Why is my dog shaking and can't walk? - Main causes

Table of contents:

Why is my dog shaking and can't walk? - Main causes
Why is my dog shaking and can't walk? - Main causes
Why is my dog trembling and can't walk?
Why is my dog trembling and can't walk?

There are several causes that can cause tremors and mobility problems in dogs. In this article on our site we are going to review the most common ones that can explain why a dog trembles and cannot walk When establishing a diagnosis it is important that Let's consider whether the tremors occur at rest or during movement. The latter can be intentional, such as those of cerebellar disorders, generalized, such as those that occur in intoxications, or localized, such as those that occur in the hind legs due to old age. We will see them in more detail below.

Causes of generalized tremors in dogs and incoordination

Tremors are involuntary and pathological movements that occur in the whole body or only in one part. We can see dogs tremble due to cold or fear, but in this article we are going to focus on explaining the cases in which dogs tremble and cannot walk. Generally, this happens when, in addition to the tremors, there is muscle weakness, or even paralysis, which prevents our animal from walking correctly. We begin with generalized tremors, that is, those in which the whole body is involved Some of the most common causes that originate them are the following:

  • Encephalitis or brain inflammation: this brain disorder can have various origins and perhaps the best known is distemper. The dog convulses, walks uncoordinated, undergoes behavioral changes (especially increased aggressiveness), has a fever and may end up in a coma. Dogs that recover may be left with permanent neurological sequelae or episodes of seizures. For more information, do not hesitate to consult the article "Distemper in dogs - Symptoms and treatment".
  • Poisonings: There are many poisons that can cause tremors and difficulties in movement. The clinical picture will depend on the substance ingested. Some of the symptoms that occur are vomiting, weakness, spasms, seizures, uncoordinated walking, nervousness, hypersalivation, staggering, rapid breathing, diarrhea, abdominal pain, paralysis and even coma. The prognosis will depend on the poison, the amount ingested or the size of the dog.
  • Multiple congenital, metabolic and nervous system diseases: these disorders will be characterized by weakness and instability, which will make it difficult to ambulation that, in other cases, will be uncoordinated. Tremors also appear. Diagnosis and veterinary treatment are required, on which the prognosis will depend.

If your dog shakes and falls over, it is most likely due to one of the above problems, so it will be It is essential to go to the vet as soon as possible to find the cause and treat it. On many occasions, an early diagnosis means the difference between life and death.

Why is my dog trembling and can't walk? - Causes of generalized tremors in dogs and incoordination
Why is my dog trembling and can't walk? - Causes of generalized tremors in dogs and incoordination

Causes of localized tremors in dogs and walking difficulties

These tremors are located in a certain part of the body, in the case at hand it will be mainly the hind legs that are affected, which that makes mobility difficult and explains why the dog trembles and falls, does not support itself or even the dog trembles and does not want to move, because it may be feeling pain. In older dogs we can observe this picture more frequently. An example of this is the cognitive dysfunction syndrome, which mainly affects dogs over 10 years of age and involves a deterioration of their mental faculties. Thus, the dogs that suffer from it seem disoriented, they stop knowing the family, they sleep more during the day and stay awake at night, their activity decreases, they can turn around in a circle, they suffer from tremors, stiffness, weakness and some begin to not control sphincters. It will be the veterinarian who reaches the diagnosis after ruling out other pathologies. And when it is younger dogs that do not want to walk or limp on one hind leg, we may be facing other types of cases. Of course, in general, these cases are not usually accompanied by tremors. See the article "Why does my dog limp on one back leg?" if this is your case and find out about everything.

On the other hand, with age, many dogs are going to suffer osteoarthritis, a disorder that can also explain why our dog he trembles and cannot walk, all due to the pain he feels. The exhausted muscle trembles. There are medications to alleviate it, since it is not curable or preventable. It is also advisable for the dog to exercise moderately, control his weight to prevent him from gaining excess weight, prevent him from getting cold and offer him adequate, soft and warm resting places.

Finally, a trauma caused by a blow or accident can also cause the dog to tremble and not want to move depending on the affected area of the body. As with the previous cases, it is the pain that prevents the animal from wanting to make any movement, so it will be very important to try to locate the damaged part and contact the veterinarian.

What to do if your dog shakes a lot and can't walk?

Since the causes that justify tremors and difficulty moving in dogs are varied and, for the most part, serious, the most appropriate thing is to go to the veterinarian as soon as soon as possibleIn addition, it is advisable to try to examine the animal to check if the tremors are general or localized and, if they occur in a specific area, check for the existence of any injury, inflammation or any abnormality that we should discuss with the specialist.
