Why won't my fish eat?

Why won't my fish eat?
Why won't my fish eat?
Why are my fish not eating?
Why are my fish not eating?

Fish are very delicate beings. Observing that our fish do not eat is really worrying, especially if we are not fans and do not know why it is happening.

There are various causes that explain why our fish stop eating, and sometimes they are irrelevant causes, but in others the reasons are serious and we must take the fish to the vet or take immediate measures.

If you continue reading our site we will tell you the main reasons that answer your anguished question: Why don't my fish eat?

Fish just arrived

Sometimes we adopt a fish and when we introduce it into the aquarium we observe that the fish does not eat. It usually happens because the fish gets stressed by the big and abrupt change in its environment. This reaction is normal and usually resolves itself as the new aquarium inhabitant acclimates to its new habitat.

If we observe that after a few hours the new fish is still not eating, perhaps the problem is due to some deficiency in the aquarium. It can also happen that you have made a mistake when choosing a species that is not very suitable for your microclimate.

Why are my fish not eating? - Newly arrived fish
Why are my fish not eating? - Newly arrived fish

Inappropriate temperature

If your fish suddenly stop eating, it is very often because for some reason the correct aquarium temperature has dropped. When this happens the fish go into torpor.

Before adopting any new fish we must know the temperature range required by the chosen specimen and not acquire a specimen incompatible with the temperature established in our aquarium.

Why are my fish not eating? - Inadequate temperature
Why are my fish not eating? - Inadequate temperature

Dirty Aquarium

If you don't keep the aquariums clean, before the dirt becomes visible the fish will experience water degradation When the aquarium is not The volume of water recommended for its correct maintenance is changed weekly, the level of nitrates increases and the level of oxygen decreases. This causes an imbalance in the environment of the aquarium that makes its inhabitants very uncomfortable, who often stop eating so as not to further aggravate the dirt in the aquarium.

Why are my fish not eating? - dirty aquarium
Why are my fish not eating? - dirty aquarium

Incorrect lighting

Sometimes the fluorescent tube that lights the aquarium breaks down or burns out. At the same time, we will observe that some fish will stop eating. There are fish that only feed in daylight, and when the light source fails, it confuses them and prevents them from feeding correctly.

It is convenient that we always have on hand some spare parts for the most necessary devices for correct operation. The heater, filters, and lighting fixtures must be correct their faults n immediately. On the other hand, we must control all the parameters of the aquarium on a daily basis.

Why are my fish not eating? - Wrong lighting
Why are my fish not eating? - Wrong lighting

Hardness and pH of the water

The acidity and hardness of the water must be the ideal ones so that the fish in your aquariums are comfortable. If any of these parameters deviate, it is very likely that discomfort prevents the correct feeding of your fish.

If there are errors in parameters as important as the pH of the water and its hardness, the life of the aquarium inhabitants is in danger. For this reason, the hardness and acidity of the water must be checked on a daily basis. There are chemical products to immediately correct these deviations.


If your aquarium is running like clockwork and your fish stop eating, it is most likely a disease symptom.

Every day you must check the general appearance of your fish. If you see one that looks sick, you should separate it immediately and put it in a separate tank and take it to the vet. If you don't do it this way, it is very possible a general contagion There are medicines that, diluted in water, can improve general he alth in the event of an epidemic.

Why are my fish not eating? - Diseases
Why are my fish not eating? - Diseases


A fact that often happens when your fish mature and reach adulthood, is when they begin to show their hierarchy and territoriality. Alpha males are aggressive and prevent others from eating if the tank is not big enough and the rest of the fish do not have enough living space

When the fish grow, the volume of the aquarium must be adapted to the current needs of the aquarium inhabitants. An overcrowded aquarium makes the alpha specimens of each species aggressive and stresses the others to the point of death.

Why are my fish not eating? - Territoriality
Why are my fish not eating? - Territoriality

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