My dog is obsessed with drinking water - Causes and solution

My dog is obsessed with drinking water - Causes and solution
My dog is obsessed with drinking water - Causes and solution
My dog is obsessed with drinking water
My dog is obsessed with drinking water

Dogs can drink a lot of water for various reasons. For example, if the animal is dehydrated or exposed to excessive heat, it may feel intensely thirsty and ingest a large volume of water to rebuild its body. However, some furry ones turn the act of drinking water into a kind of compulsion, transforming a biological need into a obsessive behavior

If your dog is obsessed with drinking water, you can learn about the causes and possible solutions in this article on our site. Of course, we reaffirm the need to consult your trusted veterinarian when observing any change in the behavior of your best friend.

Are you really obsessed?

A totally he althy dog requires a daily consumption of 70 ml of water for each kg of weight In this way, a dog of 10 kg will drink approximately 700 ml of water per day. If yours consumes a similar volume, you should not worry. Now, if this figure is altered, you should analyze the amount it takes to determine if it really is an obsessive behavior (stereotypy), or an alteration resulting from the development of a disease. Next, we will talk about obsessive-compulsive disorder and its causes.

Potomania: obsession with drinking water

In medical terminology, “ potomania ” or “ psychogenic polydipsia” refer to a clinical picture characterized by the sensation of excessive thirst in the absence of physiological stimulation. That is, the individual feels the need to drink water even though his body does not emit the biological signal of thirst. This phenomenon is translated physically through an obsessive behavior in relation to water consumption.

Potomania can affect humans, domestic animals (mainly dogs and cats) and some wild species in captivity. Many guardians ignore this obsessive behavior in their pet as low risk, but excessive water consumption is not beneficial to the he alth of any animal. If not treated properly, potomania can cause anything from nausea to heart failure, and lead to the death of the animal. Also, if your dog is obsessed with water, it is a sign that his body has some imbalance. Therefore, do not hesitate to consult your trusted veterinarian when you notice any unusual behavior in your best friend.

Symptoms related to potomania in dogs

Excessive water consumption can severely impair the balance of fluids in the body, in addition to progressively compromising renal activity. As a consequence, your dog may exhibit the following symptoms:

  • Nausea.
  • Cramps.
  • Tiredness and excessive sleepiness.
  • Paralysis.
  • Heart failure.
  • Decreased cognitive ability.
  • Seizures.
  • Eat.
My dog is obsessed with drinking water - Symptoms related to potomania in dogs
My dog is obsessed with drinking water - Symptoms related to potomania in dogs

Why your dog is obsessed with water: psychological origins

In general, potomania, as well as all stereotyping (or obsessive behavior), finds its origins in psychological or emotional disorders A Companion animal may develop this obsessive behavior from being anxious, physically and mentally understimulated, living in a stressful environment, or being subjected to prolonged incarceration.

All dogs, regardless of their size or breed, need to exercise their body and mind daily to expend energy and remain physically and mentally he althy. A dog that spends many hours alone, that experiences a sedentary routine or lives in an unstimulating environment, can develop a series of behavioral problems derived from the accumulation of tension, stress or boredom

Dogs that have not been properly socialized are also more vulnerable to the development of mania and compulsive disorders. Our furry ones need to be socialized early to learn to relate to their toys, their objects, their food, people and other animals. If this has not been possible, this process can also be carried out during adulthood. To do this, don't miss our article on "How to socialize an adult dog".

If you just adopted a dog who is obsessed with water, you should also consider the sad possibility that your best friend may have a history of physical and emotional abuse. Feeling insecure about expressing himself, your furry friend may find in potomania a relief valve to relieve his accumulated tension You must have a lot of patience and invest in a process of re-education and resocialization, with the help of a professional educator and an expert in canine ethology.

Potomania associated with brain damage

A dog can also become obsessed with water by suffering some damage to its hypothalamusAn organic alteration in this structure, such as a clot or a post-traumatic injury, could cause the anomalous emission of the thirst stimulus, causing the animal to feel the need to consume water constantly and seem obsessed with this attitude.

The hypothalamus is the part of the brain responsible for controlling various organic functions, among which we find the regulation of the amount of water in the body. When the volume of water in the body decreases, the hypothalamus emits a nervous signal of thirst, which communicates to the dog the need to ingest liquids. Therefore, damage to the hypothalamus could be associated with the development of potomania.

Although these diagnoses are very rare, it is essential go to the veterinary clinic to rule out this possibility. The veterinarian will require the necessary clinical studies to determine if the cause of canine potomania is associated with brain damage.

Other causes of a dog's obsession with water

In addition to psychological disorders and brain damage, there are other causes that can explain why a dog drinks a lot of water:

  • Diabetes: Dogs with diabetes may have a sensation of excessive thirst, which favors the appearance of potomania symptoms.
  • Hormonal disorders: Some hormonal disorders, such as hyperthyroidism, can directly interfere with metabolism and cause certain unusual behaviors.
  • Eating Disorders: Dogs who develop an excessive appetite or who suffer from anorexia may feel excessively thirsty and obsess over drinking water.
  • Prolonged treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs, diuretics, anticholinergics or those containing lithium in their formula.

It should be noted that these causes are more related to increased water consumption without becoming obsessive behavior.

My dog is obsessed with drinking water - Other causes of a dog's obsession with water
My dog is obsessed with drinking water - Other causes of a dog's obsession with water

What to do when a dog drinks too much water?

Physical symptoms of potomania should receive immediate attention to restore the dog to good he alth. At the veterinary clinic your furry can receive the appropriate treatment to balance the levels of electrolytesin her body. Diuretic medications may be applied to help eliminate excess water and stabilize your body fluids.

The specific treatment for potomania will depend on the diagnosis of its cause in each patient. However, in most cases, the solution to the obsession with drinking water in dogs is to restore balance to the animal's mental he alth. Each mentor should make a commitment to provide a positive environmentand a he althier lifestyle for her best friend. In addition, it will be essential to consult a canine ethologist and a professional trainer to carry out a successful process of reeducation and resocialization.

Can I stop my dog from becoming obsessed with drinking water?

Obsessive behaviors can not only be avoided, but must be prevented for the physical and mental well-being of dogs. The best prevention for potomania is to offer a good quality of life to your best friend. This includes adhering to the following guidelines:

  • Offer a positive environment, where your dog can develop safely.
  • Use positive reinforcement in their education, and Never use physical or emotionalviolence.
  • Provide adequate preventive medicine: visits to the vet every 6 months, respect their vaccination and deworming schedule, adopt reinforced hygiene habits, etc.
  • Maintain a balanced diet, taking into account your age, weight, size and also your special needs.
  • Perform physical exercise regularly, to maintain good he alth and avoid symptoms associated with stress or boredom.
  • Socialize your dog from puppyhood, preferably from the first 6 months of life.
  • Know and respect the 5 freedoms of animal welfare.
