How to train a German shepherd? - Puppy and adult

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How to train a German shepherd? - Puppy and adult
How to train a German shepherd? - Puppy and adult
How to educate a German shepherd?
How to educate a German shepherd?

If you have decided to adopt a dog German shepherd to become your best friend, you must know how to train him so that, in the future, be a social dog and much loved. Whether it is an adult or a puppy, the character of the German Shepherd is something particular, so the training it receives must be specificfor this breed.

In this article on our site we will explain everything you need to know so that your German shepherd dog becomes the best friend you can have, discover how educate a German shepherd in this complete post.

How to train a German shepherd puppy?

Although we can train dogs of all ages, including the adult stage, the truth is that if we have a dog since its early childhood we have the opportunity to try avoid behavioral problems typical of the breed such as aggressiveness or fear.

The first step in training a German shepherd will be to initiate puppy socialization. It is a gradual process in which we present the dog with all those external stimuli to which he will be exposed in his adult stage:

  • Adults
  • Kids
  • Cars
  • Bikes
  • Dogs
  • Cats

You must ensure that the first contact is positive and pleasant for him, in this way we avoid fear, stress and allow our pet to be very sociable in the future. It is one of the most important steps in dog training.

While we carry out the process of socializing our puppy, it will also be essential to teach him to relieve himself outside the home. It is a process that requires patience and a lot of affection, little by little your dog will carry it out properly.

How to educate a German shepherd? - How to educate a German shepherd puppy?
How to educate a German shepherd? - How to educate a German shepherd puppy?

Adult German Shepherd Education

If, on the other hand, you have adopted an adult German shepherd don't worry, he can also be educated effectively and that is The German shepherd stands out as one of man's best friends. Through positive reinforcement we can carry out almost any trick or command without any problem, it is a very intelligent dog.

In his young - adult stage, the German shepherd must be able to learn the basic commands for dogs that will help him to live with other people and pets:

  • Feel
  • Stay still
  • To lean
  • To come
  • Walking with you

Of course, don't spend more than 15 minutes at a time training. It is essential that you dedicate time to the education of your dog. In addition to being able to enjoy an obedient pet, educating him will allow your animal to be safe at all times and that you can leave him unleashed if you wish.

How to educate a German shepherd? - Adult German Shepherd Education
How to educate a German shepherd? - Adult German Shepherd Education

German Shepherd Exercise and Walks

The German shepherd is a large dog with an active character, for this reason it will be essential to walk him two to three times a dayso that his musculature is properly maintained. Walks of between 20 and 30 minutes will be enough. During walks allow him to enjoy the freedom of sniffing urine (even if it grosses you out a little) that shows that your dog is relaxed.

Does your German Shepherd pull on the leash? This is a very common problem that you can easily solve if you put your mind to it. To begin with, you should know that collars are not recommended for this breed (much less spiked collars) as they can cause eye diseases, especially in young specimens. Get yourself a anti-shooting harness, available at any store, the results are 100% guaranteed.

The German Shepherd is a dog prone to hip dysplasia, a genetic and degenerative disease. For this reason it is very important that you do not practice intense exercise for hours. If your German shepherd suffers from this ailment, do not hesitate to visit exercises for dogs with hip dysplasia.

How to educate a German shepherd? - Exercise and walks of the German shepherd
How to educate a German shepherd? - Exercise and walks of the German shepherd

The German Shepherd as a working dog

The excellent predisposition of this large and beautiful dog has led him for years to be at the top of various professions, standing out as a detector dog, police dog or as an assisted therapy dog. However, that does not mean that the German shepherd dog should be a guard dog to be left in a garden to watch over the house. He is not a dog that we should educate to "protect" us by encouraging aggressiveness. This type of training must be performed by a professional for professionals

An untrained dog that is alone in the garden on a regular basis or that is incited to show inappropriate behavior towards other people represents a serious danger and can develop a multitude of behavior problems that will later be impossible for us check.

If we want our dog to work as an assistance dog or as a detector dog, we will obtain adequate information by going to a professional, holding regular sessions and passing the aptitude tests necessary for it.
