorcón
Dog trainers in Alcorcón

Training a dog is not always easy because there are many factors to take into account, understanding and patience being the keys to get good results. Likewise, it is important to understand that by shouting or punishing we will not be able to keep the animal balanced and mentally stable, on the contrary, we will develop fears in it that, in the long run, can cause even aggressive reactions. For all these reasons, the method of choice is based on positive techniques, which motivate the animal to continue learning and do not harm its he alth.

If you live in Alcorcón and need to hire the services of a professional to educate your furry companion or correct certain behaviors, on our site we share a list with the best dog trainers perro de Alcorcón based on their results, techniques and user opinions.

DogEduca - Casarrubuelos


DogEduca is considered one of the best dog trainers in Alcorcón due to the methods used and excellent results. It is made up of a team of specialized professionals in different areas of dog training, including veterinarians, dog instructors and dog psychologists. His knowledge, added to his extensive experience, give us the confidence to leave something as important as the education of our furry companions or the correction of certain behaviors in his hands.

For the DogEduca team it is essential to follow a positive training method if you want to obtain optical results without harming your mental state and emotional of the animal. For this reason, they are based on reinforcing the bond between dog and human and work so that both understand, have fun and learn together. It should be noted that work at home, covering other areas of Madrid and also working with puppies, conducting group classes, offering ethological and behavioral advice, and much more.

Animal Sense - Alcorcón

animal sense
animal sense

If there is one word that defines Sentido Animal above the rest, it is passion, passion for animals and passion for their work. His complete team, both human and canine, works with respect and always guaranteeing the well-being of all his clients. All the people who make up Sentido Animal are specialized in some area of training, education and canine he alth, so that we find qualified trainers, ethologists, specialists in behavior and behavior modification, technicians and experts in animal-assisted interventions, veterinary assistants, etc.

They carry out individual and group sessions for adult dogs and puppies, so regardless of the service you want to contract related to training and education, you will surely find it here! In addition to being one of the best dog trainers in Alcorcón, Sentido Animal is a training school where dog educator courses, expert and technical courses are taught in animal-assisted interventions, workshops and seminars.

FeelCan - Positive training - Madrid

FeelCan - Positive Training
FeelCan - Positive Training

In FeelCan you will find both specialized trainers in behavior modification and Agility monitors, being another of the best dog trainers in Alcorcón. Their working method is based on positive training, they work at home and offer group classes for adult dogs and puppies.

On the other hand FeelCan teaches training courses, workshops and seminars designed to broaden the knowledge of professionals in the animal sector, as well as help all those people who live with animals and want to acquire certain studies.

Princess Agility Club - Alcorcón

Princess Agility Club
Princess Agility Club

If what you are looking for is to get started in Agility and you don't know how, at the La Princesa Agility Club you will not only find excellent trainers of dogs, but you will also be able to introduce yourself to a community that shares your interests, will help you to continue advancing and will allow your furry companion to interact with other dogs.

This club belongs to the Princess Canine Education Group, and stands out for being the first group recognized by the Royal Canine Society of Spain in Agility mode.

Two Dressage - Madrid - Las Rozas de Madrid

Two Dressage - Madrid
Two Dressage - Madrid

DOS Training works in practically the entire community of Madrid, with Alcorcón being one of the areas included. Its philosophy is to work together (dog and human) in order to move forward together, strengthen the bond and improve coexistence. To do this, they base their work methodology on positive techniques, and offer services such as education for puppies, home training, behavior correction or group classes.
