GOLDEN RETRIEVER or golden retriever - Character and care

GOLDEN RETRIEVER or golden retriever - Character and care
GOLDEN RETRIEVER or golden retriever - Character and care
Golden retriever
Golden retriever

The golden retriever, also known as golden retriever is Originally from the United Kingdom, more specifically from Scotland It was born around 1850 with the search for a retriever and lifter dog that would be capable of not hurting its prey. For this reason we observe in him hunting skills. It is also known as the golden retriever.

Due to its versatility and intelligence it is one of the most popular breeds in the worldCurrently, in addition to being an excellent companion animal, it has skills as an assistance dog, therapy dog, police dog, fire dog and even as a rescue dog. Next, on our site we explain everything you need to know about the golden retriever.

Origin of the golden retriever or golden retriever

According to the UK Kennel Club, Lord Tweedmouth is considered the founder of the breed of golden retrievers, a consequence of crossing the golden retriever smooth coat with the tweed water spaniel. Interestingly, the fruit of both breeds resulted in a light-coated dog. Later, other breeds were added to the bloodline, such as the bloodhound, the Irish setter, and other retrievers.

The breed was known as "yellow retriever" or "golden retriever" in 1913. The official name was changed in 1920, when he was named golden retriever. Currently still remembered Mr. Tweedmouth and his retrievers from Guisachan, using his former estate for golden retriever related shows, being revered by breed enthusiasts as "home" of the breed.

Physical characteristics of the golden retriever or golden retriever

The golden retriever is a medium-sized dog, with a body slightly longer than it is tall and a dense, beautiful golden coat that characterizes. The elegance provided by its golden coat is unusual in other hunting dogs. Overall, the golden retriever's appearance is that of a harmonious, well-proportioned, powerful, active dog with balanced movements. In addition, the kind and gentle expression of these dogs is characteristic.

There are some differences between the breed standards followed by the American Kennel Club (AKC) and the United Kingdom Kennel Club, so the appearance of the American Line Golden Retriever is slightly different from the appearance of the European golden retriever. However, such differences are not very marked and can only be easily recognized by the experienced eye of a judge of the breed or an experienced breeder. The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) follows the original breed standard proposed by the UK Kennel Club.

According to the FCI, the height at the withers for males must be between 56 and 61 centimeters, while the height at the withers for females should be between 51 and 56 centimeters. Instead, the AKC standard requires male golden retrievers to have a height at the withers of between 58.4 and 60.9 centimeters (23 - 24 inches) and females between 54.6 and 57.1 centimeters (21.5 - 22.5 inches). The weight of the golden retriever is not specified in the FCI standard, but it is in the AKC. The latter indicates a weight of 29.5 to 34 kilograms (65 - 75 pounds) for males and 25 to 29.5 kilograms (55 - 65 pounds) for females.

The head maintains a good proportion in relation to the body, without appearing heavy or light. It is well molded by the skull, which should be wide but not coarse. The stop, or naso-frontal depression, is well defined and evident, but not abrupt. The nose of the golden retriever must be dark The eyes are medium-sized and have a friendly and intelligent expression. They should be well separated from each other and the edge of the eyelid should be dark in color.

The golden retriever's ears are set at the level of the eye line, and hang over the cheeks. The muzzle is powerful, wide and deep, its length being approximately equal to the length from the stop to the occiput. The strong jaws of the golden retriever close in a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite.

The body, balanced, is slightly longer than it is high The top line (back) must be horizontal in golden retrievers that follow the FCI standard. Instead, the croup should be slightly sloped in those dogs that follow the AKC standard. The loin is short, strong and muscular in any case. The Golden's chest is deep with deep, well sprung ribs, but not barrel-shaped.

The tail of the golden retriever is set at the level of the dorsal line, and is thick and muscular at the base. The last vertebra reaches the hock. The forelimbs of the golden retriever are straight and well boned. They have oblique shoulders with long scapulae. The arms are the same length as the shoulder blades, which means that the elbows are close to the body and the front members are well placed under the body. The hind limbs are strong and muscular. The feet of the golden retriever are round and compact. They correspond to the type of foot known as "cat foot".

Colors of the golden retriever or golden retriever

The coat is characteristic of this breed of dog and distinguishes it from other retrievers. The golden retriever has a double coat, the inner one being dense and waterproof. The outer hair, on the other hand, is smooth or wavy, and firm, and falls close to the body. The neck, the back of the thighs, and the lower region of the tail, have abundant fringes of hair. Instead, the back of the forelegs and the ventral region of the body have moderate fringing.

A variety of shades of gold are supported for the golden retriever, ranging from gold to cream However, extremes such as pure white or red (mahogany) are not accepted. The fringes can have hairs that are lighter in color than the rest of the hair. However, because of their resemblance, many people confuse the Labrador Retrie

Character of the golden retriever or golden retriever

The stable and gentle temperament of the golden retriever is one of the main characteristics of the breed and perhaps the one that has made it most popular. provided. These dogs are patient, intelligent, easy to train and very dynamic. These qualities make them excellent assistance, working, therapy and companion dogs.

Golden retrievers take a long time to mature, taking about three years or a little more to develop their final character. In addition, they remain very playful even when they are adults, which is why they are highly appreciated by families with children All these peculiarities of the golden retriever's character are the result decades of selection to obtain very obedient, sociable dogs that are suitable for hard work. Of course, not all goldens have the same character and there can be a great variation between individuals.

Golden Retriever Prevailing Instincts

As in other retriever dogs, instincts related to hunting predominate in golden retrievers, particularly those used during collection. Thus, golden retrievers have a marked predisposition to chase and catch objects that are thrown or prey that has fallen.

It is important to keep in mind that those instincts do not make the payment by itself. Although dogs have a tendency to chase and capture, they do not usually bring game to the hunter unless they are trained to do so. On the contrary, untrained dogs often start a game of chase with their owners.

This instinct is so strong that golden retrievers can play ball for many hours without showing any signs of fatigue. This is a great advantage for training dogs, since it has a great motivator that can be used to reinforce the behaviors that you want to encourage, but it is a disadvantage with dogs that do not have self-control and want to play all the time.

Also, the golden retriever is an instinctive swimmer. It is a dog that loves to dive into the water and swim for a long time. Its waterproof coat favors it in this activity, since it protects it from the cold.

Golden Retriever Sociability

  • People-Friendliness: The Golden Retriever's people-friendliness is usually excellent. These dogs tend to be very friendly with both acquaintances and strangers and are often excellent playmates with children. The urgent need for affection and company makes golden retrievers unsuitable for living isolated in a garden or in kennels. These dogs need to live with the family and share with it every possible moment. The high sociability of the golden retriever makes it a suitable pet for families with children, as well as for assistance work, animal-assisted therapy or search and rescue, among others. However, it can also be a nuisance when the dog is not taught self-control. It is important to teach your golden retriever to stay alone for certain periods of time, so that he does not develop inappropriate behaviors or separation anxiety when left alone.
  • Sociability with other dogs: The Golden Retriever also tends to get along very well with other dogs and tends to avoid fights. Of course, he can get into fights with other dogs, but it is not a marked tendency in this breed. The strong prey drive can lead to being annoying to some small dogs. Either way, this breed is an excellent choice for people who want more than one dog.
  • Sociability with other animals: the way in which a golden will relate to other animals will depend on the socialization it receives, both the dog like other animals, from an early age. In general, it is possible to teach a golden retriever not to disturb other pets or barnyard animals. However, difficulties can arise when dealing with very small pets that can trigger the Golden's prey drive or when the dog has not been socialized with other animals since it was a puppy. A peculiarity of the character of the golden retriever is the interest that birds arouse. In English this peculiarity is known as "birdy" and in Spanish it could be said that the golden is a "birder" dog.

Care for the golden retriever or golden retriever

He althy golden retrievers do not need special care other than good nutrition, companionship and affection, routine veterinary care and plenty of physical exercise. However, we collect everything that is important for the care of these dogs in Golden Retriever Care. It is also necessary to provide them with even basic dog training to stimulate their minds and get them to behave appropriately anywhere.

Feeding the golden retriever

Golden retrievers that have already been weaned will follow a mainly solid diet that must be balanced to provide them with the nutrients they require. There are many opinions about what is the best food for these dogs, from those who support feeding exclusively with balanced feed (of different brands), to those who consider that the dog's diet should be based on cooked food. There are also those who think that dogs should be fed raw food.

None of the above opinions is necessarily more valid than the others, but it is best to decide on your golden retriever's diet with the help of your veterinarian. It would also be interesting to know what food he has received until he arrived at our home. However, golden retriever puppies are generally fed three to four times a day, while adult dogs eat twice a day. Water is another thing, since your dog must have fresh water available throughout the day

With this breed it is very important to keep the food portions in relation to the amount of exercise the dog does, since golden retrievers have tendency to obesityIf you use food to train your dog, subtract a little from his daily ration to compensate for the extra calories he receives during training sessions. Keep in mind though, not to take too much out of your daily ration, because during training you also burn calories.

The care of the golden retriever's coat and hygiene

Brushing these dogs should be done frequently with a metal bristle brush You should brush your golden at least once a day, because these dogs lose a lot of hair (and even more so during one shedding time of the year). If you don't brush your golden retriever often, you will get a lot of fur on your furniture and clothes. Worse still, your dog's hair will become tangled creating appropriate places for the appearance of external parasites such as fleas. Those tangled hairs are difficult to disentangle and can cause your dog pain.

The golden retriever should only be bathed when it is dirty and using only dog shampoo because frequent bathing damages the protective layer of his fur. Options for keeping your dog clean without frequent bathing include "dry" dog shampoos or the use of a damp cloth. Don't forget to thoroughly check your golden's body at beauty sessions for any skin disease or parasites.

Here we explain more about how to take care of the golden retriever's hair: Golden retriever hair care.

Exercise and lifestyle of the golden retriever dog

Golden retrievers are dogs that need a lot of affection and companyThey are not dogs to live isolated in the garden, but must be part of the family. They are dogs very attached to people, but not from a single owner. If they don't get enough attention and companionship, golden retrievers will find ways to relieve their anxiety, usually by chewing on things or digging in the garden.

Also, Golden Retrievers need to get a lot of exercise every day, as they are very active dogs. It can be easy to exercise them when they are taught to chase a ball. These types of exercises prevent obesity. We also recommend doing two daily walks, combining them with physical exercise or sports, such as Agility, canine freestyle or flyball.

Education of the golden retriever or golden retriever

The golden retriever is considered the 4th most intelligent dog according to Stanley Coren. Regardless of this, the truth is that the breed is really intelligent, so it will not cost us to work on the education and training of this dog. There are many tips to train a golden retriever, but without a doubt the most important thing is to be consistent.

In his puppy stage the golden retriever must learn to urinate in the pads, to later learn to urinate outside. It will also be the time to stimulate him mentally, allow him to develop his teeth through toys and teach him to inhibit his bite properly. It's also time to start with some basic commands, like sit, lie down, or come here.

Later on, in his adult stage, we will work more strictly on basic obedience, but we can also begin to perform canine skills, various tricks or exercises that allow him to feel mentally stimulated All this must be worked on through the use of positive reinforcement, never through traditional dog training (with the usual use of punishment) since this inhibits the dog's natural behavior and predisposes it to learn with difficulty.

He alth of the golden retriever or golden retriever

Any dog should visit the vet regularly to promptly identify the onset of any disease. In puppies and elderly dogs, the average time should be around 6 months, but in adult dogs, visits can be annual. It will also be necessary to keep track of the dog's vaccination schedule and deworming.

Most golden retrievers are he althy dogs that reach a life expectancy between 10 and 12 years However, there are some hereditary diseases to which dogs of this breed may be prone and that can reduce the life expectancy of those affected specimens.

Illnesses in golden retrievers are most common in puppies that come from dog farms (usually sold at pet stores and shows) and in litters from so-called "backyard breeders" (breeders occasional ones that do not select the individuals that are going to cross). Likewise, pedigree golden retrievers are often prone to some hereditary diseases, such as:

  • Hip dysplasia.
  • Elbow dysplasia.
  • Obesity and overweight.
  • Cancer.
  • Waterfalls.
  • Progressive retinal atrophy.

Most of these diseases develop in exemplary golden retriever puppies or in older dogs, even so we must be aware of the he alth of our golden retriever dog throughout his life and havebe careful with food because they have a tremendous sweet tooth and will do everything in their power to get you to reward them.

Where to adopt a golden retriever or golden retriever?

The golden retriever is one of the most beautiful, noble and intelligent breeds of dog that we can find, for this reason, having a golden retriever in our life is lucky, since it is an animal that will fill our home with love and joy.

If you are looking for a golden retriever for adoption, we encourage you to ask at the shelters, protectors and associations in your area. In addition, it is possible that there are various organizations specialized in collecting and adopting golden retrievers or golden retrievers.

Photos of Golden retrievers
