My dog is very aggressive towards people: causes and solutions

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My dog is very aggressive towards people: causes and solutions
My dog is very aggressive towards people: causes and solutions
My dog is very aggressive towards people: causes and solutions
My dog is very aggressive towards people: causes and solutions

Dogs are generally very social animals that enjoy the company of other pets and people. However, and due to certain circumstances, the dog can become aggressive, a very serious behavior problem that can compromise its safety and that of people

In this article on our site we will show you what are the main causes of dog aggression towards people and what are the possible solutions. Different statistics made in the United States indicate that 60% of dog attacks are suffered by children under 9 years of age and people over 70 years of age. Surprising and worrying at the same time.

Keep reading and discover what to do if your dog is very aggressive towards people:

Why is a dog aggressive?

A dog's aggressive reaction can have many origins, from a simple reaction to pain (a child pulls its tail or a painful area of the animal is touched) to be the symptom of a generalized disease (for example Rabies or hypothyroidism), due to dominance or simply an incorrect socialization of the animal, the last two being the most frequent.

My dog is very aggressive towards people: causes and solutions - Why is a dog aggressive?
My dog is very aggressive towards people: causes and solutions - Why is a dog aggressive?

Why can the expression of dominance lead to aggressiveness?

A dog is a social animal that lives in a group. In this, relationships of dominance and submission are established between its members, that is, there is a hierarchy The position of each animal in the group is established by aggression, which the most of the time they do not cause serious injuries.

When a dog is introduced into a home, it is necessary to establish a very clear hierarchy, with the dog occupying the last place in the group and it is very important that it remains behind the children. High hierarchical positions of the dog in the group can lead to attacks when, for example, the child takes a toy from the dog, approaches her seat or reaches into the animal's food. It is very important to understand and respect the dog's growls as they indicate and signal future aggression. Explaining it to the little ones is basic.

It can also happen with other family members. The human being considers the family dog and tends to treat the dog as an equal, but the view of the dog is slightly different, we are his pack and it has very clear hierarchies

My dog is very aggressive towards people: causes and solutions - Why can the expression of dominance lead to aggressiveness?
My dog is very aggressive towards people: causes and solutions - Why can the expression of dominance lead to aggressiveness?

How do you get a good socialization of a dog?

During the development of the puppy, between the 3-4th to the 12th week of life (more or less), the dog has the so-called “Socialization Period”. During this short period of time, the animal develops an acceptance and habituation to the environment around it. In other words, a dog that has not been in contact with people during this period has a high probability of showing fear and, as a consequence, aggressiveness towards people when it is an adult.

That is why it is very important to acquire the puppies in the middle of this period (the other half with their mother and siblings, because that way they will learn how to socialize with other dogs) and put them in contact with what it will surround him for the rest of his life (children, pushchairs, cars, noises, elderly people, etc.). If this period is not used properly, the dog can develop a high probability of showing fear of what has not been experienced.

My dog is very aggressive towards people: causes and solutions - How do you get a good socialization of a dog?
My dog is very aggressive towards people: causes and solutions - How do you get a good socialization of a dog?

Are some breeds more aggressive than others?

The answer is yes, but there is no need to criminalize. The breeds of dogs considered as potentially dangerous dogs are usually considered more aggressive since their bite is much more powerful, but in daily practice, there are other breeds with a greater tendency aggressive, such as the cocker spaniel, the German shepherd or the chow-chow.

In general, most aggressions against people are caused by male dogs and the environmental effect is more important and education received by the animal, than the breed itself. What is clear is that a dangerous breed in an aggressive environment has a greater potential to be aggressive, but any breed in an aggressive and violent environment develops this behavior.

My dog is very aggressive towards people: causes and solutions - Are some breeds more aggressive than others?
My dog is very aggressive towards people: causes and solutions - Are some breeds more aggressive than others?

How to prevent my dog from being aggressive towards people?

  1. First you have to choose well a breed of dog (or a mongrel) that suits your family and personal environment. If we choose an Australian Cattle Dog as a pet to live in a tiny apartment in the middle of the city, we will probably suffer serious consequences in the future since he is a dog that needs a lot of physical exercise and mental stimulation.
  2. Secondly, make sure that the socialization period is adequate and educate the animal correctly (hierarchy and obedience). If we do not dedicate time to the education of our dog, it is very likely that he will tend to develop unwanted behaviors
  3. Finally it is recommended to neuter all pets. In addition to being an effective control against certain diseases, it is the first treatment used against aggressive dogs.
My dog is very aggressive towards people: causes and solutions - How to prevent my dog from being aggressive towards people?
My dog is very aggressive towards people: causes and solutions - How to prevent my dog from being aggressive towards people?

Basic Tips and Tricks

Once the dog is an adult it is very difficult to change certain habits, especially if the dog has been doing them for a long time. However, nothing is impossible and before going to a professional we must ask ourselves if our way of life is the right one for our dog:

  • Appropriate walks: Walking with your dog for at least 60 minutes a day is essential so that he can exercise, relieve stress and relate with the environment. Carry out a well-marked routine and avoid common walking mistakes.
  • Animal Welfare: If you still don't know what the 5 freedoms of animal welfare are, you need to review our site. Sometimes many owners believe that they carry out the proper care of the dog but it may not be so. Make sure you comply with animal welfare.
  • Obedience practice: Even when the dog is an adult, obedience can be practiced and good results can be achieved. Making sure that the dog obeys us inside and outside the home is a very powerful tool for his safety and that of others
  • Do not force situations: Some people consider that they should "close" their dog to other pets and people when the animal clearly tells us by grunting that you don't want it. If we do not respect the signals that our dog sends us, it is very likely that we will have an accident.
  • Reward instead of scolding: Positive reinforcement performs well compared to punishment. In addition, scolding a dog with obvious behavior problems can cause much more serious situations, thus worsening its situation. Avoid punishment and start praising him every time he behaves appropriately
My dog is very aggressive towards people: causes and solutions - Tricks and basic recommendations
My dog is very aggressive towards people: causes and solutions - Tricks and basic recommendations

I have done all of the above, but it didn't work…. What can I do?

It would be necessary to consult with the veterinarian, because if there is any underlying disease Having the help of canine trainers or ethologists is very recommendable. In practice, they are the only professionals who can try to redirect the situation

Obviously, the moment we observe a certain danger of the dog towards people, we will have to apply basic safety measures such as the use of a leash and muzzle in public spaces. We recommend that you visit our post to find out which are the best dog muzzles and why.
