On our site we want to offer you this time useful information about the scorpiofauna, specifically about how scorpions or scorpions reproduce These striking and interesting arachnids that have been on the planet for millions of years and of which more than two thousand species have been identified, have their own reproductive strategies which, like the rest of animals, are intended to guarantee the perpetuity of the species. In this sense, scorpions have been very effective, since they have been on Earth for so many years that they are considered prehistoric animals. Keep reading if you want to know more about the reproductive characteristics of scorpions or scorpions.
Scorpion or scorpion mating rituals
Before fertilization occurs, scorpion reproduction begins with a complex courtship process, which can last up to several hours. The males try to convince the female to accept the mating and, to do so, dance holding her pincerswith constant movements
During the process, these individuals may try to use their stingers, however, the male must always be very cautious, because if he is not, at the end of copulation, the female may devour him, especially if there is a food shortage in the area.
Courtship is similar in the different types of scorpions, which is made up of several phases or stages that have been studied. On the other hand, males and females do not usually cohabit, so they separate after mating. Some studies have shown that there are females that, even with young on top of their bodies, enter into a new courtship process with a male.
How many times do scorpions or scorpions mate?
In general, scorpions reproduce more than once a year, having several reproductive episodes during this time, which guarantees his survival. However, the environmental conditions and the specific place where mating occurs are very important for them to reproduce successfully.
Studies have shown that there are females of different scorpion species capable of giving birth repeatedly from a single insemination.

The fertilization of scorpions or scorpions
Male species of scorpions produce a structure or capsule called a spermatophore, in which spermare found. This is a common feature used by invertebrates to reproduce.
During the mating process, the male is the one who chooses the place where fertilization will take place, taking the female to the place that she has detected as the most suitable. Once there, the male deposits the spermatophore on the ground. While he is attached to the female, she will be the one to decide if she will take the capsule and insert it into her genital opening. Only if the latter occurs, fertilization will take place
The conditions of the place are important, so the male is careful when selecting it, since it depends on these conditions that the spermatophore remains optimal while it rests on the substrate until it is taken by the female.
Are scorpions viviparous or viviparous?
Scorpions are viviparous animals, which means that after fertilization of the female, the development of the embryo occurs inside her, depending on the mother until the moment of birth. In the case of scorpions, after birth, the young continue to depend on the mother, so they will be on her body for several weeks. Once the young develop their first moult, they will drop off the mother's body. Meanwhile, the newly hatched scorpions will feed by sucking on the tissue of their parent in order to obtain the nutrients they need.
How many scorpions are born from a female?
The number of young that a scorpion manages to have varies from one species to another, but on average they can give birth up to 100 small scorpions The offspring will continue to make successive changes in their bodies, which may be about five, at which time they will reach sexual maturity.
The gestation time of scorpions can be between several months and a year On the other hand, species of scorpions capable of to reproduce by parthenogenesis, that is, the mother can develop an embryo without needing to be fertilized.