There are more than 1,000 species of scorpions in the world, also known as scorpions. They are characterized by being poisonous animals that have a body segmented into several metameres, large pincers and a striking stinger on the back of the body. They live practically all over the world under stones or tree trunks and feed on small animals such as insects or spiders.
Is the scorpion an insect?
Due to the small size and body structure divided into segments that these animals present, we can think that they are insects. However, although both are arthropods, scorpions are relatives of spiders, as they belong to the Arachnida class of the chelicerate subphylum. These are characterized by the presence of chelicerae and the absence of antennae. On the contrary, insects belong to the class Insecta, which is included within the subphylum of hexapods and lack these characteristics of chelicerates. Therefore, we can affirm that the scorpion is not an insect, it is an arachnid
Origin of the scorpion
Fossil data suggests that scorpions or scorpions appeared as aquatic forms about 400 million years ago and later conquered the terrestrial environment. In addition, the position of the lungs of these arthropods is similar to the position of the gills of the eurypterids, chelicerate animals that are now extinct from the marine habitat and from which some authors believe that the current terrestrial scorpions derive.
Anatomy of the scorpion or scorpion
Focusing now on the characteristics of scorpions regarding their anatomy and morphology, we can say that scorpions have a body divided into two regions: the prosomaor anterior region and the opistosoma or posterior region, formed by a set of segments or metameres. In the latter two parts can also be distinguished: the mesosoma and the metasoma. However, as a whole, the body length of scorpions can vary from a few millimeters to more than 10 centimeters, depending on the species.
In the prosoma they present a carapace where there are two central ocelli (simple eyes) together with 2-5 pairs of lateral ocelli. Thus, scorpions can have from two to 10 eyes. This region also contains the animal's appendages, which consist of a pair of chelicerae or mouthparts, a pair of pedipalps clamped ends and eight walking legs
In the mesosome area is the genital operculum, consisting of a pair of plates that hide the genital opening. Behind said operculum is the pectiferous plate, which acts as a point of union for the combs, structures of scorpions with chemoreceptor and tactile function. In the mesosome there are also 8 stigmata or respiratory openings that correspond to the book lungs of the animal. Thus, scorpions carry out pulmonary respiration. Likewise, the digestive system of scorpions is found in the mesosoma.
The metasoma is made up of very narrow metamers forming a kind of ring at the end of which is a venom vesicleThis ends in a sting, characteristic of scorpions, into which the gland that produces the poisonous substance ends. Meet the most poisonous Scorpions in the world in this other article.

Scorpion or scorpion behavior
The characteristics of scorpions are not only focused on their physical appearance, but also on their behavior. These animals are generally nocturnal, since they prefer to go out foraging at night and be more inactive during the day, which allows them to lose less water and better temperature maintenance.
As for the dangerousness of scorpions is variable because it depends on the species. While some specimens are more peaceful and defend themselves only in case of being attacked, others are more aggressive and have more powerful neurotoxic venoms capable of causing great damage to those who come into contact with them. This is the case of the black-tailed scorpion (Androctonus bicolor), capable of causing respiratory arrest and death in a human being with its sting.
Their behavior when reproducing is also striking, as they carry out a kind of nuptial dance between the male and the female very characteristic. Firstly, the male places a spermatophore with sperm on the ground and, later, holding on to the female, pulls her to place her on top of the spermatophore. To conclude, the male pushes the female down to exert pressure on the spermatophore and it opens allowing the sperm to enter the female.
Where do scorpions or scorpions live?
The habitat of scorpions is very diverse, since they can be found from areas with great vegetation to very arid places, but always hidden under stones and logsduring the day, this being another of the most representative characteristics of the scorpions. They inhabit virtually all continents except places where temperatures are extremely cold. In this way, we find species such as Euscorpius flavicaudis that inhabits the African continent and southern Europe or species such as Superstitionia donensis that is found in different countries of America.
Other curiosities about scorpions
Now that you know the main characteristics of scorpions, these other curious facts that you may also find very interesting:
- They can live up to 15 years approximately, although there are always cases in which they can last a few more years.
- In certain countries like Mexico these animals are known as “scorpions”. However, they refer to scorpions, as both terms mean the same thing. In fact, in different regions of the same country, small scorpions are also called scorpions.
- They are ovoviviparous or viviparous and the number of offspring varies between 1 and 100. After these hatch, the adult scorpions give them parental care.
- They mainly use their large pincers to hunt their prey. The injection of the poison through its stingers is mainly used in cases of defense or capture of more difficult prey.
- They feed Mainly Insects, spiders and other small invertebrates.
- In some countries like China, these arthropods are consumed by humans, since there is also the belief that they are medicinal.