25 Animals in danger of extinction in Africa and why they are disappearing

Table of contents:

25 Animals in danger of extinction in Africa and why they are disappearing
25 Animals in danger of extinction in Africa and why they are disappearing
Endangered Animals in Africa
Endangered Animals in Africa

Africa is a vast continent covering around 30,272,922 square kilometres. It is characterized by various types of ecosystems and, thanks to this, we find multiple animal and plant species Unfortunately, this vast continent is also affected by the decrease in its fauna, mainly due to the impact of human action.

Discover on our site which are the animals in danger of extinction in Africa and what are the causes that are causing their disappearance from the continent.

1. African White-backed Vulture

The African White-backed Vulture (Gyps africanus) is the first of our endangered animals in Africa. It inhabits the forests, deserts, savannahs and urban areas of the African continent. It is unique in its kind, its average lifespan is 18 years and it does not migrate. The conservation status of this vulture has suffered radically during the 21st century, since in 2004 it was classified as minor concern, while in 2019 it was considered critically endangered

There are various threats to the white-backed, among them the most important is the action of the agriculture and thelivestock , since it is displaced by these activities, the trees where it nests are destroyed and it frequently suffers from poisoning. In addition, it is also in danger due to illegal hunting.

Endangered animals in Africa - 1. African White-backed Vulture
Endangered animals in Africa - 1. African White-backed Vulture

two. African Snout-snouted Crocodile

The African Snout-snouted Crocodile (Mecistops cataphractus) is one of three species of crocodiles that inhabit Africa. It measures between 2.5 and 4 meters and most of its life takes place in the water, so it prefers areas of thick vegetation to hide from its prey. It is also critically endangered

Among the endangered species of the African snout-nosed crocodile is the hunting to obtain its skin, the growth of cities, which has expelled from their natural habitats, the effect on nature of the mining and gas industry, pollution and climate change.

Endangered animals in Africa - 2. African Snout-snouted Crocodile
Endangered animals in Africa - 2. African Snout-snouted Crocodile

3. White Rhino

The white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) weighs up to 4 tons and is characterized by a light gray tone that gives it its name, in contrast to the black skin of the other rhinoceros species. Since 1994, the species has gone from being considered a vulnerable species to a near threatened species

Despite this and although the number of existing adult specimens is unknown, an increase in the population appears on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. The main and almost only threat to the white rhinoceros is illegal hunting, carried out to traffic its horn, whose use is popular in Chinese medicine and also as an ornamental accessory.

Endangered animals in Africa - 3. White rhinoceros
Endangered animals in Africa - 3. White rhinoceros

4. African Wild Ass

Another species included in the list of animals in danger of extinction is the African wild ass (Equus africanus). It reaches 2 meters long and weighs up to 300 kilos. The coat varies from light gray to beige, as well as white with black stripes on the legs. They are solitary animals that live in desert areas, so they can endure several days without drinking water.

The conservation status has worsened in the last 20 years, it is currently considered critically endangered The donkey is affected by the effect of the multiple civil conflicts that plague the continent, drought, hunting and the destruction of their habitat by agriculture.

Endangered Animals in Africa - 4. African Wild Ass
Endangered Animals in Africa - 4. African Wild Ass

5. Cape Penguin

The Cape penguin (Spheniscus demersus) is also known as the spectacled penguin due to the distribution of colors on its head. They reach up to 70 centimeters in height and weigh 5 kilos. It feeds on fish, crustaceans and other marine animals. It is listed endangered

Currently, the species is only found off the coasts of Namibia, Angola, Mozambique, South Africa, Congo and Gabon. Its main threats are climate change, industrial pollution,hunting , the effect of fishing and mining, among other human activities.

Endangered animals in Africa - 5. Cape Penguin
Endangered animals in Africa - 5. Cape Penguin

6. Lycaon

Continuing with the list of animals in danger of extinction in Africa comes the turn of the lycaon or African wild dog (Lycaon pictus). It is a mammal similar in appearance to the hyena. It weighs up to 30 kilos and is distinguished by a sand-colored coat with black-spotted areas and elongated ears. It lives and hunts in packs, and feeds on different hoofed mammals. It is in danger of extinction

Currently, it is estimated that there are around 1,409 adult specimens, distributed in small areas of the savannas Namibia, Angola, Zambia, Malawi and other African countries. It is in danger due to the effect of the various civil conflicts, the hunt, the expansion of populations and agriculture, among other reasons.

Animals in danger of extinction in Africa - 6. Lycaon
Animals in danger of extinction in Africa - 6. Lycaon

7. African Damselfly

The African damselfly (Africallagma cuneistigma) is endemic to Zimbabwe, where it prefers to inhabit tropical forest and nearby areas to the rivers. The number of existing specimens is unknown, because its small size and low population range make it difficult to count the species.

It is a critically endangered species due to the devastating effect that mining has on the areas that constitute its habitat. Deforestation and the introduction of invasive species, such as trout, are also contributing to the decline of the African damselfly.

Endangered Animals in Africa - 7. African Damselfly
Endangered Animals in Africa - 7. African Damselfly

8. African Bat

The African bat (Kerivoula africana), is a species endemic to Tanzania, where it lives in the forests. Few data exist on its habits and distribution, since in 1988 it was considered extinct. As of 2004, however, some specimens were sighted, so the species is listed as endangered speciesThe main threat to the African bat is the disappearance of forests due to logging and the expansion of agriculture.

9. Hewitt's Ghost Frog

Another of Africa's endangered animals is the ghost frog (Heleophryne hewitti), endemic to the Eastern Cape of South Africa. It inhabits the low vegetation areas and the swamps of that small South African area. It is characterized by presenting a body in greenish-golden tones with dark wine-colored spots. It is listed as endangered species

The species is considered endangered due to the destruction of its habitat by the planting of exotic species, the sedimentation of rivers due to agriculture and industrial activity, and the introduction of predatory fish.

Endangered Animals in Africa - 9. Hewitt's Ghost Frog
Endangered Animals in Africa - 9. Hewitt's Ghost Frog

10. African Giant Frog

The African giant frog (Arthroleptis krokosua) is a species endemic to Ghana, where it inhabits a small wooded area located in the Reserve Forest Sui, where it is estimated that there are only 249 adult individuals, since the population is declining. Little information is available about their lifestyle.

The African giant frog is considered a critically endangered species Its main threats are logging carried out within the forest reserve, habitat fragmentation to expand agricultural areas and small-scale mining, activities that weaken and destroy the natural ecosystem of the species.

Endangered Animals in Africa - 10. African Giant Frog
Endangered Animals in Africa - 10. African Giant Frog

eleven. Mount Kahuzi Climbing Mouse

The Mount Kahuzi Climbing Mouse (Dendromus kahuziensis) is a rodent endemic to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It reaches only 132 millimeters and inhabits a small area of tropical forest located on Mount Kahuzi, within the Kahnti Biega National Park.

It is a rare species of which only two specimens have been found, so the number of individuals that currently exist is unknown. It is considered a critically endangered species, since its habitat is threatened by illegal logging and fires that occur inside the nature reserve.

12. Congo Owl

The Congo Owl (Phodilus prigoginei) is a species of owl that inhabits the tropical mountains of Itombwe, located in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. There is little data on it and it is estimated that there are around 9.360 individuals, making it part of our list of endangered animals in Africa.

It is an endangered species. The threats that endanger the Congo Owl are the expansion of agricultural areas, as well as climate change and the limited information available on the habits of the species.

13. Atlantic humpback dolphin

The Humpback dolphin (Sousa teuszii) inhabits the coasts of the Atlantic Ocean that surround the African continent. It reaches 2 meters in length and is characterized by a bulging dorsal fin, which gives it its name. It feeds on smaller fish.

It is a critically endangered species, since it is estimated that there are only 1,500 adult specimens. It is threatened by the effect of agricultural activity, the introduction of foreign species into its habitat, fishing and the effect of pollution due to the expansion of populations.

14. Perret's Water Frog

The Perret's Water Frog (Petropedetes perreti) is endemic to Cameroon, where it inhabits small areas of humid forest located in the mountains from the country. The species prefers to live near rocks and waterfalls, where it lays its eggs to develop. It is listed as endangered species due to pollution from agricultural activity, felling of trees and the effects of expanding populations.

Endangered Animals in Africa - 14. Perret's Water Frog
Endangered Animals in Africa - 14. Perret's Water Frog

fifteen. Zambezi Flipper Turtle

We close the list of endangered animals in Africa with the Zambezi flipper tortoise (Cycloderma frenatum), a species of turtle characterized by a smooth greenish shell. It inhabits the humid zones of Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Tanzania. The number of extant specimens is unknown, but its population has been in decline since 1996.

It is considered an endangered species due to the collection of its eggs for human consumption, the effect of fishing and other activities to exploit water resources, and illegal hunting to be sold as pets.

Endangered Animals in Africa - 15. Zambezi Flipper Turtle
Endangered Animals in Africa - 15. Zambezi Flipper Turtle

List of endangered animals in Africa

There are other threatened species on the African continent, we present this list of animals in danger of extinction in Africa:

  • African caecilian (Boulengerula taitana)
  • Amphibian of the genus Caecilidae (Boulengerula changamwensis)
  • Pickersgill's Cane Frog (Hyperolius pickersgilli)
  • Sao Tome Frog (Hyperolius thomensis)
  • Kenya Frog (Hyperolius rubrovermiculatus)
  • African spotted catfish (Holohalaelurus punctatus)
  • Sagala Cecilia (Boulengerula niedeni)
  • Juliana golden mole (Neamblysomus julianae)
  • Clarke's Banana Frog (Afrixalus clarkei)
  • Malagasy giant rat (Hypogeomys antimena)
  • Geometric Tortoise (Psammobates geometricus)

Discover more about the animals of Africa on our site, such as the black mamba, considered the most poisonous snake in Africa. You may also be interested in our list of African dog breeds, they will surprise you!
