What do PARROTS EAT? - Food and care

What do PARROTS EAT? - Food and care
What do PARROTS EAT? - Food and care
What do parrots eat?
What do parrots eat?

Parrots are one of the most popular birds in homes anywhere in the world, being a highly appreciated and respected pet by those who share a home with them. Of course, before adopting a parrot it is convenient to check the CITES agreement, to see if keeping it as a pet is legal.

One of the most important aspects in caring for parrots is their diet. Do you know what parrots eat? It is difficult to establish a guideline that is valid for everyone, given the large number of species that we find in that category of the animal world. But in this article on our site, we will try to resolve all doubts about feeding parrots, both in freedom and at home.

Caring for parrots

If we have a parrot as a pet, we must pay certain attention to it. The first and foremost is to provide them with a clean and tidy environment To do this, daily cleaning of the cage (which must meet a series of requirements) or space is recommended. in which we have the animal, in addition to its perches, its toys… In the same way, it is essential to maintain the animal itself, which must be clean and dewormed.

It is essential to monitor the condition of our parrot's beak, as it continues to grow throughout its life. If there is insufficient wear and tear, it may require polishing and trimming, preferably by a veterinary professional. To favor the wear of a parrot's beak and avoid disproportionate growth, it is recommended to leave elements and toys in its cage with which they can file their beak and nails themselves. Some appropriate toys for this are natural woods or cardboard.

For more information, we encourage you to watch the video attached below on the care of the nymphs, one of the parrots most popular small.

Are parrots omnivores?

Although it may seem shocking, parrots are omnivores, because although the diet of parrots is fundamentally based on the intake of plant-based foods, they can also eat animal-based foods. It should be noted that when talking about parrots, a large number of species is collected (more than 350)[1], each one with its peculiarities that, of course, affect its diet.

But broadly speaking, the vast majority of birds that are categorized as parrots, including lovebirds, cockatoos or macaws, are omnivorous animals, since they consume large amounts of fruit, vegetables and seeds, but also small invertebrates, such as insects.

Where do parrots live?

Wild parrots inhabit regions of warm climate throughout the globe. They are scattered throughout various territories of Central and South America, Australia, South Asia and Africa, where an immense variety of species adapted to various habitats are concentrated. Therefore, the diet of the wild parrot will depend largely on the resources available in its habitat, as we will see below.

What do wild parrots that live in the wild eat?

A wild parrot feeds by adapting to the resources present in the environment in which it lives. They mainly survive by eating:

  • Fruit.
  • Flowers.
  • Fresh vegetables.
  • Grain.
  • Seeds.
  • Insects.
  • Small invertebrates.

However, experts highlight the great preference of parrots for eating seeds and nuts, since they are really delicious and highly nutritious, giving them energy to continue foraging in the wild.

What do parrots eat in the jungle?

In the jungle, parrots have at their disposal a wide variety of foods, as they can consume a wide variety of plants. There are countless species of flowers, fruit trees, insects… so the diet of a jungle parrot stands out for its versatility.

In general, like other parrots, they feed largely on the seeds and plants that they have at their disposal, as well as of different insect species.

What do baby parrots eat?

As happens with the puppies and young of practically any animal species, they need a specific diet and different from that of a adult of the same species.

In the case of baby parrots, they can be occasionally fed with homemade fruit purees, but only when emergency. The most recommended and he althy thing to do is to resort to specifically prepared preparations to meet the needs of baby parrots.

These pastas contain a high percentage of protein, very important for the correct development of the offspring. You can buy them at veterinary centers or stores specializing in animal products. Although the packaging indicates the specific way of preparation, they are prepared by mixing the pasta with warm water previously boiled or purified (thus eliminating the chlorine) and the necessary portions for each intake must be prepared, which are producedevery 2-3 hours approximately.

To know how often to feed them, it's best to follow their own instinct, because when they feel hungry they'll start to chirp. The paste should be creamy, neither too liquid nor too thick, otherwise the little parrot will not be able to swallow it properly. For more details, we recommend reading this article: Feeding and caring for baby food step by step.

What do parrots eat? - What do baby parrots eat?
What do parrots eat? - What do baby parrots eat?

Feeding domestic parrots

In the case of domestic parrots, which do not include all species, since many are protected and their possession is legally prohibited, we have to take into account a series of data. At home, it is best to provide our parrot with a controlled and very varied diet.

It is important that it be balanced, because most of them are tend to overeat, which is why they develop overweight and obesity, which are very harmful to your he alth. This is especially common when they have at their disposal more foods that are particularly appetizing, such as certain nuts.

In general, the daily diet of domestic parrots should be divided as follows: 75% fruits and vegetables, 20 % of feed and only 5% of it should be made up of prizes and rewards, as we see in this complete article on fruits and vegetables for parrots.

What do different kinds of parrots eat?

Now, depending on the type of parrot, as well as its size, its diet will vary slightly.

What do gray parrots eat?

In the case of gray parrots, the proportions change a bit with respect to the generic ones that we gave you in the previous section, since it is estimated that the ideals are:

  • 60% feed.
  • 30% vegetables and fruits.
  • 10% seeds and legumes (preferably cooked or sprouted).

What do Australian parrots eat?

Australian parrots, better known as Budgies, have a diet similar to the generic one mentioned above. In captivity, that is, as a pet, experts recommend feeding them based on seeds (such as canary seed, millet or oats), supplementing this with the intake of vegetables, recommending some specific ones such as carrots, broccoli, cucumber or Swiss chard, given the benefits they provide, and fruits, although the latter more occasionally.

Also, it should be noted that in the case of budgerigars, grapefruit is toxic to them On the contrary, something very recommended is to administer breeding paste, being adults, at two times, such as the times when temperatures become very cold and the breeding season, since in these cases they need more protein and energy intake.

What do small parrots eat?

This category includes small parrots, such as lovebirds, which barely measure 4-7 centimeters from head to tail and weigh approximately 50 grams. Other examples are lories and parakeets. Lories, for example, feed exclusively on nectar and pollen, having a nectarivorous diet.

In captivity, these animals must be fed (except in the case of lories, which have specific preparations) with feed specifically designed for small parrots. In this case, the amount to be provided is indicated based on the size of the animal, since logically a small parrot does not need the same energy intake as a large one. But in essence, the basis of the diet remains exactly the same, seeds and vegetables

What do green parrots eat?

The green parrot is one of the most frequent parrots in homes, so it is important to know its specific nutritional requirements. In fact, many experts argue that feeding them with quality commercial preparations is enough, providing extra minerals and vitamins with supplements of green leafy vegetables, such as cabbage or Swiss chard, as well as fruit occasionally.

In this way adequate nutrition is achieved, similar to what these animals do in the wild, although in this case they do so based on roots, seeds and insects.

What do parrots eat? - What do different types of parrots eat?
What do parrots eat? - What do different types of parrots eat?

Prohibited food for parrots

As we have already mentioned, the diet of parrots is very varied, and may include an immense diversity of foods. However, there are certain foods that should never be fed to a parrot as they are potentially harmful and even lethal in certain amounts. Foods strictly prohibited in any type of parrot are:

  • Refreshments.
  • Alcoholic drinks.
  • Juices.
  • Coffee.
  • S alt.
  • Cacao or chocolate.
  • Sugar and candy.
  • Dairy products.
  • Fish.
  • Meat.
  • Fried.
  • Foods that contain flavorings or dyes.
  • Conserves and spices.

Perhaps so far, knowing that their diet must be based on the most natural foods possible, it is common sense that the above are harmful to them, but there are others that canappear to be good but are equally harmful are:

  • Garlic.
  • Onion.
  • Eggplant.
  • Avocado.
  • Raw tubers.
  • Fruit seeds, such as pears or apples.

For more information, you can consult this other article on our site on Forbidden Foods for Parrots, where we talk in more detail about what parrots can and cannot eat, as well as the symptoms of food poisoning. parrots.
