Why has my dog's character changed?

Why has my dog's character changed?
Why has my dog's character changed?
Why has my dog's character changed?
Why has my dog's character changed?

Your dog's character can change due to various factors, lived experiences and even for no reason over time. As a consequence they can become more friendly, fearful and even grumpy, in this article we want to guide you so that you know what are the causes that can change or modify the behavior of a dog.

There are very different causes that can condition this change, such as castration, poor socialization or other daily problems. Read on to find out why my dog's character has changed.

Reasons why my dog has changed character

Your best friend also has feelings, learns from lived experiences and acquires fears when they reach old age. Remember that for some reasons, whether they are directly related to you or not, the dog can feel lonely, sad, anxious, worried, tired… There are many emotions and feelings that can cause a behavior change

Causes of the change of character of an adult or elderly dog

Just like humans, dogs need to be able to enjoy a state of mental and physical well-being. We must ensure that all their basic needs for walking, playing, cleaning and eating are satisfied, we are of course talking about the five freedoms of animal welfare.

If you have fulfilled them all, then you may wonder why your dog's character has changed. Below we will show you the most common reasons for a dog's character change:

  • Castration: It is very common for a change of character to occur after neutering our dog. Most males tend to be more relaxed and calm, while females, if they already suffered from a behavioral problem, tend to show it more aggravated.
  • Old age: in old age our dog experiences physical and mental changes such as the loss of some capacities. In some cases, we speak of cognitive dysfunction syndrome. For this reason, we can observe a change in attitude that causes the dog to be more grumpy or, on the contrary, more affectionate.
  • Sexual Maturity: At this stage of growth the dog explores changes in his body. It is very important that during this phase we continue to support socialization with other pets, people and the environment. He must learn to behave in this new stage of his life.
  • New Pet: If we add a new cat or dog to the family, our beloved dog may display strange behaviors that he has never seen before had manifested. If they are well socialized, we should not worry and we will let them "fix" their differences. On the contrary, if the dog is not well socialized or if we observe a serious aggressiveness problem, it will be time to act.
  • Illness: A sick dog may exhibit abnormal behavior. If you think that the change in behavior may be related to some kind of illness, don't wait any longer and take your pet to the vet.
  • Incorrect socialization: if your dog has not learned from puppyhood the importance of playing properly with other dogs, you should teach him how to do it, even if it is of an adult dog. Never stop encouraging socialization with other members of their species and even humans. Very important.
  • Changes in the environment: if you have decided to change your house to a flat, you have inadvertently deprived him of his toys or lately spends a lot of time alone, you should ask yourself if these are the reasons why your dog is changing his character.
  • Loss of a loved one: whether it is another dog or a human being, the dog feels that loss just like you. It is a psychological problem that must be treated with great care, providing the animal with new stimuli and motivations that distract it and help it overcome the pothole.
  • Baby at home: Upon the arrival of a newborn, the dog can display many different behaviors, from jealousy to uncontrollable joy. In any case, it is essential that he continues to receive attention, care and pampering equally. Fostering a good relationship between the two is essential for them to associate positively.
  • Aggressiveness: Aggressiveness is a very serious behavior problem since it feeds off itself and generates other problems from this same list. Must be treated by a specialist.
  • Depression: a multitude of symptoms can indicate that our dog is suffering from depression (lack of appetite, avoiding games, not relating) and It is usually caused for some reason. We will look for the trigger to solve the problem.
  • Anxiety: Lack of relationship with other dogs or an unmet basic need can be sources of anxiety. Find out what is the problem that generates anxiety in your pet to solve it as soon as possible.
  • Bad communication: A dog and its owner don't always understand each other perfectly. It is important to know the language of the dog. If you and the dog are not on the same wavelength, it can generate confusion and discomfort in the environment that will have a direct impact on its character.
  • Phobias and fears: It is true that many dogs are afraid of certain elements (other dogs, water, cats, cars, firecrackers …) if what causes fear in our dog is inevitable and is present in its daily environment, we should go to a specialist to carry out behavior modification sessions so that our pet understands that it should not fear that element or, at least, learn to ignore or tolerate it. Even if it stems from a bad experience, it is never too late to help him overcome his fears and fears.
Why has my dog's character changed? - Reasons why my dog has changed character
Why has my dog's character changed? - Reasons why my dog has changed character

Behavior modification

Have you been able to identify the source of the behavior change? If so, you have many more options to solve the problem, but don't worry, if you haven't, the process to follow is the same. Why? Sometimes, some people believe that their dog is dominant, when in fact it is aggressiveness due to fear. In others, they think he is simply destructive, when in fact he has separation-related disorder.

If you are not a specialist or do not have advanced knowledge in dog behavior, it may happen that you are confusing the diagnosis, therefore, the main premise is always Go to a specialist.

The first step will be to visit the veterinary, to rule out he alth problems of any kind (pain, hormonal problems, neurological problems…) and, if the tests have not been able to explain the behavior change, we should go to a behavior modification specialist, such as a ethologist, dog educator or trainer.

If left untreated, a behavior problem can become chronic and make it much more difficult to treat. In addition, you must avoid aggravating it, so avoid pulling on the leash, shouting, nervousness, excessive fights and punishments of any kind. On the contrary, we will try to treat him calmly and reinforce behaviors that we may like, such as being calm and relaxed.

The translation of your dog's emotions

Many people fully understand when it is explained to them to be relaxed and firm with their dog, but when the time comes, they don't understand what those changes in behavior meanand adopt attitudes of nervousness or intolerance towards the dog's enigmatic emotions.

To avoid negative situations that produce instability we must adapt to the language of our dog, for this we give you some advice:

  • My dog whines when he sees another dog: Dogs are social beings that can get along better or worse with others, remember that they don't They will always be best friends. If you observe this pitiful behavior at the moment you see another pet, it means that your dog simply wants to run, chase and have fun with a companion of his species, even so you should always exercise caution. We will compliment his relaxed and positive demeanor with affectionate words and treats and will never force him to interact if he doesn't feel like it.
  • They study the environment with their nose: Seeing your pet sniff another dog, a person or a strange object is positive, it means who want to meet him and we should congratulate him. On the contrary, if you see that they study the dog, person or object with their ears or only with their eyes, they are distrustful or showing a hostile attitude. Reward your dog whenever he sniffs plants, dogs, pee… Even if you don't like it, if he's vaccinated he won't get any kind of disease. Smell is your dog's means of communication with the environment and it also means that they are relaxed and enjoying themselves. It is very important that he spends time smelling whenever he goes out for a walk, to do this, take him to environments where he can discover different aromas that motivate him mentally and make him curious.
  • My dog stares at other dogs or objects: Even if your dog isn't barking, growling, or being aggressive, you may notice that he keeps an attitude of excessive alertness when meeting other dogs. He has his tail up and his ears too. Too much time absorbed means that the dog's anxiety and his fixation on that dog or object are increasing. On this occasion we recommend that you capture his attention and make him disconnect from the stimulus that makes him stay alert. Congratulating him whenever he pays attention to you and comes with you is a good trick if he is sometimes intolerant with other pets, in this way you encourage him to pay attention to you during the walk, something positive between both of you.
