TICKS on DOGS - How to Identify and ELIMINATE Them (Video)

TICKS on DOGS - How to Identify and ELIMINATE Them (Video)
TICKS on DOGS - How to Identify and ELIMINATE Them (Video)
Ticks on Dogs - How to Identify and Eliminate Them
Ticks on Dogs - How to Identify and Eliminate Them

The ticks are one of the most common and harmful external parasites for our pets. In addition to causing an annoying itch and generating an infection and irritation of the skin, these parasites are carriers of numerous diseases that can be transmitted to our dog through their bite.

To prevent this from happening and to know how to identify them in time, in this article on our site we tell you all the details about these parasites, from the different types that can attack our dog to how they adhere to him, how to find them in his body, eliminate them and prevent them from coming back. Keep reading and discover how to identify and remove ticks on dogs

Types of ticks in dogs

Like the mites that cause mange in dogs and cats, ticks are arachnids that live on the animal's skin to feed on its blood. In this way, we see how they are not part of the group of insects, as many pet owners mistakenly believe. In the field of biology, this type of external parasite that lives on the surface of another living being is known as ectoparasites

To differentiate the multiple species of ticks that exist, they are divided into two large families: hard (Ixodidae) and soft (Argasidae).

  • Within hard ticks, the most common genera that live on dogs are: Amblyomma, Dermacentor, Haemaphysalis, Hyalomma, Ixodes and Rhipicehpahlus, the latter being the most common of all because it lives in practically all regions of the world.

    To identify a hard tick we must look at the dorsal area of the parasite, where we will clearly see the presence of a shield or hard shellIn males, this shell covers the entire upper part of their body, while in females it only covers the area closest to the head.

  • As for soft ticks, the most common is the one called Otobius megnini. It is the one that usually settles in the ears of dogs and differs from the previous group mainly because it does not have a dorsal shell. Likewise, in this type of parasite it is not possible to differentiate the sex with the naked eye.

All tick species go through the same evolutionary phases throughout their lives after hatching: larva, nymph and adult. The only difference between one group and another is that the Argasidae family can go through several nymphal episodes before reaching the adult stage. In all its phases, the tick needs to feed on blood, so it can begin to stay in dogs from birth. In general, the larvae and nymphs tend to settle on the animal's back, while the adults prefer areas where the skin is thinner and, therefore, they can feed better, such as the neck, ears or between the fingers.

Ticks on dogs - How to identify and remove them - Types of ticks on dogs
Ticks on dogs - How to identify and remove them - Types of ticks on dogs

Tick bites in dogs

In order to understand how ticks bite and what their diet consists of, we must first know where these ectoparasites usually live and how they come to stay on the skin of our dogs. In this way, we will not only know how to identify a tick bite in dogs, but we will also be able to prevent it.

The season of the year and, therefore, the temperature at which we find ourselves are the key factor that determines the level of activity of this organism. In general, we identify as times of greatest activity those that range from the arrival of spring to autumn During the winter, most tick species choose to hibernate, only a minority is able to remain active throughout the year.

Ticks cannot fly or jump, so when they are not on the surface of a host body, they are in the I usually. Most of them survive in nature, in rural areas, in forests, in the countryside or even in gardens and parks with vegetation near urban fringes. In this way, when the dog passes through an area infested with these parasites, the tick accesses it through its legs, since, remember, they cannot jump. It begins to climb and go all over its body until it finds the ideal place to settle and start feeding.

Tick Feeding

Ticks of the Ixodidae family feed in two phases. The first of them lasts a week and can gain weight up to 10 times, while the second takes from 12 to 24 hours. In this second phase of faster feeding, the parasite can multiply its weight by 50. For their part, those of the Argasidae family only feed once, sucking enough blood to allow them to increase their weight up to 4 times. Thus, hard ticks tend to stay longer on the same body than soft ticks.

Ticks in dogs - How to identify and eliminate them - The tick bite in dogs
Ticks in dogs - How to identify and eliminate them - The tick bite in dogs

Symptoms of ticks in dogs

As we discussed in the previous section, adult ticks prefer those areas where the skin is thinner and they can access the blood more quickly, such as the neck, ears, groin or perianal area, or points that the dog cannot access to scratch, so these parts will be the first to examine if you suspect that your dog has ticks. Once the parasite is installed, it will pierce the skin to start feeding, causing a consequent hemorrhage that is easy to identify. Similarly, at the same time that it feeds, the tick introduces its saliva into the animal's body, a fact that causes serious consequences in its body. The saliva of these parasites is composed of toxins and molecules with analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant properties that reduce the capacity of the animal's immune system. In this way, the tick bite can cause the dog a paralysis or intoxication

In addition to the symptoms already mentioned, the most obvious that will indicate that our furry companion has a host in his body is itching. We will observe how continuously scratches vigorously, both with its paws and with its teeth to try to eliminate the parasite.

If the dog has tick bite allergy, in addition to the symptoms mentioned, it is very likely that it shows the inflamed area, a lump, eye redness, and breathing problems. This is a serious case that must be attended to as soon as possible.

So, now that you know how to tell if your dog has ticks, it's time to examine his whole body, especially if you've noticed that he scratches more intensely than usual, or you've seen any slightly swollen area as a result of the sting.

Diseases that ticks transmit to dogs

In addition to producing the above symptoms in the dog, through the inoculation of their saliva they can transfer a series of diseases to the animal, the following being the most common:

  • Canine Lyme Disease or Borreliosis, transmitted by one of the hard ticks, mainly causes inflammation of the joints, fever, lack of appetite, weakness and kidney problems among other symptoms.
  • Anaplasmosis, the main symptom is high fever and secondary symptoms are diarrhoea, vomiting, lack of appetite and paralysis in the swollen joints.
  • Babesiosis, a disease transmitted by Babesia-infected ticks that causes gradual anemia in the animal as the main symptom, as well as jaundice and fever.
  • Hepatozoonosis, parasitic pathology transmitted mainly by the Rhipicehpahlus tick, which causes hyperthermia, anemia, polyuria and produces problems of motor skills as main symptoms.
  • Anemia, in dogs with multiple ticks attached, acute anemia can occur.
  • Paralysis, a condition caused by the toxins that make up the tick's saliva. It usually shows the first signs two or three days after the parasite bite, starting with a general laziness of the animal and ending with complete paralysis if not treated in time.

If you suspect that your dog could suffer from any of these diseases, or another unnamed pathology, don't hesitate and Go to the vet as soon as possible Ticks are carriers of multiple diseases, so if you identify one on your body you should take your pet to a specialist to be examined.

Ticks in dogs - How to identify and eliminate them - Diseases that ticks transmit to dogs
Ticks in dogs - How to identify and eliminate them - Diseases that ticks transmit to dogs

How to remove ticks from dogs?

There are several products to eliminate ticks in dogs, both in puppies and in adult dogs. The veterinarian will choose the most recommended antiparasitic product depending on the age of the dog and its he alth.

Products to eliminate ticks in dogs

The most commonly used antiparasitic products to combat ticks in dogs are the following:

  • Pipettes: they are for topical use and are applied to the area of the withers to prevent the dog from licking the product. They serve to prevent infestations of fleas and ticks and to eliminate them from the dog's body if they are present. There are pipettes with a duration of one month, three months or six months. It is important to check that it does not contain chemical compounds. If you are looking for a good pipette for your dog, one option is to try the Disane pipettes for dogs, which have 30 days of protection, are 100% natural and cruelty-free, that is, they have not been tested on animals.
  • Tablets: they are ingested and it is possible to find them with double effect, that is, to combat both internal and external parasites. In general, these tablets last for a month, although there are also those with a shelf life of three months. Of course, it is important to keep in mind that the tablets that last three months are more aggressive than the monthly ones, so it should be the specialist who recommends opting for one or the other.
  • Collars: they are more effective as a preventive method than as a treatment in case of ticks in dogs. As with pipettes, as they are products that come into direct contact with our pet's skin, it is important to check that the collar is made of natural ingredients. An example, again, is the Disane antiparasitic collar, a collar without chemical pesticides to repel all kinds of insects. Being natural, it can be used in puppies older than 3 months, so it is also perfect for younger dogs.
  • Syrups: are also ingested and can be found to combat a wide spectrum of parasites, including both external and internal. The dose varies depending on the age and size of the dog.
  • Espray: it is for topical use, it is applied to the entire body of the animal, avoiding the eyes and mouth, and serves to prevent and fight fleas and ticks.

In general, for serious tick infestations in dogs, the use of topical antiparasitic products is usually chosen due to their rapid effect. Of course, we always recommend that a veterinarian assess which product is best and apply it in these more serious cases.

Medicines to eliminate ticks in dogs

There are no medications to remove ticks in dogs. When talking about tablets to remove ticks, reference is made to the tablets already mentioned. However, it is possible that the veterinarian decides to administer a drug if the dog has allergies to tick bites or symptoms of any of the diseases that these parasites transmit.

Ticks in dogs - How to identify and remove them - How to remove ticks in dogs?
Ticks in dogs - How to identify and remove them - How to remove ticks in dogs?

How to remove ticks on dogs?

In addition to the above products, especially if the dog has only one tick or the infestation is very light, there is the possibility of removing the parasites manually. Before biting the tick, the animal's body is searched for the best place to stay. In this way, before it bites, we can use a flea comb and comb all its fur several times. With this tool we will be able to catch both nymphs and adult ticks, not larvae, and eliminate them immediately to prevent our dog or ourselves from being bitten.

If, on the other hand, your dog already shows bite symptoms, the quickest way to identify it is manually. So, arm yourself with patience, look at the areas where your dog scratches continuously, accommodate him and start inspecting by feeling the skin against the grain in search of a parasite with an oval-rounded shape, between 30 mm and 1 cm and a half in size. Remember that depending on the type of tick, it can have hard or soft skin. If you discover between one and three, you can remove them by hand, but if you find a greater number, it is best to use products sent by the veterinarian.

How to manually remove ticks from dogs?

Once you have identified the tick on the dog, you must get some tweezers, grab the parasite as close to the mouth as possible possible and begin to pull gently, always upwards. Never do it abruptly or turn it, since you will only be able to remove one part of its body and leave the other attached to your dog, causing a greater infection. For more details, you can consult the following video which clearly shows how to remove a tick.

After removing the tick from our dog's body, it is essential to disinfect the area and go to a specialist so that he can examine the animal and determine if the parasite has given you any disease. Likewise, if our dog has many ticks attached to its body, it is best to take it to the veterinarian to apply the antiparasitic product that he considers appropriate, with the pipette being the treatment of choice for its rapid effectiveness.

Home remedies for ticks in dogs

There are some very effective natural products to remove ticks from your dog. Several of them are even suitable for puppies, so if you have just picked up a puppy from the street and you have noticed that he has these parasites, pay attention! One of the best is chamomile infusion, which can be applied all over the animal's body. The aroma it gives off is unbearable for ticks, so they will try to flee almost instantly.

Another home remedy against ticks in dogs is vinegar, white or apple. There are several ways to apply it:

  • You can mix it with your shampoo and bathe the dog with this mixture.
  • It can be mixed with water in equal parts and apply the solution on the animal's body, moistening a cloth with it.

Get to know all the remedies by consulting this article: "Home remedies to eliminate ticks in dogs".

Measures to prevent ticks in dogs

To prevent our dog from becoming the host of these annoying parasites, there are a number of products on the market that we must acquire and use:

  • Antiparasitic pipettes
  • Antiparasitic collars
  • Internal parasiticides
  • Shampoo, soaps and antiparasitic colognes

In addition to the above, there are some antiparasitic tablets that manage to protect dogs against external and internal parasites at the same time. It's called double monthly deworming. All these products must be purchased at veterinary clinics and used following the specialist's instructions. In the same way, once deworming has started using pipettes or internal antiparasitics, we must not interrupt the treatment unless the veterinarian so stipulates. On the other hand, we can opt for more natural options that do not alter or damage our dog's body. To do this, we advise you to consult our article on home remedies to deworm your dog. For now, there is no vaccine that works against these parasites.

In addition to using the products mentioned, we must pay special attention to the places that we frequent with our dog during the times of greatest activity of the parasites, trying to avoid those that may be infested by them. If you cannot avoid them, from our site we recommend purchasing a flea comb and combing the dog after the walk, in this way we will be able to catch the mite before producing the bite if it has accessed the body of our pet.

On the other hand, when bathing our dog with the antiparasitic shampoo, we can enhance its effects by mixing equal parts shampoo and apple cider vinegar, a natural product that both ticks and fleas hate. In this way, in addition to providing our dog's fur with extra shine and controlling body odour, we will be able to prevent our pet from having ticks
