The most beautiful marine fish in the world

The most beautiful marine fish in the world
The most beautiful marine fish in the world
The most beautiful marine fish in the world
The most beautiful marine fish in the world

Fish are divided into two categories: freshwater fish and s altwater fish. Freshwater fish live in habitats where the salinity of the water is lower, such as rivers and lakes, and s altwater fish enjoy life in the ocean, lagoons, and coral reefs. Small or large fish all have their value and beauty within marine ecosystems.

Many freshwater and s altwater fish are brought into aquariums, at our site (whether they are fish that have been bred in captivity), we prefer to see marine life, not through a crystal, but in its complete state of freedom.

In this article we show you the special selection of our site of the 8 most beautiful marine fish in the world, of colors and shapes more flashy. They adorn and beautify the natural environments of the earth.

1. Mandarin Fish

The mandarin or also called dragonet is one of the most beautiful fish in the world, it has species of feathers like fins and such vibrant colors They look phosphorescent. It lives in northern Australia and loves to blend in with the surrounding reefs, in a friendly competition for who is the best looking. It is a small, shy tropical fish that prefers to appear at night when it is time to mate. The Mandarin loves to wear blue, although orange, yellow, orange, purple and green patterns are also to his liking.

The most beautiful marine fish in the world - 1. Mandarin Fish
The most beautiful marine fish in the world - 1. Mandarin Fish

two. Call Angel

As its name says, this fish is all fire. Its vibrant red-orange does not go unnoticed even at a distance, it is like a warning signal that has nothing dangerous. It is a flat-bodied s altwater fish that lives below the surface of the Pacific Ocean and its favorite place to make life is in the lagoons and reefs of Hawaii It is undoubtedly one of the 8 most beautiful marine fish in the world.

The most beautiful marine fish in the world - 2. Llama Angel
The most beautiful marine fish in the world - 2. Llama Angel

3. Parrotfish

The parrot fish is one of the most adorable fish in marine life, thanks to its protruding beak-shaped mouth that looks like lips at the same time. These fish not only decorate the scenery where they live, but are very important for the survival of coral reefs because they are the ones that eat some types of algae and other pests that can destroy these precious ecosystems.

The most beautiful marine fish in the world - 3. Parrotfish
The most beautiful marine fish in the world - 3. Parrotfish

4. Clownfish

The clown fish is so special, colorful and beautiful that it was the inspiration for one of the most important characters in today's animated film. The Nemo characterand his father in the movie Finding Nemo. The clown fish has a unique biology, its sex can change between male and female. They form family colonies where the male is the one who protects the young… just like in the charming movie. Discover more animal movies for kids on our site!

The most beautiful marine fish in the world - 4. Clown fish
The most beautiful marine fish in the world - 4. Clown fish

5. Nose Butterflyfish

This is one of the most popular s altwater fish in the marine aquarium hobby. Unlike some specimens mentioned, the longnose butterflyfish is not a threatened species It lives in coral reefs and normally moves in pairs, except the youngest, who travel in a group.

The most beautiful marine fish in the world - 5. Nose butterfly fish
The most beautiful marine fish in the world - 5. Nose butterfly fish

6. Surgeonfish

On our site we love the names given to animals, especially fish. The Painter's Palette Fish looks exactly like that, only it's already painted in gorgeous colors of blue, black, and yellow. Just like the clown fish, this other fish was selected among many in the casting of the movie "Finding Nemo" and took one of the main characters, the characterization of the adorable and much loved little fish with short memory Dory. Remember that the surgeonfish is severely threatened

The most beautiful marine fish in the world - 6. Surgeonfish
The most beautiful marine fish in the world - 6. Surgeonfish

7. Banggai

This fish is as elegant as it is magnificent. Not only physically, but also in behavior, this species of fish has that regal and elegant royal Asian bearing that old legends speak It is native to the Banggai Islands of Indonesia, hence its name. Unfortunately, in its wildest state, it is in danger of extinction due to excessive fishing to import them to different aquariums around the world and fatal trawling. As in other species of fish, such as the clown fish, the female is the one who lays the eggs, but the male protects them and even breeds them.

The most beautiful marine fish in the world - 7. Banggai
The most beautiful marine fish in the world - 7. Banggai

8. Blueface Angelfish

What a wonderful name! And what a wonderful creature with that peculiar natural mask and such a spectacular face. The peculiarity of the "blue face" is that his face is brighter than his body, although all of him is very beautiful. These fish swim throughout the Indian Ocean, Indonesia, Micronesia, Australia, and northern Japan. They love privacy and so spend a lot of time in caves

In the wild, this fish has a wide range; it is found throughout the Indian Ocean, Indonesia, Australia, Micronesia, and as far north as Japan. In the wild, these fish often live in caves and ponds.
