6 Animals that walk on water - Find out why and HOW THEY DO IT

6 Animals that walk on water - Find out why and HOW THEY DO IT
6 Animals that walk on water - Find out why and HOW THEY DO IT
Water Walking Animals
Water Walking Animals

Within the features that define the animal world, there are various aspects of great curiosity related to the large number of species that make up the global fauna. Thus, we find different particular behaviors that in many cases come to be surprising.

On our site we want to present an article about one of these peculiarities of animals, and it is the possibility of some of them perching or moving on the water. Keep reading and find out about animals that walk on water and why they can.

Why do some animals walk on water?

There are not a few animals that manage to perch and stand on their legs on the surface of the water, but what is more striking is that they also manage to move and in some cases even run on it. But, why are there animals that move on water? What characteristics do they have that allow them to carry out this action?

In principle, this phenomenon responds to a fact that explains physics and has to do with what is known as « surface tension », and it is a resistance effect generated on the water surface thanks to intermolecular forces. As long as this tension is not broken, the animals can remain on the water and move through it, some even have extremities that makes it even easier for them to perch on the water. liquid, since they have the capacity to repel water, so that when contact is generated the tension of the same continues without breaking and the individual remains at float.

But not all animals have the ability to maintain the surface tension of water, since their size and weight do not allow it. However, they still manage to stay and move on the water, so we could ask you, how do these species achieve this behavior? In these cases, other features of the species come into play. One of them is the use of a limb that gives them strength and propulsion, allowing them to stay above the water for a certain time; another has to do with the impermeability of the skin and the speed with which the animal moves.

Here are some examples of animals that walk on water.


Geckos are reptiles that are found within the group of lizards and of which there are several species that commonly inhabit our homes. Among its characteristics we find the possibility of moving around various surfaces, climbing walls and even being attached to the ceiling thanks to the pads on its legs. But some members of this group, such as those of the genus Hemidactylus, also have the ability to run on water, which, according to studies [1], they do for various reasons:

  • On the one hand, the surface tension of the water comes into play, although these animals can break it.
  • On the other, your hydrophobic skin (impermeable) and this, without a doubt, also intervenes in the process. However, the speed they execute supported by their four limbs, making movements that keep their head and body above the water and having their tail partially submerged, are essential for this type of movement on water.
Animals that walk on water - Geckos
Animals that walk on water - Geckos

Jesus Christ Lizards or Basilisks

Here we find a group of reptiles, also called « basilisks », belonging to the genus Basiliscus, which are native to several countries of America. These animals also have the peculiarity of running on water, but, unlike the previous case, they do it using their two hind limbs, that is, they are animals that they run on the water with an atypically bipedal posture. Learn more about the Characteristics of bipedal animals in this other article.

Its common name comes precisely from this ability to move on water. This ability is possible thanks to the fact that the hind legs have some lobes that function as a kind of fins, which allows them to rest on the water and generate a certain speed to scroll over it. However, it cannot do it for an indefinite time, in fact, the smallest individuals are the ones that manage to execute the action for the longest time and travel up to 20 meters, while the largest and heaviest ones travel a very short distance and then sink., so they must swim. These animals need to run at high speed to perform this feat, since, in any case, if they descend in the same way they submerge.

Animals that walk on water - Lizards Jesus Christ or basilisks
Animals that walk on water - Lizards Jesus Christ or basilisks


Other typical animals that perch on water are mosquitoes, a fact that is also vital for laying their eggsin the middle. A [2] study revealed that the legs of these animals arehydrophobic and that the tarsus is flexible, which allows it to position this part of the leg horizontally over the water. By doing this, an upward force is generated that is 20 times greater than the animal's own weight. The sum of these two aspects gives it buoyancy.

Animals that walk on water - Mosquitoes
Animals that walk on water - Mosquitoes

Shoe Bug

The shoe bug (Gerris lacustris) is a species of the order Hemiptera that lives in Europe and is also another animal that walks on the Water. The pond skater, as it is also called, has the ends of its legs that are hydrophobic, that is, they repel water, which makes it easier for them not to the surface tension of the liquid is broken and the insect moves with incredible ease. A curious fact about this insect is that, when it is on the water, it is capable of feeling the vibrations of some other animal that falls nearby, which will allow it to feed on it ste althily, since it is a predator.

Animals that walk on water - Shoemaker insect
Animals that walk on water - Shoemaker insect

Raft spider (Dolomedes fimbriatus)

Another insect that is able to walk on water is this arachnid known as the raft spider. It has a wide distribution in Europe and regions of Asia. It lives near aquatic spaces, into which it can enter on foot to hunt thanks to the fact that does not break the surface tension of the waterIt is an active predator that feeds on other types of invertebrates and even some vertebrates such as frogs and fish, which it captures in the water.

Animals that walk on water - Raft spider (Dolomedes fimbriatus)
Animals that walk on water - Raft spider (Dolomedes fimbriatus)


Although apparently it is not a behavior that they commonly do in their natural habitat, and rather responds to training when they are unfortunately in captivity, some dolphins manage to get almost completely out of the water andhold only on their tail fin and then make some strong and fast movements that make it appear as if they were walking on water.

Remember that these and all animals that remain in zoos and entertainment parks should be enjoying a life in freedom, in their natural habitat. Many of them suffer from serious he alth problems due to captivity, mainly due to the limited space they have. Therefore, we encourage you to reflect before going to one of these places.

If you love these animals and want to discover more about them, we encourage you to keep reading and discover Why dolphins jump in this other article.
