30 jobs with animals

30 jobs with animals
30 jobs with animals
30 jobs with animals
30 jobs with animals

Working with animals is a dream come true for many pet and wildlife lovers. If you too are looking for jobs related to animals, it is very likely that you are wondering what are the offers available in the current market and what jobs with animals exist.

It is important to point out that certain current courses or degrees do not guarantee incorporation into the world of work and the final possibility of working in professions related to animals, something that we will detail throughout the post.

Discover on our site 30 jobs with animals, what to study if you like animals or what opportunities you have if you want to work with animals without previous experience.

Why work with animals?

The " biophilia hypothesis", by S. R. Kellert and E. O. Wilson, suggests that human beings have an inherent need to relate with other living beings, due to their highly social behavior. Psychological, biological or cultural variables also encourage our attachment to animals, as is the case with dogs, or the need to fight to maintain the conservation of the planet's species.

However, animal lovers have a hard time choosing one of the many animal-related professions that exist. Precisely for this reason, it is essential to obtain a general vision that helps us find the professional opportunity that best suits our convictions, tastes or lifestyle.

Veterinarian and Veterinary Technical Assistant (ATV)

We will start our list of jobs with animals with professions related to the field of he alth:

  • Veterinary: the veterinary degree lasts approximately 4 to 6 years and offers the possibility of specializing. With this university degree, the medical and scientific ability to diagnose and treat companion animals, farm animals, exotic animals or wild fauna is obtained. It is also possible to work in he alth, production, hygiene, control, conservation and laboratories. This training offers many career opportunities.
  • Veterinary Technical Assistant (ATV): accessed through a professional course that trains to help and reinforce the tasks of the veterinarian. It offers the possibility of working in veterinary clinics and hospitals, animal research centers, shelters, zoos or wildlife recovery centers, among others. VETFORMACIÓN is one of the best online training centers for Veterinary Technical Assistant and also offers the possibility of specialization. In this center we can highlight the courses of customer service and sales, canine ethology and education, professional feline ethology, radiographic technical assistant or physiotherapy and rehabilitation. It offers various professional opportunities.
30 jobs with animals - Veterinarian and Veterinary Technical Assistant (ATV)
30 jobs with animals - Veterinarian and Veterinary Technical Assistant (ATV)

Biology and other university degrees

If you are considering doing any of the animal-related careers, it is important that you know the university degrees related to animals:

  • Biology: the degree in Biology studies all living beings, such as humans, animals, plants or fungi. It is a very broad field that offers various professional opportunities, among which we highlight research, the agri-food industry, the environment or the conservation of species.
  • Microbiology: this degree studies microorganisms (eukaryotes, prokaryotes and viruses) from their biology to their applications. In the veterinary field, it allows work to be done on disease control and diagnosis.
  • Marine Sciences: in this degree we can learn to manage environmental problems, oceanographic parks, overexploitation of the seas or marine reserves. It is also possible to carry out marine or fishing research, as well as work in water treatment or wastewater plants.

Ethologists, trainers and educators

It is also possible to work with animals in the field of animal behavior and psychology:

  • Ethology: is the science that studies the behavior of animals. We can access this specialization if we have a veterinary or biology degree. In this case we will be able to diagnose and treat behavior problems presented by animals, whether we are talking about domestic animals or animals that are in captivity, such as in sanctuaries or zoos.
  • Training: professional dog trainers must complete an official course to obtain the approved license granted by the ANACPP in Spain (National Association of Professional Dog Trainers). Level I enables us to teach basic obedience and education, Level II to perform canine behavior modification and in Level III we can access security and civil protection options, such as the instruction of search and rescue dogs, detection of substances or civil protection.
  • Canine and feline education: there is also the possibility of training as canine educators or technicians in feline psychology through courses that are not approved but are offer quality education based on clinical ethology. With this knowledge we can work on the basic education of pets and thus guide pet guardians. It can be an excellent complement for ATV's and canine and feline groomers.
30 jobs with animals - Ethologists, trainers and educators
30 jobs with animals - Ethologists, trainers and educators

Canine and feline grooming

We highlight hairdressing as one of the jobs with animals that has become most popular in recent years, showing a notable upward trend, especially in Spain:

  • Dog grooming: Although there are professionals who work as dog groomers thanks to their extensive experience, it is highly recommended that those who consider starting out in this sector take a specific training course. It is essential to have basic knowledge about the types of dog hair, hygiene, coat care, cutting, canine behavior or first aid, among others.
  • Feline hairdresser: although this professional figure is less in demand than the previous one, there is also a demand for cat groomers, especially when we talk about long-haired cat breeds.

Horse riding

Continuing with the list of jobs with animals, we will talk about horse riding and related professions, a market that is very attractive but, at the same time, difficult to access:

  • Rider: Riders who participate and win in equestrian competitions (dressage, field test and show jumping) receive a bonus. There are many types of championships and it is not always possible to live off these earnings, which is why many supplement their work with other ways of generating income.
  • Handler: usually performs basic tasks in the stable such as cleaning, renewing the water or offering food to the horses. They also usually saddle the horses or brush them. There are specific training courses, however, it is not usually a highly demanded profession.
  • Teacher: Equestrian instructors enjoy teaching basic skills to children, hobbyists, and riders. Extensive knowledge of horse riding, good communication and a desire to work with the public are required.
  • Equine farrier or podiatrist: These professionals forge the horseshoe and shoe the horse itself. They are also knowledgeable about the behavior of equines, the needs of each individual and the diseases that the horse can suffer from in the foot.
30 works with animals - Horseback riding
30 works with animals - Horseback riding

Self-employed and other professionals

Are you thinking of opening your own business? Here are some ideas so you can work with animals autonomously:

  • Rural Agent: Also known as “forest rangers” or environmental agents, these public employees protect the environment through surveillance and inspection. Its function is to watch over the habitat and the animals that reside there. It is accessed through oppositions.
  • Staff at a shelter or kennel: In these centers it is essential to have workers who perform basic cleaning or feeding functions, among others. Find out more at the nearest shelter or kennel.
  • Dogwalker: If you want to earn extra money you can always become a dog walker. Although there is a lot of competition in the current market, it is a good option that does not require any training, but rather a desire to have fun and a minimum knowledge of driving.
  • Private residence: if you don't have animals or yours are very sociable, this may be a good option. In general, canine and feline daycares usually keep dogs in boxes, which is why more and more people turn to professionals to take care of their dogs in a close environment and without cages. Related training is usually valued, as could be the case of ATVs and dog trainers.
  • Pet Supplies Sales: Are you creative? Take advantage of your potential and open your own pet business in a physical or online store. You can create a business of clothing for dogs, kennels, accessories… The options are endless!
  • Youtuber or blogger: Do you like to share tips and experiences about animals with other people? Do you have a camera and do you think you could be a good digital documentary filmmaker? Try opening your own blog or YouTube channel and start spreading your own content.
  • Photographer: If you have a quality goal and are passionate about nature and wildlife, you can try generating income as professional photographer in the journalistic, artistic or cultural world.
  • Pet products salesperson: if you are a salesperson and want to include animals in your profession, you can get information and become a salesperson for a pet products company you believe in.
  • Funeral home for pets: did you know that there are also funeral homes for pets? In addition to properly managing pet remains, they also offer urns and other accessories so owners can remember their animals and mourn their loss.
  • Agility Club: dog sports are becoming more and more popular, standing out among all of them Agility, which combines basic obedience and physical exercise. Whether as a coach, athlete or as part of the staff, this can be a good option for sports fans.
  • Dependiente: if you know first-hand the brands of food, toys and accessories for pets, work in a pet products store can be an excellent choice.
30 jobs with animals - Freelancers and other professionals
30 jobs with animals - Freelancers and other professionals


These are some of the jobs with animals without experience that you can do if you are evaluating the option of dedicating some time to a social cause:

  • Walking and socializing animals: Animal shelters around the world need hands to help improve the welfare of animals without home, either through walks, socializing or bathing. Do you have time? Go to the nearest center to lend a hand, they will appreciate it!
  • House of shelter: This job is also unpaid but it is a unique experience. Many shelters give puppies, young, old or sick dogs temporarily to improve their well-being and guarantee their survival, which would be unfeasible in a kennel.
  • Working in a sanctuary: there are more and more animal sanctuaries, centers where we can collaborate by performing cleaning, feeding and other care functions of the animals.
  • Activist: join the fight for animal rights hand in hand by actively collaborating with parties, organizations and associations that They fight for animal rights. You want to know more? Find out how to become a Sea Shepherd volunteer on our site!
  • Diffusion of animals: in the world there are millions of abandoned animals, being mostly dogs or cats, but also rabbits, hamsters or guinea pigs. Help these animals by creating a profile on social networks to publicize their situation and find them a responsible home.

Does working with animals have a real professional opportunity?

Of course! Most of the jobs with animals that we have mentioned do have a place in the professional world, even those that are related to volunteering. However, as with all sectors, training, previous experience and a passion for work are key to landing a position.

So, if you want to work with animals, we encourage you to learn more about them by taking specific and complementary courses to regularly update yourself and be a candidate to consider. In this sense, if you already have a job but want to find a more similar one, do not hesitate to look for a center like VETFORMACIÓN where they teach courses of quality online that allow you to work on what you like.
