10 Animals in greatest danger of extinction in Europe - Causes and photos

10 Animals in greatest danger of extinction in Europe - Causes and photos
10 Animals in greatest danger of extinction in Europe - Causes and photos
Endangered animals in Europe
Endangered animals in Europe

Today we are facing profound and drastic environmental changes that increasingly affect the fauna and flora of the entire planet, and this occurs because of human activities such as pollution, destruction of habitats, introduction of exotic species, among other factors. Throughout the world there are millions of species that face these threats every day and many of them are on the verge of disappearing, and the European continent is not exempt from this, since it is home to more than 1,600 species in Danger of extinction.

Have you ever wondered what the endangered animal species in Europe are? If you want to know them continue reading this article on our site.

Karpathian Frog (Pelophylax cerigensis)

This species is an anuran of the Ranidae family, it is endemic to the Karpathos Islands and lives in areas with abundant vegetation in streams and rivers of seasonal or permanent waters, also in areas with agricultural activity. It measures about 5 cm, the female being larger than the male. This little frog is critically endangered mainly due to the loss of its habitat, since it has a very limited range of distribution and according to some studies only inhabits about 10 km2.

Endangered animals in Europe - Karpathian Frog (Pelophylax cerigensis)
Endangered animals in Europe - Karpathian Frog (Pelophylax cerigensis)

Yellow-bellied Toad (Bombina pachypus)

This type of toad belongs to the Bombinatoridae family and is a species endemic to Italy, present in environments from temperate forests, grasslands and swamps to croplands, pastures, irrigated land and agricultural areas. It measures between 3 and 5 cm long and has very striking yellow spots on its belly, which gave it its common name. It is a species categorized as endangered due to its main threat, which is the destruction and loss of its environments and chytridiomycosis.

Endangered animals in Europe - Yellow-bellied Toad (Bombina pachypus)
Endangered animals in Europe - Yellow-bellied Toad (Bombina pachypus)

Cretan Frog (Pelophylax cretensis)

Frog belonging to the Ranidae family that is endemic to the Island of Crete, inhabits areas of Mediterranean vegetation, in streams, lakes and rivers and with agricultural activity. It is a species that reaches about 8 cm when it reaches adulthood and has a very characteristic green color with a lighter belly. It is also part of the list of animals in greatest danger of extinction in Europe due to habitat loss and because it competes with another species of anuran introduced in its area, the American bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus).

Endangered animals in Europe - Cretan frog (Pelophylax cretensis)
Endangered animals in Europe - Cretan frog (Pelophylax cretensis)

Balearic Shearwater (Puffinus mauretanicus)

This bird belongs to the order Procellariiformes, which is distributed throughout the Mediterranean and the northeast Atlantic, and its name is due to the fact that only breeds in the Balearic IslandsThis species can reach about 40 cm in length, its wingspan is about 90 cm and it is characterized by its grayish-brown color with a lighter belly. Currently, the rapid decline in its populations is mainly due to alterations in its habitat, especially due to the reduction of the areas where it breeds due to urbanization and tourism, all this has led to its being in critical danger of extinction..

Endangered animals in Europe - Balearic Shearwater (Puffinus mauretanicus)
Endangered animals in Europe - Balearic Shearwater (Puffinus mauretanicus)

Haloed Bunting (Emberiza aureola)

This species is found within the Passeriformes order and is a migratory bird that inhabits northeastern Europe and northern Asia, occupying open areas near bodies of water. It measures about 15 cm in length and its design is very striking, since it has a brown striated color on its back and its belly is yellow, as is its neck, which seems to have a collar of the same color.

Their populations have dropped alarmingly Due to their capture during the migration season, especially on their route to China, where they are trapped with networks for their illegal trade to be sold as pets, as well as for their consumption for traditional medicine. Because of this, it is listed as critically endangered.

Endangered animals in Europe - Eurasian Bunting (Emberiza aureola)
Endangered animals in Europe - Eurasian Bunting (Emberiza aureola)

Steppe Eagle (Aquila nipalensis)

It is found within the order Accipitriformes and is distributed in Europe and central Asia. It is an eagle that occupies a wide variety of environments, although this will depend on the availability of food and in general it prefers open areas. Its length is more than 70 cm and its wingspan is almost meters.

It is an eagle that is in danger of extinction mainly due to electrocution by power lines, in addition to its killing or capture for the illegal pet trade. Also the use of poisons causes their populations to fall alarmingly in their distribution area. For all these reasons, the steppe or steppe eagle is also part of the list of animals in danger of extinction in Europe.

Learn more Types of eagles in this other article.

Endangered animals in Europe - Steppe Eagle (Aquila nipalensis)
Endangered animals in Europe - Steppe Eagle (Aquila nipalensis)

Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus)

This species of mammal belongs to the Felidae family and, as its name suggests, is endemic to the Iberian Peninsula It is typical of the scrub Mediterranean, where in the past their favorite prey abounded, the country rabbit. It has features that make them very unique, such as their tail ending in a black tassel, their ears ending in hair tips, and the black hair sideburns on the sides of their cheeks. It is a fairly small lynx, since adult males can reach about 20 kg.

It is the feline species that is most threatened in the world, since it was on the verge of disappearing due to the disappearance of their prey, run over and hunting by humans, as well as infectious diseases and poisoning. Discover all the details about the endangered Iberian lynx and conservation measures.

Endangered animals in Europe - Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus)
Endangered animals in Europe - Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus)

European mink (Mustela lutreola)

This carnivore of the Mustelidae family is distributed throughout Europe and Asia, although with significant reductions in its former geographic range. It occupies environments with low and slow-flowing watercourses, with the presence of vegetation cover on the banks and is very sensitive to water conditions. Its appearance is very similar to the American mink, with which it competes in areas where it is introduced, but they are differentiated because the European mink is smaller, less dark and has a white spot on the upper lip. It is a species listed as critically endangered due to the introduction of exotic species such as the American mink, this being the main and current cause of its decline, in addition of the destruction of its habitat and illegal hunting to obtain its skin, which in the past was what caused it to be almost on the verge of extinction.

Endangered animals in Europe - European mink (Mustela lutreola)
Endangered animals in Europe - European mink (Mustela lutreola)

Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus)

This is an aquatic mammal of the Phocidae family that inhabits the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, but currently its distribution range has been drastically reduced, being sighted in very few points of its former area. It is a medium-sized pinniped, being able to reach almost 3 meters in length as an adult. Today, it is one of the most endangered seals and therefore one of the most endangered animals in Europe, as it is endangered critical of extinction due to the destruction of its habitat, overexploitation by the fishing industry, diseases caused by algae poisoning, pollution and the introduction of exotic species.

Endangered animals in Europe - Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus)
Endangered animals in Europe - Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus)

Glacial Right Whale (Eubalaena glacialis)

This species of cetacean belongs to the Balaenidae family and is distributed in the North Atlantic Ocean It is one of the largest animals that exist, measures about 18 meters in length. It is a very calm and docile species, which also tends to be on the surface, which has led to its hunting being very accessible to humans. Due to its high fat content, since ancient times its hunting and capture for the production of whale oil by whalers, has made this species in danger of extinction, being one of the most threatened cetaceans in the world..
