Like other species, including humans, cats can transmit various diseases, both to people and to other pets they live with. Knowing them and knowing how to recognize their symptoms is crucial to act quickly and know when to go to the vet.
In this article on our site we will show you 12 diseases that cats transmit and their symptoms, some of them especially serious and that require immediate treatment. Read on to find out what they are and what you should do if you see them in your feline:
Diseases transmitted from cats to humans
Felines can transmit some diseases to humans, especially if they do not carry out veterinary visits that include following the schedule of vaccinations for cats and deworming the feline. Among these diseases, the following stand out:
toxocariasis is an infection caused by a parasite that It affects the cat, Toxocara cati, a worm that lodges in the intestine. When the worm affects humans, the disease is called visceral larva migrans.
Contagion occurs by ingestion of infected feces by eggs. This can occur due to improper cleaning of the cat's litter box and even by handling the land where the pet defecates, which is why it affects children above all. It is a dangerous disease, since the worm is capable of migrating to different organs of the body, causing blindness when it settles in the eye.
Your symptoms are:
- Swelling of the liver
- Fever
- Swelling of the lymph nodes
- Cough
It is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Campylobacter jejuni. It is transmitted to humans by various animals, including the cat, when the feline becomes a carrier of the bacteria.
Your symptoms include:
- Abdominal pain
- Diarrhea
- High fever
- Cramps
- Nausea
Much has been said about toxoplasmosis as a disease that cats transmit to pregnant women. The truth is that, although the cat is not the only source of infection, since it is also possible to acquire it by eating raw meat (which seems to be the reason in most cases), it is also possible that the cat spreads it when their stool is handled unprotected and the person does not wash their hands after cleaning the litter box.
The disease is caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii, which is distributed throughout the world. The presence of the parasite can be asymptomatic in cats and humans, although when it presents symptoms it is possible to appreciate:
- Fever
- Unjustified tiredness
- Swollen glands
- Muscle pain
- Acne
Pregnant women who have been infected run the risk of suffering a miscarriage, while the presence of the parasite can cause blindness and deformities in the fetus. It is recommended to visit the veterinarian to carry out the pertinent tests and rule out or confirm the presence of this parasite.
bites and scratches from cats can cause infections if the wound is left open and unattended, as it becomes a focus for the penetration of bacteria. When this happens, it displays:
- Swelling of the area
- Redness
- Pain
In the event of a bite or scratch, the area should be washed immediately and remain vigilant. If the inflammation increases or does not subside, you should go to an emergency center for the administration of antibiotics.
giardiasis is an infection caused by the Giardia parasite intestinalis. It is transmitted from cats to humans through contact with infected feces, in turn, the cat can contract the parasite by consuming contaminated food or water.
Although the presence of the parasite may be asymptomatic, it is also possible that the infected person presents:
- Stinking diarrhea
- Nausea
- Fatigue
- Abdominal pain
Some people develop allergies when they are in the presence of cats, this occurs because cats generate a protein called glycoprotein, to which many people are sensitive. When this happens, you can see:
- Bugger
- Sneezing
- Swelling of the eyes
- Cough
Although it is not a disease “transmitted” by felines, it is triggered by them.
Lyme's desease
Although Lyme disease is caused by the bite of a tick, in some cases it is possible the contagion between cats and humans. The tick that transmits Lyme disease is a carrier of a bacterium belonging to the genus Borrelia, which is responsible for this disease.
Symptoms include:
- Acne
- Fever
- Shaking chills
- Fatigue
- Headache
These are the symptoms that appear in the first stage of the disease. However, it continues to develop in the human body for months or years, after which heart problems, meningitis, facial paralysis, hallucinations, arthritis, among many others, begin to appear, as it is a chronic disease.
hookworm is an infection of the intestine caused by the presence of the parasite Ancylostoma duodenale or by the Necator americanus. It is spread from cats to humans through contact with infested feces and through skin penetration.
Your symptoms are:
- Diarrhea
- Fatigue
- Inappetence
- Anemia
- Liver bleeds
- Abdominal pain
- Pharyngitis
When it comes to all these diseases, it is necessary to keep in mind that only a cat that does not receive proper veterinary care will be able to transmit them. In addition, children under 5 years of age and people suffering from other diseases, especially those that compromise the immune system, are more likely to contract them.

Diseases transmitted from cats to dogs
Although cats and dogs are different species, there are some diseases they share that can be passed from one to the other. Next, we tell you what they are.
The internal and external parasites, guilty of many diseases, is the main thing that cats can infect dogs. Although there are some species of fleas that prefer to parasitize dogs or cats, they can also jump to an animal of the other species when pets live together.
In addition to this, you must not forget internal parasites, worms and bacteria, such as the nematodes, thehookworms and the whipworms , which are transmitted through feces, so contagion occurs between dogs and cats that share the same spaces. This occurs mainly because dogs tend to ingest the feces of other animals, so if the cat is infected with any of these parasites, contagion is easy.
Also, it is possible for dogs to get toxoplasmosis, rabies(through open wounds or cat bites) and some types of mange.
Diseases transmitted by stray cats
Stray cats are exposed to multiple diseases, as they are vulnerable to all kinds of bacteria, viruses and parasites and do not receive the necessary veterinary care. These are some of the diseases they can transmit.
Rabies is caused by the Rhabdovirus virus and can be fatal to cats. A rabid cat bite is contagious to humans and dogs, as the wound allows the virus to pass into the blood; is transmitted by cats that have not been vaccinated.
Symptoms include:
- Fever
- Headache
- Fatigue
- Confusion
- Muscle spasms
- Aggressiveness
- Hallucinations
If it is not attended to in time, it can cause the person's death.
ringworm is a skin infection caused by parasites called dermatophytesIt is transmitted through contact with infected animals or with objects and places that said animal frequents, since the fungus survives in those spaces.
It manifests itself as:
- Scaly skin
- Redness
- Inflammation
- Baldness in the affected area
Cat Scratch Disease
Did you know that there are diseases that cats transmit by scratching? One of them is the scratch disease, which occurs when the feline is infected with the bacteria Bartonella henselae.
This disease produces:
- Swelling in the affected area
- Swelling of the lymph nodes
- Redness of the skin
- Fever
- Decay
- Headache
scabies is a skin disease caused by different ectoparasites, different subspecies of mites that affect felines and other species.
Because the disease is caused by different mites, some are transmissible from the cat to other species, while other types of mange are not. The types of scabies that can be transmitted are:
- Otodectic mange: affects feline ears and can be transmitted to dogs.
- Demodectic mange: affects the entire body and occurs in dogs and cats, so it can be transmitted from one species to another in some occasions.
- Cheyletiellosis: also called walking dandruff, is a type of mange in which mites can be seen moving through the fur, which gives rise to its name. Cats can transmit it to dogs and humans.
In addition to these diseases, stray cats can also transmit parasites and toxoplasmosisHowever, although the above diseases are common in feral cats, a house cat that does not receive the necessary veterinary attention and leaves the house frequently can also contract them.

Any feline without veterinary care is capable of being a carrier of these diseases and suffering their consequences, so we recommend you follow the following recommendations:
- Vaccinate your cat against the main diseases and follow your veterinarian's recommendations on the booster schedule.
- Take your cat for a general medical checkup twice a year.
- Check the cat's fur for fleas, ticks or other unusual signs to attack diseases early.
- Prevent your cat from having contact with stray animals.
- Wash your hands with soap and waterafter handling your pet and after cleaning his litter box and bedding
- Prevent small children from touching cat feces or cleaning the litter box.
- Do not share foods with your cat or kiss him on the mouth.
- Keep clean the spaces where your cat sleeps and plays.
With these simple recommendations, you will be preventing many diseases.