How to cut a golden retriever's hair step by step

How to cut a golden retriever's hair step by step
How to cut a golden retriever's hair step by step

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How to cut a golden retriever's hair step by step
How to cut a golden retriever's hair step by step

The golden retriever is a breed of dog with double-coated hair, that is, it has a coat of hair that protects it from the water and from the sun and under this outer layer, it has the so-called undercoat, it is the layer of hair that sheds with the season, the main responsible for this breed of dog losing so much hair.

To avoid in As far as possible the great loss of hair of the dog at home, while taking care of the fur of this wonderful dog, we will explain in this article how to cut a golden retriever's hair step by step

If after reading this article you are not sure you can apply it properly, we recommend you visit a canine beauty center with your dog and observe the procedure by a professional.

We will perform a smoothing all over its body with a carda (rectangular metal bristle brush) and a coat (a tool specially designed for this type of jobs). The shedding will also favor the shedding of the dog's hair.

Cut the hair of a golden retriever step by step - Step 1
Cut the hair of a golden retriever step by step - Step 1

The next step would be to carry out a general hygiene of the dog: cleaning the soles, anus and ears. It will internal and belly shave, plus we can also go over the nails if necessary.

Cut the hair of a golden retriever step by step - Step 2
Cut the hair of a golden retriever step by step - Step 2

The whole body is unravelled, starting by untangling the hair in the semi-long areas, uncovering the shoulderswith sculpting scissors and lightly the sides of the neck.

Next, the front shafts of the forelimbs are uncovered with sculpting scissors or by hand, using the technique called plucking.

The flap of the front leg should be back to prevent the elbow from appearing to be out of place. We will reduce the fringes from between the fingers with sculpting scissors, leaving them clean, collected and cutting with scissors.

Finally, we are going to go over the ends, matching all the hair in the semi-long areas: we join the chest with the skirt of the flanks and we go over the tips of the tail leaving them in the shape of a flag.

The golden retriever bath

Before starting with the guidelines to follow for bathing a dog of the golden retriever breed, we recommend you read our article on tips for bathing your dog at home.

When bathing a golden retriever, we must bear in mind to always use an appropriate cosmetic, since this dog breed is prone to skin problems, so the choice of shampoo for your bath is vital if we don't want to damage it. Whether you want to bathe your golden at home, or if you are a professional dog groomer, you should bear in mind that many canine cosmetic manufacturers recommend mixing shampoos with water (ask the manufacturer for the appropriate proportion), in addition having the towels at hand, the eye cleaner and the ear cleaner.

Once we have the diluted shampoo, the next step is to get the dog perfectly wet, the water must reach the skin and for this we must wet it calmly and for a few minutes. When we are sure that the water has reached every pore of your skin, we begin with the application of the shampoo: it must be applied without making circles, always in the same direction as the hairline.

We will leave it

act between 5 and 10 minutes , after this time, we will rinse completely and repeat this same step.

Cut the hair of a golden retriever step by step - Step 7
Cut the hair of a golden retriever step by step - Step 7

Once the bath is finished, we will start the last part, drying the dog's hair. Although by routine or custom most people tend to let their dog dry freely, without our intervention, the truth is that it is something harmful to both the hair and the dog's skin.

So now you know, grab towels, hair dryer, a good brush and start drying the hair, this way we will avoid any suffering to the golden retriever's hair or skin.

As a last recommendation: you should never shave the hair of a golden, the use of a machine in the haircut of a golden The only thing it will cause is that your hair will be damaged and release much more hair in the home. Keep that in mind!
