How to heal wounds on the paw pads of dogs? - Natural medicine

How to heal wounds on the paw pads of dogs? - Natural medicine
How to heal wounds on the paw pads of dogs? - Natural medicine
How to heal wounds on the pads of dogs?
How to heal wounds on the pads of dogs?

Dog pads perform functions similar to the soles of our feet, providing protection to the paws and cushioning to the body during movements. The skin of this region is thicker and more resistant than that of the body, precisely to withstand the impact and erosion caused by direct contact with the ground. However, the pads can also have lesions, cracks, cysts and various wounds.

Does your dog constantly lick or bite his paws? Well, this may be a symptom that he has wounds on his pads. It is important to know how to recognize these injuries early to prevent them from becoming infected and harming the he alth of your best friend. Of course, we remember the importance of going to the vet when observing any alteration in the legs of your furry to diagnose the cause of this problem and establish an appropriate treatment. However, in this article on our site, we teach you how to treat dog paw wounds

Why do dogs develop sores on their pads?

Usually, wounds on the paw pads of dogs are caused by contact with foreign bodies or unfavorable ground conditions. During a walk or carelessness at home, your dog can step on a piece of glass or other sharp debris In addition, rocky terrain or simple sharp stones can also cause injuries to their pads.

Contact with excessively hot or cold surfaces can cause burns on our dogs' pads. Therefore, we must be very careful when walking with our furry ones during the sunniest days or when there is a lot of snow or ice on the street. Remember that certain surfaces, such as cement, absorb heat and raise very high temperatures thanks to the direct incidence of sunlight.

On the other hand, if the dog exerts too much effort or practices exercises for a long time, this generates high friction between the pads and the soil, resulting in an erosive process. As a consequence, wounds and cracks may appear on the legs, which can deepen if the dog continues to exercise intensely. In addition, dogs that suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder or develop certain stereotypies, such as obsessively licking and biting themselves, can self-mutilate, causing injuries to the legs, tail or other regions of the body.

How to heal wounds on the pads of dogs? - Why do dogs develop wounds on their pads?
How to heal wounds on the pads of dogs? - Why do dogs develop wounds on their pads?

How do I know if my dog has wounds on the pads?

The easiest way to know if your dog has wounds on the pads is, of course, to check their paws periodically. It is very important that you observe if your dog has cracked, open, raised, reddened pad skinor raw.

There are also other signs that may indicate an injury to your dog's paw pads and we summarize them below:

  • Biting or licking pads.
  • Difficulty walking or limp.
  • Let one of the legs rest on the ground.
  • Redness or blood on the paws.
How to heal wounds on the pads of dogs? - How do I know if my dog has wounds on the pads?
How to heal wounds on the pads of dogs? - How do I know if my dog has wounds on the pads?

What to do to heal wounds on dogs' paw pads?

When you identify a wound or notice that your dog's pads are cracked or hardened, it is very important that you go to the vet Although Since most injuries derive from accidents or burns, it is essential to rule out pathological causes, since some conditions, such as hyperkeratosis or pododermatitis, can cause alterations and ulcers in the skin of the pads. In addition, if the skin of the dog's pads is raised, has deep wounds, raw or burns, veterinary attention will be essential to verify the need for suturing or establish a specific and effective treatment.

When verifying that they are wounds or superficial cuts, the veterinarian may prescribe some healing ointment for the dog's pads or gel for burns that you must use to heal them. Next, we tell you the step by step to clean and disinfect your dog's pad wounds at home, allowing a good healing process:

  1. Wash the wound only with plenty of clean, lukewarm water to remove impurities and be able to observe the progress of healing;
  2. At the end of the wash, it is important that you remove the hairs that grow on the skin of the pads. The concentration of hair favors the accumulation of moisture and the proliferation of microorganisms in this region, impairing proper healing;
  3. Apply hydrogen peroxide and dry gently with a clean, dry gauze pad.
  4. You can use diluted iodine or veterinary chlorhexidine digluconate (available as gel or spray).
  5. Put healing ointments or gel for burns (as long as they have been prescribed by the veterinarian).
  6. In general, the ideal is to let the wounds close without covering them, to help them dry and avoid the accumulation of humidity in the region, which facilitates the proliferation of microorganisms. However, as the pads are in constant contact with the ground and various impurities, it is best to make a bandage to protect the region and change it 1 to 2 times per day. Remember to use sterile gauze and hypoallergenic tape.
  7. If you have to go out and you will not be able to watch your dog, it is advisable to put a Elizabethan collar on him to prevent him from removing the bandage, lick or bite wounds, impairing the healing process.

How long does it take for a dog's paw pads to heal?

We cannot indicate a specific time for the healing of wounds in the paw pads of dogs, since this process will depend on the type of wound, its depth and the care we provide to the animal. Thus, injuries to the dog's pads can take anywhere from one or two weeks to months to heal. If the dog's pad is raw or open, it will take longer to heal than if it is only slightly cracked.

To speed up its healing, in addition to applying the treatment stipulated by the veterinarian and provided that the specialist approves it, you can apply the home remedies to cure the pads of dogs that we share below.

Home remedies to cure dog pads

As a complement to veterinary treatment, and as long as the specialist approves it, we can apply one or more of the natural remedies to cure dogs' paw pads:

Coconut Oil and Vitamin E

Coconut oil offers numerous he alth benefits for our dogs. It has soothing, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, moisturizing and regenerating properties. To enhance these properties, mix 50 ml of coconut oil with 1 capsule of vitamin E, obtaining an excellent home remedy to cure burns in dogs. After mixing the two oils well, you can apply a thin layer of the solution on your dog's injury and bandage it.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is one of the best home remedies to heal wounds in dogs thanks to its antiseptic, healing, analgesic, moisturizing and regenerating properties. Again, we emphasize the importance of consulting your trusted veterinarian before applying any product to your furry's skin. If the professional considers the use of homemade solutions appropriate, you can extract the pulp of an aloe vera leaf and apply it to the pads of your furry to heal cracks and injuries, as well as to prevent them. Remember to clean the wound well before applying aloe vera and bandage it afterwards with clean gauze and hypoallergenic tape.


In addition to being a delicious and nutritious food, honey has soothing, antibacterial, antiseptic and healing properties, since it stimulates the regeneration of the epithelium and granular tissue. You can benefit from these properties to heal ulcers, burns and wounds on the pads of dogs, without forgetting to consult the veterinarian beforehand. If the professional considers it appropriate to use honey as a healing agent, you can apply a thin layer of pure honey on the injury, after cleaning it properly, and make a bandage to protect the region. Remember to use good quality, pure honey and not “honey-based foods”.

Lavender oil

Lavender oil stimulates skin regeneration and has antibacterial properties, making it an excellent home remedy to heal sores. dogs from burns. You can make your own homemade lavender oil from dried lavender flowers. The preparation is very simple: heat 1 cup of olive, coconut or almond oil, without letting it boil. Then, add ½ cup of dried lavender flowers and let it macerate for 5 or 6 hours. Then, strain the preparation and you can now apply a few drops of homemade lavender oil on the dog's wound. Remember to bandage the healing well to prevent the dog from biting the leg or ingesting the oil.

Sugar paste

Sugar is a practical and economical option to help wound healing in dogs. Its properties help dry the lesions and absorb excess moisture in the affected region, reduce edema, act as a bactericide and enhance cell regeneration. Nowadays, you can find industrialized sugar paste, but it is best to make it at home, without additives and preservatives. To prepare it, heat 100 ml of clean water and remove from heat when it starts to boil. Immediately add 250 g sugar and mix until completely dissolved in the hot water. Wait for the paste to cool down before applying it to the wounds to avoid burns. Then cover the wound with a thin layer of sugar paste and bandage.

How to heal wounds on the pads of dogs? - Home remedies to cure dog pads
How to heal wounds on the pads of dogs? - Home remedies to cure dog pads

How to prevent wounds on the paw pads of dogs?

As important as knowing how to care for your dog's paw pads is understanding the importance of preventing damage to this region. To do this, the first thing you should do is not take your dog for a walk in places with rubble, garbage or other types of waste It is also advisable to avoid rocky terrain or with very hard soils or with loose stones.

Other essential care when taking them for a walk is to observe the weather and avoid going out during the hottest or coldest hoursIf we are in summer and the temperatures are high, we must try to respect the safety hours for sun exposure: before 9 a.m. and after 4 p.m. On the contrary, in winter, in the early hours of the morning and at night, temperatures are usually very low. In addition, you can try using special boots for dogs that allow you to protect the pads from the cold and debris on the ground.

To help strengthen your furry's pads, you can also consult your veterinarian about the use of specific creams that form a protective layer on the pads and reduce the impact of rubbing against the ground.
