Golden retriever hair care

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Golden retriever hair care
Golden retriever hair care
Golden Retriever Coat Care
Golden Retriever Coat Care

Kind, affectionate and playful. His name is right and we are dealing with one of our golden dogs. The golden retriever is one of the best known breeds of dogs. In addition to his good-natured character, his extraordinary golden fur draws a lot of attention.

Does it take a lot of work to keep a Golden's coat perfect? Don't worry, you'll find all the information about golden retriever hair care in this new article on our site.

Keep reading to find out what options we offer you, and remember, if you want to share your advice with this great community, don't hesitate to comment or send a photo of your dog.

Golden retriever coat type

The golden retriever has two coat layers: an inner and an outer layer. The first is a shorter coat and close to the body. Its goal is to keep the dog warm in winter and cool in summer. The second layer, on the other hand, is slightly wavy and slightly longer.

Golden retriever hair care - Golden retriever hair type
Golden retriever hair care - Golden retriever hair type

How often do I bathe my pet

A good reference is to bathe our golden every month or month and a half. However, as always, from our site we insist that the hygienic needs of one dog to another can change a lot. It also depends on their age, it is normal that when they are puppies they have to be put in the bathtub more often.

To bathe your golden follow these steps:

  1. Remember that you should never use a shampoo for people. Dogs should use specific shampoos for them, and if possible, with a neutral pH. Choosing a good product to wash our pet's hair is important, since this breed is prone to developing skin diseases.
  2. The bath must be with warm water. A good tip is that after soaping and rinsing, apply a special mask. You will avoid tangles and make your hair shine even more.
  3. Don't be afraid to give your golden a good bath, in fact, it's he althy. With the water you will drag the dead hair that has accumulated.
  4. When drying his hair use a hair dryer. It is convenient that you get your pet used to the use of the dryer since it is a puppy. Always with a mild temperature and focusing on the direction in which the mantle grows.

If at any given moment you cannot bathe your dog with water and shampoo, you should know that you have other options such as dry shampoos or wiping him with a damp cloth.

Using a dry shampoo is very simple:

  1. Brush your dog's hair deeplySprinkle the shampoo (be very careful with the eyes, nose, mouth and ears).
  2. Let it act (the product will indicate the minutes you should have it. It is very important that you respect the indicated minutes. An excess of time can cause rashes or allergies).
  3. We brush our pet again
  4. Clever!
Golden retriever hair care - How often do I bathe my pet?
Golden retriever hair care - How often do I bathe my pet?

Golden retriever hair brushing

This breed does not need to have its hair cut (they shed their coats themselves), but it is important that you are aware of the hair care that a golden retriever needs.

First of all, you should know that although they shed their fur twice a year, the rest of the time they also shed a lot. You need to know this in case you notice that your golden hair falls out too much. An excessive fall can mean a he alth or stress problem. If this is your case, go to the vet. Maybe your pet has an allergy or needs a food supplement.

You need to brush your golden every day as they are dogs that lose a lot of hair. In addition, this will be an advantage in cleaning your house. All the hairs you remove with the brush will not fall on the floor.

How to brush the hair of a golden retriever?

As I was saying in the previous section, it is very important that you brush your golden every dayKeep in mind that while she's shedding, you'll still need to brush it more. The process usually takes between 2 and 3 weeks. To comb your pet you will only need a metal bristle brush. Monitor areas such as the legs or armpits. These are the areas where the coat is most likely to develop knots.

Also take advantage of brushing time to check ears, eyes and pads:

Excess hair between pads should be trimmed

Golden usually harbor parasites in their ears, remember to clean them often

The rheum from the eyes must be carefully removed. Never pulling on them. Moisten a cloth and soften the legaña so that it dissolves by itself

Golden retriever hair care - Golden retriever hair brushing
Golden retriever hair care - Golden retriever hair brushing

Also discover on our site other articles that will make your golden retriever very happy, such as the recipe for cookies for dogs or exercise for adult dogs, also don't hesitate to visit why my dog eats feces.
