How to scare away scorpions or scorpions?

How to scare away scorpions or scorpions?
How to scare away scorpions or scorpions?
How to drive away scorpions or scorpions?
How to drive away scorpions or scorpions?

Some animals have their habitats in places far from human populations; others, on the contrary, inhabit the same spaces as us. In many of these cases we have been the human beings who establish our populations where these living beings previously inhabited. Thus, we end up displacing these species from their natural environments, although sometimes they remain and cohabit with us in these environments.

When they are harmless and without any risk to people, no major complications are generated, but when they are poisonous, the situation changes, since fatal accidents can occur. On the other hand, in the face of this imminent danger, a collective fear is generated that can lead us to the indiscriminate hunting of these species, which translates into harm for this group of animals in particular. In this sense, scorpions are an emblematic example, therefore, on our site, we want to offer you an article with useful information on how to drive away scorpions or scorpions

Are all scorpions dangerous to people?

More than 3,000 deaths a year from scorpion stings are reported around the world, but it is important that you know that while these accidents can be fatal to people, there is only a small group that are actually poisonous to humans.

In fact, of the almost two thousand species of these animals that have been identified throughout the planet, only approximately 30 are lethal to us, which are practically concentrated in a family called Buthidae. In this sense, not all scorpions are dangerous for humanity, the vast majority have a poison that only affects insects, small rodents or lizards, of which Scorpions are frequently fed.

Where do scorpions enter houses?

Scorpions are animals that remain sheltered most of the time and come out of their hiding places when they need to feed, reproduce or feel threatened. By having this type of behavior, they prefer to hide under stones, trunks, inside cracks or even some are able to bury themselves.

Therefore, one of the ways they can enter houses is by being hidden among wood, soil for plants or some material that you can move inside the house. Also, when looking for food or shelter, they can use openings between doors, windows or cracks to get inside the house.

On the other hand, it is also very important to know where scorpions enter the house, as well as how to drive them away, for the good of our pets. If your dog has been stung by a scorpion, you may be interested in this article on What to do if my dog is stung by a scorpion.

How to drive away scorpions or scorpions? - How do scorpions enter houses?
How to drive away scorpions or scorpions? - How do scorpions enter houses?

How to fight scorpions naturally?

It is very important to bear in mind that you should not try to grab a scorpion with your hands for any reason, since although not all of them are poisonous for humans, this can only be verified by a professional who knows how to properly identify them.

If you are in an area where scorpions live, it is important to obtain some information about these animals, so a first action may be to document the types of scorpions that inhabit the place, so that you know more about their habits, since these aspects are generally reported by the researchers who study them. Then, you can implement some scorpions repelling strategies, including:

  • Debris: keep the surroundings of your house free from the accumulation of objects or debris that serve as a hiding place for scorpions.
  • Chimenea: if you have a fireplace at home, do not accumulate wood inside or near the house, and the one you use, have it so that it is not a place for these animals to take refuge easily.
  • Doors and windows: check that the doors and windows of the house do not have holes or openings through which scorpions can enter.
  • Protective meshes: you can place protective meshes on both doors and windows, so that, even if they are open, there is still a barrier that prevent the access of these arachnids.
  • Cracks and Gaps: Seal cracks or gaps that can be used as shelters.
  • Insects: Scorpions feed mainly on insects and small invertebrates, so by keeping your home free of these animals, you are limiting their food source. In this other article we explain how to get rid of flies, one of the most common insects in homes.
  • Lavender: Lavender for scorpions has been found to be effective as it is a natural repellent. Therefore, you can plant this plant on the perimeter of the place and even in specific internal points. It can also be helpful to dilute about 15 drops of lavender essential oil with a cup of water and spray around doors and windows using a spray bottle.
  • Cedro: Cedar is also a powerful natural repellent for scorpions. If possible, spread pieces of the trunk of this tree around the doors and as a substrate for the plants you have. You can also use cedar oil, diluting 15 drops in a cup of water and spraying it on doors and windows.

Maintaining control of scorpions or scorpions in the home is important, especially in those areas inhabited by species that can cause poisoning in people. However, we must bear in mind that all animals have the right to life, so the application of non-detrimental controls should be the priority options to implement practice. It is also necessary to remember that the excess of chemicals is currently a serious environmental problem, so its application must be minimized. On the other hand, when we cohabit with these animals, it is necessary to establish constant cleaning routines and check the places where they could hide.
