Food for dogs with leishmaniasis

Table of contents:

Food for dogs with leishmaniasis
Food for dogs with leishmaniasis
Feeding for dogs with leishmaniasis
Feeding for dogs with leishmaniasis

leishmaniosis or leishmaniasis is a serious parasitic disease transmitted by the parasite Leishmania. It weakens the immune system and the symptoms can be very varied. Depending on breed, size, and other factors, the disease behaves differently. For this reason, in addition to the treatment that your veterinarian advises you, it is necessary to take care of their life habits and especially their diet.

Leishmania affects our dog's immune system, so it is essential to strengthen it and provide an environment without stress or sudden changes. In advanced stages of the disease, the kidneys and liver may be affected. Therefore, a good diet and he althy lifestyle habits will help your dog to increase his defenses. Keep reading this article on our site and discover what should be the feeding of dogs with leishmaniasis


Although excessive consumption of proteins can be very harmful for our dog, reducing them to an extreme is also dangerous. We must ensure that the proteins that we provide are of quality and of animal origin, since these are more easily transformed into tissue, and do not force the kidney.

If the dog's kidneys have not been affected by the disease, protein intake does not need to be excessively restricted. If unfortunately this is the case, it would be convenient. This way we reduce the residues of protein catabolism and phosphorus retention.

We must provide you with easily digestible proteins to help restore muscle mass. Chicken or salmon are a good choice if you are feeding homemade food. For its part, feed usually already contains easily digestible proteins.

Food for dogs with leishmaniasis - Proteins
Food for dogs with leishmaniasis - Proteins


antioxidants are essential for your dog's immune response. You should consult your veterinarian for advice on the appropriate combination for each gray hair affected by leishmania.

Vitamins A, E and C are very important for a strong immune system, since they protect cells against oxidation and contribute to the recovery of wounds and eczema caused by disease. Vitamin C is not produced by the dog's body, so we must incorporate it into its diet on a mandatory basis.

Antioxidants are present in vegetables, fruits and whole grains, but it can be difficult for your dog to eat adequate amounts so it is best to give them in supplement form. Check out our article on fruits and vegetables that are good for dogs, and reject all those that can be toxic to your body.

Omega 3 and omega 6

The omega 3 and omega 6 are polyunsaturated fats that are considered essential, that is, the animal body is not capable of producing them by itself.

Increasing the consumption of omega 3 and 6 stimulates the immune system and contributes to the recovery of the skin and hair of the dog with leishmaniasis. Since we have just commented that the animal body cannot produce these fats, it is best to provide them in the form of a supplement or by adding foods rich in them to their food, such as fish oil

Food for dogs with leishmaniasis - Omega 3 and omega 6
Food for dogs with leishmaniasis - Omega 3 and omega 6

The importance of hydration

It is very important that you take care of your hydration. Dogs with leishmania should always have plenty of fresh water, since good hydration helps the normal functioning of internal organs.

Due to illness it is possible that your dog does not drink enough, especially if he only eats dry food. Therefore, you should encourage your dog to drink as much as possible, but without forcing it.

Other advice on feeding dogs with Leishmania

These are the main factors to take into account to increase the life expectancy of a dog with leishmaniasis. It is not necessary to radically change your diet, we just have to provide you with the necessary tools to strengthen your immune system and fight against disease.

If you opt for a specific feed, there are several on the market whose composition is adapted to the specific needs of your dog. When choosing a feed for animals with leishmaniasis pay special attention to its composition. They must contain the following characteristics:

  • Immune system booster.
  • Proper protein ratio.
  • Improvement of inflammatory processes and skin lesions.
  • Rich in antioxidants.
  • Low phosphorus levels.

Today with proper care and a balanced diet, a dog diagnosed positive for leishmaniasis can live happily for many years.
