ASIAN ELEPHANTS – Types and characteristics

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ASIAN ELEPHANTS – Types and characteristics
ASIAN ELEPHANTS – Types and characteristics
Asian Elephants – Types and Characteristics
Asian Elephants – Types and Characteristics

On our site we want to introduce you to Elephas maximus, scientific name of the Asian elephant, the largest mammal on the Asian continent They are animals that cause attraction for human beings, which has brought terrible consequences for the species. They belong to the order Proboscidea, the family Elephantidae and the genus Elephas.

Regarding the classification of subspecies, there are dissimilar positions, however, some authors recognize the existence of three, which are: Indian elephant, Sri Lankan elephant and Sumatran elephant. In the designations mentioned, the scientists mainly used the differences in the color of the skin and the size of their bodies. If you want to know more about Asian elephants, their types and characteristics, continue reading this interesting article.

Where does the Asian elephant live?

This species is native to Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam.

The Asian elephant originally had a wide distribution range, from Western Asia, along the Iranian coast to India, also to Southeast Asia and China. However, has become extinct in many areas where it originally inhabited, concentrating in isolated populations in 13 states of the total area of its original distribution. Some wild populations still exist on Indian islands.

With a wide distribution range, the Asian elephant occurs in various habitat types, mainly in:

  • Tropical evergreen forests.
  • Tropical semi-evergreen forests.
  • Moist deciduous tropical forests.
  • Tropical dry and dry thorny forests
  • Grassland.
  • Cultivated bushes.

It is usually seen at different heights, from sea level to 3,000 m.a.s.l.

The Asian elephant requires for its survival the constant presence of water in its habitat, which it not only uses for drinking, but also for bathing and wallowing.

Their distribution areas are quite wide due to their ability to move, however, the areas they decide to inhabit will depend on the one hand of the availability of food and water, and on the other hand of the transformations that the ecosystem suffers due to human disturbances.

Asian Elephants - Types and Characteristics - Where does the Asian elephant live?
Asian Elephants - Types and Characteristics - Where does the Asian elephant live?

Characteristics of the Asian Elephant

Asian elephants are quite long-lived and can live 60 to 70 years These striking animals can reach 2 to 3.5 meters tall and more than 6 meters long, although they are usually smaller than the African elephant, they can weigh up to 6 tons. They have a large head, and both trunk and tail are long, however, ears are smaller than their African relative. As for tusks, not all individuals of this species usually have them, especially females, which normally lack them, while in males they are long and large.

Their skin is thick and quite dry, they have very few or no hairs, and the color varies between gray and brownAs for the legs, the front ones have five hoof-shaped toes, while the rear ones have four. Despite their large size and weight, they are quite agile and safe when moving, as well as being very good swimmers. A characteristic feature is the presence of a single lobe on his nose which is located at the end of the trunk. This last structure is essential for feeding, drinking water, smelling, touching, making sounds, washing, laying on the ground and even fighting.

On the other hand, Asian elephants are social mammals that tend to be in herds or clans, made up mainly of females, with the presence of an older matriarch and an older male, in addition to the young.

Another characteristic aspect of these animals is that they tend to travel long distances in search of food and shelter, however, they tend to develop an affinity for areasthat you define as your home.

Types of Asian Elephants

Asian elephants are classified into three subspecies, which are:

Indian elephant (Elephas maximus indicus)

The Indian elephant has the largest number of individuals of the three subspecies. It mainly inhabits various areas of India, although it can be located in small proportions outside this country.

It is dark gray to brown, with the presence of light or pink spots. Its weight and size are intermediate compared to the other two subspecies. It is a very sociable animal.

Sri Lankan Elephant (Elephas maximus maximus)

The Sri Lankan elephant is the largest among Asians, weighing up to 6 tons. They are gray or flesh-colored with black or orange spots and most lack fangs.

Distributed throughout the dry areas of the island of Sri Lanka. According to estimates, they do not exceed six thousand individuals.

Sumatran elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus)

The Sumatran elephant is the smallest of the Asian group. It is deeply threatened, and if urgent action steps are not taken, it is likely to become extinct within the next few years.

He has larger ears than the previous ones. Also, it has a couple of extra ribs.

Elephant of Borneo, an Asian elephant?

In some cases, the Borneo elephant (Elephas maximus borneensis) is considered a fourth subspecies of the Asian elephant. However, several scientists reject this idea and include it within the subspecies Elephas maximus indicus or Elephas maximus sumatranus. Precise study results are awaited to define this difference.

Asian Elephants - Types and Characteristics - Types of Asian Elephants
Asian Elephants - Types and Characteristics - Types of Asian Elephants

What do Asian elephants eat?

The Asian elephant is a large herbivorous mammal, requiring large amounts of food each day. In fact, they usually spend more than 14 hours a day feeding, reaching ingesting about 150 kg of weight in food. Their diet is made up of a wide variety of plants, and some studies have shown that they are capable of consuming more than 80 different plant species depending on the habitat and the season. Thus, they can eat a wide variety of:

  • Woody plants.
  • Grass.
  • Estate.
  • Stems.
  • Barks.

In addition, Asian elephants play a fundamental role in the distribution of plants in the ecosystems they inhabit, because they disperse with easily large quantity of seeds.

Asian elephant reproduction

Male males usually reach sexual maturity between 10 and 15 years, while females do so earlier. In the wild, females generally give birth between 13 and 16 years of age. They develop gestation periods of 22 months and have a single calf, which can weigh up to 100 kilos and is usually suckled until it is 5 years old, although at that age they can also consume plants.

Females become pregnant at any time of the year, for which they let the males know their readiness. The gestation intervals for the female last between 4 and 5 years, however, in the presence of a high population density, this time can increase.

Elephant calves are quite vulnerable to feline attacks, however, the social role of this species plays a fundamental role in the protection of newborns, so that adult females and mainly grandmothers usually take care of the younger ones.

Reproductive strategies of the Asian elephant

A characteristic feature of the Asian elephant is that the adult males disperse the young males when they become sexually mature, although they remain within their defined home range, the young males then tend to separate from the herd.

This strategy would have certain advantages to prevent reproduction between related individuals (inbreeding), which is very important for the flow to occur genetic. When a female is sexually mature, the males approach the herd and compete for reproduction, although it depends not only on one male winning over others, but also on the female accepting him.

Conservation status of the Asian elephant

The Asian elephant is extinct in Pakistan, while in Vietnam a population of about 100 individuals is estimated. For its part, in Sumatra and Myanmar it is seriously threatened.

For years, Asian elephants have been killed for their ivory and skin for amulets making Also, it is estimated that many elephants have died poisoned or electrocuted by humans in order to move them away from spaces inhabited by people.

Currently, there are certain strategies that seek to stop the significant decline suffered by the populations of the Asian elephant, however, they seem not to be sufficient due to the state of danger in which they still remain.
