How to Eliminate TICKS from the Yard and Garden? - Home remedies

How to Eliminate TICKS from the Yard and Garden? - Home remedies
How to Eliminate TICKS from the Yard and Garden? - Home remedies
How to remove ticks from the patio and garden?
How to remove ticks from the patio and garden?

When it comes to eliminating ticks at home, you should also consider the measures necessary to keep them away from your garden. Otherwise, the problem will return in a very short time. Ticks tend to live in dark, damp places, where they wait for the right moment to pounce on a potential host, such as your dog or yourself.

In this article on our site, we show you how to remove ticks from your yard and garden using different home remedies. Keep reading!

How to remove ticks from dogs?

The process of repelling ticks from your home and preventing a new appearance will not be complete without taking proper care of your dog. Dogs are the most frequent hosts of these external parasites, so it is essential establish a deworming schedule

Among the products to combat and prevent tick infestation in dogs, there are tablets, pipettes, collars and aerosols There are also home remedies to remove ticks in dogs Removing ticks from the skin requires care, as the insect's jaw can stick to it and cause pain and infection. It is advisable to leave this task to the veterinarian.

Protected your dog and applied products to eliminate ticks at home, it's time to pay attention to the patio and garden.

How to remove ticks from the patio and garden? - How to remove ticks in dogs?
How to remove ticks from the patio and garden? - How to remove ticks in dogs?

Where to find ticks in your garden?

Ticks hide in cool and shady places, preferring those with some humidity. Patios often accumulate organic objects or debris, such as driftwood, mounds of dirt or sand, as well as areas where tools and other items are stored. Places of this kind are ideal for these insects to stay until they come across a possible host. For this reason, before spraying ticks it is necessary to:

  • Remove weeds and fallen leaves.
  • Mowing.
  • Prune trees to remove shade.
  • Dispose of wood and grass waste in sealable bags.
  • Perform a thorough cleaning of the car park, if any.

After this cleaning, it is possible to use insecticide for ticks. There are several products on the market, you must use them following the instructions included in the packaging. However, many of these options are toxic to pets and can even harm your plants. For this reason, we recommend using the natural tick repellents listed below.

How to remove ticks from the yard? - The best remedies

Some houses don't have a garden but a cement or tile patio can also accumulate ticks. They hide in the cracks or fissures of the ground and walls or bars. Although their chances of surviving for a long time in these spaces are slim, you and your animals are vulnerable to introducing them into your home without realizing it. Apply these remedies to remove ticks from the yard:

1. Baking soda to fumigate ticks

Baking soda is an alkaline pH household ingredient that can be found in homes. Its uses are multiple and among them is to fumigate ticks in the yard.

To apply this home remedy, dilute 2 tablespoons of baking soda in 3 liters of water and add rosemary and mint leaves, aromatic plants with insecticidal properties. Let sit for 2 hours and use the water to clean the tile floor. It is advisable to apply the remedy at the end of the afternoon to prevent the combination of baking soda and sun from damaging the plants.

How to remove ticks from the patio and garden? - 1. Bicarbonate to fumigate ticks
How to remove ticks from the patio and garden? - 1. Bicarbonate to fumigate ticks

two. Tea tree oil to repel ticks

The tea tree is a plant with antiseptic and antifungal properties that can be used to clean your patio. Thanks to its characteristics, it will eliminate possible fungi that may exist in cracks and fissures, ending the humid spaces that external parasites like.

How to get rid of ticks in the yard using the tea tree? Mix two liters of water with 100 milliliters of alcohol and 20 drops of tea tree oil. Use the preparation to scrub floors and the spaces of cement or tile of your patio. Of course, make sure to carry out this cleaning when your animals are inside the home to prevent them from ingesting the product.

3. Oleander, lemongrass and eucalyptus insecticide

Properly cleaning your patio is essential to ward off ticks, even better if you can use ecological and natural products. To do this, we recommend scrubbing floors and other spaces with this natural cleaner made from aromatic plants.

In a container with 4 liters of water place fresh leaves of oleander, lemongrass and eucalyptus and add a few slices of lemon. All these plants have insecticidal, bactericidal and fungicidal properties, so they are ideal for repelling ticks from the patio Let the preparation rest, strain the leaves and use the water to clean the floor or spray near the cracks and in the entrance of your house. The strong smell will keep ticks away.

Here are other homemade tick repellents suitable for use in gardens.

Remedies to remove ticks from the garden

As we mentioned, trees, leaves, and grass are great places for ticks to hide, so you need to apply tick insecticides. However, many of the commercial products are unsuitable for plants or toxic to animals and children. For this reason, we encourage you to learn about these natural remedies for ticks that keep them away without having to kill them.

1. Aromatic plants against ticks

Aromatic plants are a natural and non-invasive option to eliminate ticks from the patio and garden, since they work as an insecticide and repellent. We recommend you purchase lavender, mint, catnip, rosemary and spearmint plants In addition, catnip or catnip provides multiple benefits to cats, check them here: "Properties of catnip".

These plants will serve to prevent ticks from approaching your garden, use them in conjunction with other methods.

How to remove ticks from the patio and garden? - 1. Aromatic plants against ticks
How to remove ticks from the patio and garden? - 1. Aromatic plants against ticks

two. Diatomaceous earth, fertilizer and insecticide

Diatomaceous earth is made up of fossilized algae that bring many benefits to gardens. It is a fertilizer but it also works as an insecticide for ticks, spider flies, lice, mosquitoes, among others.

How to remove ticks from the yard and garden with diatomaceous earth? You should only mix with the soil in your garden without burying the fertilizer too deep. This will be enough for it to release its properties.

3. Garlic as a repellent for garden ticks

Garlic is fungicidal, antibacterial and insecticidal. In addition, it is an ideal homemade ingredient to use as a natural repellent for ticks. You have three ways to use it:

  • Remedy 1 to fumigate ticks in the garden: in a container with 10 liters of water, place half a kilo of crushed garlic, 1 kilo of chopped chili and 1 kilo of chopped onion. Add a splash of methylated spirits. Let stand for 48 hours, strain the water and spray the plants, being careful not to flood the roots. It is effective for troublesome infestations. Of course, apply the remedy when your animals are not around because some of these products are part of the list of prohibited foods for dogs.
  • Remedy 2 to fumigate ticks: in 3 liters of water, add 30 grams of crushed garlic and let stand for 12 hours. Strain the preparation and spray the plants, including the soil. Good for moderate infestations.
  • Garlic as a preventive method: plant garlic interspersed between your plants, it will keep ticks away.
How to remove ticks from the patio and garden? - 3. Garlic as a repellent for garden ticks
How to remove ticks from the patio and garden? - 3. Garlic as a repellent for garden ticks

4. Rosemary as an insecticide for ticks in the garden and patio

Among the homemade repellents for ticks is rosemary, an aromatic plant with a pungent odour. You can use it in two ways:

  • Homemade insecticide: Boil 50 grams of rosemary, dried or fresh, in two liters of water. Strain the preparation and spray your plants with it.
  • Home repellent: plant rosemary plants between trees and near street exits to prevent ticks from entering.
