GERMAN REX cat or German rex - Characteristics, character and care (with PHOTOS)

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GERMAN REX cat or German rex - Characteristics, character and care (with PHOTOS)
GERMAN REX cat or German rex - Characteristics, character and care (with PHOTOS)
german rex
german rex

The german rex cat is the first rex cat to appear The origin dates back to 1930 in a German town with the appearance of a kitten resulting from the cross between an angora cat and a Russian blue. However, the development of the breed did not begin until 1951, when another curly-haired kitten was discovered and began to be crossed with other curly-haired cats. The character of these medium curly-haired cats is soft, they are affectionate, docile, sociable and love the company of their own. In addition, they are not predisposed to any disease in particular, being strong and he althy cats.

Continue reading this article on our site to learn about all the characteristics of the german rex cat and learn more about these curious felines, their origin, character, care, he alth and where to adopt it.

Origin of the german rex cat

Although it is thought that these cats already appeared in the 1930s and 1940s in Königsberg through crosses with Russian Blue and Angora, it was not really until year 1951 that the development of this breed began to be taken seriously. This happened after the capture of a stray cat with curly hair by the veterinarian R. Scheuer-Karpin. In order not to lose this phenotype, was crossed with a Cornish Rex cat and a litter of curly-haired kittens was born, who were later crossed with her to begin the selection of a new breed, the german rex.

In 1960 they were exported to the United States and today they are one of the favorite breeds of European countries.

Characteristics of the German Rex or German Rex cat

The German Rex cat is a medium-sized feline that stands 30 to 35 cm tall and weighs 4 to 7 kg. The body of these cats is athletic and muscular, with strong legs of medium length that allow them to reach great heights with their jumps, and a tail ending in a rounded tip, thin and robust at the base.

These cats have a medium-sized head and a hunched profile, with broad cheeks, a firm chin, curly whiskers, and medium-sized ears with a wide base and somewhat rounded tips. For its part, the eyes are round, far apart and the color matches that of the coat of hair.

German rex cat colors

If we talk about the characteristics of the German Rex, the fur is what most attracts the attention of these cats. It is smooth and wavy, short in length, but longer than that of the cornish rex.

All types of coat colors are accepted in the German Rex cat, except chocolate and cinnamon or their dilutions (fawn and lilac) in any combination. However, the most common german rex hair colors are:

  • Cinnamon
  • Brown
  • Frost
  • Red
  • Black
  • Chestnut
  • White

German rex cat character

The german rex cat has a good temperament, is s sympathetic and affectionate, very sociable and dependent on his caretaker, so that He doesn't like being home alone at all, as he loves the company of his own, including other animals. Being a calm and balanced cat, it is suitable for children, with whom it can also get along very well as it has a very playful spirit

Although it is not an excessively communicative breed like oriental cat breeds, the German Rex enjoys communicating with meows so that its guardians can understand it.

German rex or german rex cat care

These cats require special daily attention and playBecause they are dependent and very affectionate. Otherwise, they can be frustrated. In addition, they should have environmental enrichment for when they are alone, especially at least one scratcher of their liking to be able to sharpen their nails and mark the object. They should also have a proper litter box with a nice litter they like.

The wavy coat of these cats should be brushed at least two or three times a week to prevent tangles, hairballs, remove dirt and loose hair, as well as to stimulate blood circulation so that it appears bright and strong. The bath will be necessary when they are dirty or need a treatment-type shampoo for a skin or hair problem.

The eyes, ears and teeth of these cats should be cleaned frequently to prevent infections and diseases that affect these structures. Likewise, the diet must be for cats, complete and balanced with a high percentage of animal protein. In this way, all the nutrients will be obtained in their correct proportions for the maintenance of all their vital functions and their he alth in general. This food should be distributed in several shots with water always at your disposal. For more details, don't miss this other article on What cats eat.

German rex cat he alth

The german rex cat has a life expectancy of between 12 and 16 years It is a strong and he althy cat that is not prone to no particular disease. In any case, it is very important to carry out good preventive medicine with vaccination to prevent infectious diseases such as feline leukemia, feline rhinotracheitis, calicivirosis or chlamydiosis, as well as correct deworming to prevent internal and external parasites and infectious diseases. that these in turn can carry.

An early sterilizationis also important to reduce the risk of breast cancer in females and prevent other ailments such as pyometra or ovarian cysts and tumors, and in males problems of the reproductive system such as tumors, hydroceles and testicular inflammations. Annual check-ups are especially important after the age of 7, which is when the risk of suffering from chronic pathologies such as kidney disease, endocrine diseases or diabetes increases.

Where to adopt a german rex cat?

If you have fallen in love with this feline breed and you have reconsidered adoption well, the first thing you should do is approach protectors or shelters of the area and ask about the availability of a German rex cat. These cats are more common in European countries or the United States, so if you live in other areas it may be difficult to adopt a copy. If there is no availability, you can search the Internet for the existence of a rescue association for cats of this or other rex breeds.
