Prevent my dog from destroying the garden

Prevent my dog from destroying the garden
Prevent my dog from destroying the garden
Keep my dog from destroying the garden
Keep my dog from destroying the garden

Dogs are considered man's best friend. The bond that dogs are capable of creating with people can hardly be broken, since they provide company, affection and unconditional loy alty that is almost impossible to compare with another type of affection.

However, who has not faced a dog, be it a puppy or an adult, that is the disaster of the house? At first it may seem adorable or charming, but there comes a point when it's time to teach your pet the necessary manners to live together in peace.

That is why in Animal Expert we bring you some tips to prevent my dog from destroying the garden, because we know how chaotic it can be to see space in the house when your dog gets too excited playing among the plants.

You understand the problem

The first step to getting your dog to stop trashing your yard is to understand why he does it. It can be said that one of the main reasons is that you have not educated him properly to be among the plants, so he does not know how to behave.

Above all, it is about teaching your dog, adult or puppy, that these are not a toy and that he has no reason to destroy them. Perhaps this seems difficult, but it is not. Education should start early, but don't worry: An adult dog can also learn to respect your garden.

The other part of the problem, apart from education, are the reactions you have when you come home and discover your garden in a mess. It's understandable that the initial reaction is to tease and scold your dog, but this only makes the problem worse.

Why shouldn't you yell or punish him?

The dog's nature will lead him to want to avoid the conflict around him, so he reacts with the language you've probably already seen when he assumes his "guilty" role: remain calm, lower ears, tries to hide, etc.

Your dog doesn't react this way because he understands what he has done or feels embarrassed, it is his way of running away from angerthat you are unloading against him, and that he doesn't understand.

Scolding him will only make the problem worse, as it will cause your dog stress problems related to aggressive behavior on your part, since he'll believe, in his own way, that their bond is deteriorating, so he'll try to release all that anxiety by destroying more things, not just your plants.

That is why if you really want to attack the real problem and prevent your dog from destroying the garden, you need to understand beforehand that his behavior has a reason that it is essential to detect, and that in no way However, your furry friend does it on purpose (as some pet owners may come to believe, paranoid, when the situation becomes chronic), much less to get back at you or annoy you.

More than a problem, it's the symptom that something is wrong with your dog. Take a deep breath when it destroys something and get ready to discover what is happening to it.

Prevent my dog from destroying the garden - Understand the problem
Prevent my dog from destroying the garden - Understand the problem

What is causing your dog's destructive behavior?

Your dog's behavior may respond to certain factors:

  • First of all, your dog may be so used to being with you all the time, that the separation causes him too much anxiety leading to separation anxiety, which he tries to release by destroying your things, or in this case, your plants, if it is an animal that has free access to the garden. The animal does not feel capable of being alone during the day. Do not forget that the kong is one of the best tools to treat separation anxiety.
  • Another main reason for having a plant-destroying dog is boredom If you don't provide the dog with the amount of distractions he needs, with toys to chew on, walks, races and games, he will attack everything he sees in your garden in order to burn off that pent-up energy. Ask yourself if you are really meeting his needs, if you stimulate him enough and if you give him the attention he deserves.
  • Your dog may also be experiencing some kind of digestive or stomach upset, so he instinctively chews certain plants to try to feeling better. You will need to visit the vet to rule out this possibility.
  • Also the lack of vitamins can lead it to nibble on the plants, seeking to cover the nutrient deficiency with them.
  • Some dogs are more sensitive than others to changes or situations that make them anxious, such as loud sounds, arrival at home of another pet or an unknown person, a move, among other factors. To try to release all the fear and stress that the new situation is generating, you can take it out on your garden.
  • In the same vein as stress, keeping your dog constantly stimulated is also not recommended, as sudden changes in activity and hyperactivity It will make you try to release all that tension through destructive behaviors.
  • On the other hand, it is important to remember that when the dog is still a puppy, the tendency to destroy everything with bites is normal, due to the discomfort caused by the appearance of teethGetting hold of toys and teethers will be essential at this stage.
Prevent my dog from destroying the garden - What is the cause of your dog's destructive behavior?
Prevent my dog from destroying the garden - What is the cause of your dog's destructive behavior?

What to do so that your dog does not destroy the garden?

Once you've identified the cause of his destructive behavior, it's time to train your dog to respect the garden at home

In case of digestive problems, tooth growth or anxiety about being alone all day, it is best to go to a veterinary specialistto prescribe the necessary medications or behavioral therapies, depending on the case.

Beyond this, there are some tips you can apply at home to improve your dog's behavior:

  • Education is the most important thing, so from the beginning you need to teach him that plants and the garden itself are not toys, but environment elements. How to do it? First of all, make sure that when you take him out to the garden he is calm, so that his first reaction when he is free is not to attack everything in front of him. That is why if he is anxious inside the house, opening the garden gate for him in that state is a mistake. If necessary, take him out on a leash until he calms down or offer him a long walk first.
  • Once outside, have toys and objects handy to entertain him, this way you will prevent him from considering plants a source of fun. Whether outside or inside the garden, walking your dog and playing with him will help him to stay energized and avoid boredom, which translates into a more animal he althy.

One strategy to keep him distracted is searching, which consists of hiding small pieces of food around the house so that he spends the day looking for them. This will exercise him and keep him busy. Obviously, you should not hide the food in places that are likely to be destroyed trying to find the food. It is one of the most recommended relaxation exercises by dog educators and ethologists

It is important that there is a path, no matter how small, between some plants and others, to get the dog used to walking there and not between the plants. Also, avoid leaving uncovered pieces of land in sight, as they can easily become their favorite bathroom

To prevent him from considering the garden his private bathroom, Pass him several times a day to relieve himself, and understand that these are not they have a place among your plants.

If your dog's problem is anxiety due to excessive stimulation, try placing his bed and toys in spaces in the house that are far from the doors, so that he does not have to be alert to noises coming from the outside or remain attentive to those who enter and leave the home

If your dog must stay in the garden while you are away from home, place something so that it can shelter and feel safe while you are away, such as a crate or a doghouse, this will prevent it from experiencing anxiety when to be completely alone in the garden

The most sensible option is that you do not leave your dog unattended in the garden. Do not forget that the dog is a social animal that must not live in a garden since he needs his "pack" or "family" to feel totally happy and secure. A dog that is constantly alone and isolated is not only susceptible to stress and anxiety, but also a host of pathologies that can lead to serious behavioral problems. Having a dog does not mean having a living being chained in the garden, remember that.
