PALOMA FIGURITA VALENCIANA - Characteristics, origin, food and customs (with PHOTOS)

PALOMA FIGURITA VALENCIANA - Characteristics, origin, food and customs (with PHOTOS)
PALOMA FIGURITA VALENCIANA - Characteristics, origin, food and customs (with PHOTOS)
Valencian pigeon figurine
Valencian pigeon figurine

The domestication of animals is a human activity that has been developing for centuries, so that there are not a few species that are closely related to people due to this action. From the breeding of animals, human beings have somehow managed to make a selection in the species, which in this case would be of a non-natural type. As a consequence of this practice, a varied number of breeds have been obtained, which are animals of a particular species that express different forms in their appearance due to the selective crosses that are carried out and that are inherited by the offspring.

A group of domesticated animals throughout history have been birds and one of them is the rock dove (Columba livia), from which many different breeds have been produced for different purposes, such as example the Valencian figurine pigeon In this tab of our site we want to present information about this breed, so we invite you to continue reading and learn about it.

Origin of the Valencian figurine pigeon

This breed is a variant of the rock pigeon species (Columba livia), which has been highly domesticated and has spread throughout practically the entire world. In particular, the Valencia figurine pigeon was produced in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula, in Spain, specifically in Valencia, Catalunya and the Balearic Islands

This variant was on the verge of disappearing, however, a pigeon fancier dedicated himself to its recovery and today it is one of the native pigeon breeds of Spain with significant growth and promotion at the international level.

Characteristics of the Valencian figurine pigeon

The characteristics that define the Valencian figurine pigeon are the following:

  • He has a peculiarly upright posture, which gives him an upright appearance.
  • It belongs to the group of corbatadas pigeons, that is, they have a feather curl that goes from the throat to the center of the chest.
  • Your size is small, in fact, it's a of the smaller races. Weighs between 150 and 170 g.
  • The head is small, relatively wide and angular in outline. The neckis slightly arched, it's thinand keeps it well stretched.
  • The eyes are large and orange or reddish in color, except in white specimens, which are dark.
  • The beak is tiny and the tip is blunt in shape.
  • It has strong, red legs, and may or may not have feathers, but the ends of the toes are always bare.
  • The wings are medium in size, at rest they stick completely to the body and reach almost to the end of the tail.
  • As for coloration, it can exhibit various types such as white, gray, brown, greenish gray or reddish gray, among others. In addition to various patterns, such as: totally white; white with colored tail; head, neck and tail colored or whole body colored.

Habitat of the Valencian figurine pigeon

The species from which the Valencian figurine pigeon breed originated originally inhabited areas of cliffs near the sea or rocky areas with cracks where it could develop its nests, generally avoiding spaces with leafy vegetation in regions of Asia, Europe and Africa. However, with its domestication and introduction to almost the entire world, its habitat expanded considerably, easily adapting to both rural and urban areas

As we have already mentioned, this breed originates in the Mediterranean region of the Iberian Peninsula, so it is here where it has the greatest presence. However, being a domesticated animal, we also find it in other countries such as France, Germany and Holland.

Customs of the Valencian figurine pigeon

The Valencian figurine pigeon is described as a good-natured bird that is usually docile. Due to its typical posture, it is common for the walk of this bird to be referred to as that of a "soldier", since, in addition, its movement is elegant and seems to walk almost on tiptoe.

This pigeon is described with a joyful, graceful and lively demeanor. Although it can develop a firm flight, it does not do it over long distances and, therefore, it does not particularly excel in this aspect.

Reproduction of the Valencian figurine pigeon

The reproductive aspects of the breed, in general, are similar to those of the species. However, it is not so common to hear the wings of these birds, except at times when the male courts the female, for which he flaps his wings her. In addition, the process is also characterized by the active pursuit that he does to her partner until he manages to mount her.

The Valencian figurine pigeon, being a small bird, lays between one and two eggs, which are incubated by both the male as well as the female. The chicks require good care, since, in some cases, they do not turn out to be viable and die.

Feeding of the Valencian figurine pigeon

As is generally the case with pigeons, the figurine pigeon breed feeds mainly on various types of seeds or grains, such as corn, rice, barley, sorghum, peas, sunflower, hemp and broad beans. It also feeds on oatmeal and some fruits to a lesser extent.

On the other hand, it is important that they have a considerable size water source available, since they also love to bathe in it. Do not miss this other article where we talk in depth about What do pigeons eat.

Conservation status of the Valencian figurine pigeon

The species Columba livia, to which the Valencian pigeon breed belongs, is considered of least concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). However, the breeds are not included in the criteria to determine their conservation status because they are domesticated animals, but it is known that this one in particular was about to disappearand then had an important recovery due to its breeding in Spain, so that today it is one of the most recognized in exhibition events.

From our site we always suggest that all domesticated animals have the ideal conditions to develop and stay he althy, so that space, food, water and shelter are totally optimal for them. It is essential to keep in mind that birds need to fly to see all their needs met. In captivity, this activity becomes very difficult if there is not enough space available, for this reason, we also encourage you to reflect on it before deciding to adopt a figurine pigeon or any other bird. It is not at all appropriate to keep these animals, or any, confined in a cage. If you find, for example, an injured pigeon, you can shelter it until it recovers and, if possible, release it again. In this other article we explain the Care of a pigeon.
