Differences between a Spanish Water Dog and a Portuguese Water Dog

Differences between a Spanish Water Dog and a Portuguese Water Dog
Differences between a Spanish Water Dog and a Portuguese Water Dog
Differences between a Spanish water dog and a Portuguese water dog
Differences between a Spanish water dog and a Portuguese water dog

The so-called " water dogs" comprise a group of various medium-sized breeds that stand out for their abundantwoolly and curly fur, and that were historically used in hunting and recovering swamp and sea birds.

The most famous specimens are those from Spain and Portugal, whose physical similarities make differentiating them a complicated task at first glance. But in this new article on our site, we explain the differences between a Spanish Water Dog and a Portuguese Water Dog

Main characteristics of the Spanish water dog

Before listing the differences between the Spanish and Portuguese water dogs, we must know the main characteristics of each of them. The classification of dog breeds according to the FCI (Fédération Cynologique Internationale) defines the Spanish water dog as a shepherd, working, hunting, and helper dog in activities fisheries.

Its origins go back to the arrival of the Muslims in the Iberian Peninsula, through Andalusia, around the year 711 AD. This explains why he was known, for many years, as "Andalusian Turkish dog" or "Turkish water dog"

Differences between a Spanish Water Dog and a Portuguese Water Dog - Main characteristics of the Spanish Water Dog
Differences between a Spanish Water Dog and a Portuguese Water Dog - Main characteristics of the Spanish Water Dog

Physical Characteristics of the Spanish Water Dog

  • Size: medium, with a harmonious body.
  • Height ("at the withers" measurements): between 44cm and 50cm for males; between 40cm and 46cm for females.
  • Weight: between 18kg and 22kg for males; between 14kg and 18kg for females.
  • Physical complexion: muscular and athletic, with an excellent predisposition for physical exercises.
  • Tail: mostly long and median insertion (some individuals are born with a short tail).
  • Nose: pigmented in a color similar to or a little darker than its coat tone.
  • Fur: woolly and curly; males may form strings when their hair is quite long. The coat colors accepted within the official standard are: black, brown and white in different shades, as well as the bicolor black and white, and brown and white. There are specimens of tan, hazelnut, and bicolor tan and black, but they are not admitted as official. Its coat is also considered hypoallergenic, making it a suitable dog for people with allergies and respiratory problems.

Basic aspects of the character of a Spanish water dog

Although the behavior of any dog depends largely on the education it receives and the experiences, we can list some aspects inherent to the character of a Spanish water dog:

They are Intelligent and obedient dogs, who learn easily when properly stimulated. Their temperament is usually balanced, faithful and brave, which is why they perform very well as family guardians. And as a good example of a dog hunter, they have very sharp senses.

Main characteristics of a Portuguese water dog

The Portuguese Water Dog is defined by the FCI as a retriever dog (which retrieves game shot by its owner), fishing assistant, and companion.

Its origin reveals its relationship with the Spanish water dog, since both descend from a common ancestor: the "Turkish dog". The introduction of the breed in Europe happens after the arrival of the Muslims on the Portuguese coast, mainly in the Algarve region.

Differences between a Spanish Water Dog and a Portuguese Water Dog - Main characteristics of a Portuguese Water Dog
Differences between a Spanish Water Dog and a Portuguese Water Dog - Main characteristics of a Portuguese Water Dog

Physical Characteristics of a Portuguese Water Dog

  • Size: medium, with a harmonic body shape.
  • Height ("at the withers" measurements): between 43cm and 52cm for females; between 50cm and 57cm for males.
  • Weight: between 16kg and 22kg for females; between 19kg and 25kg for males.
  • Physical complexion: they are robust dogs, whose muscles develop very easily, becoming resistant to physical wear and fatigue.
  • Tail: mostly long, with a wide base that tapers to the tip and medium insertion.
  • Truffle: dogs with black fur and bicolor specimens have a black nose. Brown-haired dogs now have brown noses as well.
  • Coat: the breed includes 2 types of coat: long wavy and curly, both considered hypoallergenic. The official registry accepts white, black and brown coats, as well as bicolor white and brown, and black and white.

Basic aspects of the character of a Portuguese water dog

Like Spanish water dogs, Portuguese water dogs tend to learn very easily and quickly. His character is also very similar to his Iberian relative, being a cheerful and playful dog, with a balanced temperamentand brave.

And what are the differences between a Spanish water dog and a Portuguese water dog?

The first notable difference between these two races concerns their origins. Despite sharing the "Turkish dog" as ancestral, these dogs are developed in two different countries: one in Spain, and the other in Portugal.

But if we look carefully at the physical characteristics of the Spanish and Portuguese water dog, we can list other differences, for example

  • Height: The Portuguese Water Dog is usually taller than its Spanish relative. The difference in height is about 10 cm in males, and 5 cm in females.
  • Weight: the Portuguese specimen is also usually heavier than the Spanish, thanks to its greater height and more developed musculature.
  • Physical build: both specimens are of medium size and have athletic body. But Portuguese Water Dogs tend to develop their muscles more easily, appearing considerably more robust than Spanish specimens.
  • Coat: unlike the Spanish water dog, the Portuguese accepts 2 types of coat A curly-coated Portuguese water dog usually be really very similar to a Spanish water dog, but the differences become noticeable when we observe a Portuguese specimen of long wavy hair
Differences between a Spanish Water Dog and a Portuguese Water Dog - And what are the differences between a Spanish Water Dog and a Portuguese Water Dog?
Differences between a Spanish Water Dog and a Portuguese Water Dog - And what are the differences between a Spanish Water Dog and a Portuguese Water Dog?

Other water dog breeds

If you like the Portuguese and Spanish specimens, surely you will also love the other breeds of water dogs:

  • Barbet, from France.
  • American Water Spaniel, from the United States.
  • Frisian water dog (wetterhoun), from Holland.
  • Irish Water Spaniel, from Ireland.
  • Poodle, from France.
  • Lagotto romagmolo, from Italy.
  • Moscow Water Dog, from Russia.
  • Cantabrian Water Dog, from northern Spain.
